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It’s Time to Dump Her and Move On

Actionable advice.

By Mikey MillPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
It’s Time to Dump Her and Move On
Photo by Stefano Intintoli on Unsplash

Sometimes the hardest part is choosing yourself. Especially when you can't imagine living without someone who has become a part of your life, a part of you. Therefore, you cling to relationships that have long since died. The most offensive thing is that you know about it, but let it be - it doesn't work.

You invested a lot of time and energy in the relationship, you want her to be happy, but you also know that you are driving on a unique path - your partner does not feel the same as you. If not at all - something feels

Giving up a relationship is always difficult. What to do with this? Just don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to give up the wrong relationship. Sometimes you want to be so happy that you fool yourself and attract the happiness that doesn't exist in your imagination.

At the same time, you are wasting your time and wasting precious energy on someone you don't deserve. And in the end, the universe has a better plan for you, so why not listen to your heart? You deserve more, you deserve happiness and true joy after all!

The mere desire to be with someone and to work diligently in a relationship is not enough. Some people are not for you. They think they feel, they see the world in a completely different way. How long can you pretend to believe in their empty promises?

Learn to give up relationships that no longer suit you. It's not your fault that everything turned out that way. It is just a life lesson designed to teach you to value yourself more, respect yourself, and love yourself.

Some relationships are given to us to learn some lessons. Usually, you get the greatest gift of your life when you finally decide to close the door to evil and pain and let goodness and happiness come in.

Some relationships only teach you to understand your true worth. And the most important thing you get out of them is when you release yourself and say goodbye.

He finally takes off his pink glasses and looks at the real world. Your ground floor or your partner is beautiful. But your relationship is not. It's time to break up and move on.

Indeed, in your depth, you know very well whether a person is right for you or not. If doubts erode you and you hesitate, this is a sign. A sign that you are in a relationship that does not suit you. In which you are not appreciated or respected. Let him go - this is the only right decision!

In a healthy relationship, you don't have to guess how the other person feels about you or how seriously they perceive you. You don't always have to be the first to call, write, and remind them of your existence. Because you are very dear to him too, and the time spent together is just a joy.

Giving up a relationship is scary right until the moment you do it. As soon as it's all over - you'll breathe a sigh of relief and say, "Well, why was I so scared?" You will feel an enormous relief - as if a stone had been taken out of your soul. You will find that you are much stronger than you imagined. Because letting go means staying true to yourself.

Alignment comes honestly - the moment you stop being wrong. What gives you deception, how long can you live from illusions? After all, it still hurts. Why do you need this?

And this applies not only in romantic relationships but in all relationships with people who do not love and respect you.

After all, you've come across this several times: when one of your friends constantly supports and encourages the other, and he takes it for granted? Or, when there are problems and difficulties in your life, and your partner is again too immersed in his world to notice this, not to mention help and support.

Take care of those relationships in which you are sincerely appreciated, respected, and cared for. Stay true to yourself and your real needs. No sense in telling you now - I don't wanna ruin the surprise.


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    MMWritten by Mikey Mill

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