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My Ex Girlfriend Stares At Me When I'm Not Looking (What Does It Mean When Your Ex Always Stares At You)

Are you scratching your head in wonderment, saying my ex girlfriend stares at me when I'm not looking? The one and only question on your mind lately is what does it mean when your ex always stares at you. Here are some tips for you to win her back.

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

You're wondering how to tell if your ex girlfriend may want you back. You hope each and every day that the phone will ring and it will be her telling you that she just can't live without you. It hasn't happened yet but you're not about to give up hope too easily. The love you feel for her hasn't changed since the day you two ended your relationship. You miss her and you wish with everything that she felt the same way you do. She might. There are ways to tell that she wants to get back together with you too.

If you're wondering how to tell if your ex girlfriend may want you back consider how often she's reaching out to talk to you. Don't take into account all the times you are calling her or sending her a text message or email. Instead, just consider how frequently she's the one initiating contact with you. If it's at least once a week, she's definitely still feeling an emotional attachment to you. She's keeping in touch because it's important to her to keep the lines of communication open with you. Don't overlook this as her way of being friendly. It's not. There's much more to it than that.

You can also get a glimpse into her heart by her interest in your current dating status. We've all been through at least one welcomed break up when we were grateful that the relationship was over. In that case you really don't care if your ex falls in love and gets married a week after the break up. You're just glad the relationship and all the stress that went with it is behind you. That's why it's so telling if your ex girlfriend has been showing an interest in whether or not you're dating someone new. She's trying to survey her competition and is also curious about whether you're over her already.

Does your ex still apologize for things that she did wrong during the time you two were together? We all hope to leave the past in the past when it is a constant reminder of our mistakes. However, if you're a woman who is trying to right a wrong that you made that resulted in you losing the man you love, you're going to do whatever it takes to fix that. Your girlfriend may be suffering from pangs of guilt over her role in the break up. Talk to her about what she's feeling and listen to her concerns. It may just be a window into what is really going on in her heart. If she's still torn up about what went wrong, it clearly means she wishes things had turned out differently.

4 Compelling Steps to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

So you have either broken up or have been dumped by your ex girlfriend. Now you want to get your ex girlfriend back and that's already a sign that you generally have trouble maintaining a relationship. If you were the one who had broken up the relationship, you have to ask yourself how dumb of a move it was for you to put yourself in this position. It's always baffling to me how people do not realize their true love standing right in front of them until they are gone.

If you have been dumped, then trust me the signs of trouble were everywhere. You had either failed to notice them or maybe you knew exactly what needed mending, but you never did anything about it. Here's the good news though, nearly all broken up couples can get back together after a breakup. The first step to get your ex girlfriend back is to figure out exactly what went wrong in your relationship that resulted in a breakup.

Everyone deals with problems in different manners. While some girls have no problem telling you exactly what your problems are, some girls are not so good at getting their point across. If your ex girlfriend is still talking to you on a regular basis, then you are in luck, but you need to make a habit of listening more and talking less. If she's no longer talking to you though, it's still not the end of the world. Based on your experience with your ex girlfriend, you have more than enough information to sort through the mistakes you may have made.

The second step is to understand and appeal to her emotional needs. Women are more emotionally in tuned with themselves than men and this often creates a gap of the emotional support each person may require. Some boyfriends could do more with verbal affirmations, some lack the physical affection (selfish lover), some men should do better at remembering anniversaries let alone celebrating them, and some men should do all of the above better. The point is to always keep her emotionally wealthy when she is with you and I promise you, she will not disappoint either.

The third step to get your ex girlfriend back is to never cheat on your girlfriend. This may seem too obvious but bear with me for a moment. You see, you can cheat on a woman on many different levels. A simple but very effective example would be the secret porn stash most men keep with them. If you hadn't known, this is a form of cheating for most women. Some women may pretend this to be a non-issue, but you'd be a fool to believe them.

Be mindful of who you look at and how you are looking at them. I've seen too many men stare freely at an attractive woman as if their girlfriend weren't standing right next to them. Even if you are not cheating physically, some men are complement whores and they just can't get enough of sweet talking every women, that including their girlfriend's friends. So keep it simple, don't cheat on your girlfriend.

The fourth step is to support her with anything that she may need. If you are still sharing an apartment with your girlfriend, then keep the place nice and show her that you can be responsible around the house. Offer her a ride to work but make sure you offer it as a friend. Let her know you don't need anything in return for your kindness and this will help build trust. Tell her you still love her but without actually saying it.

Mending a relationship is not so hard as long as you are willing to take the steps required to get your ex girlfriend back. Be matured, loving, caring, responsible, and most of all be respectful. With a little patience on your part, the four steps outlined here will help you get your ex girlfriend back and have them back for good this time.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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    KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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