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You Become What You Think About the Most

The power of thought

By Mikey MillPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
You Become What You Think About the Most
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

"You will become what you think about the most; all your successes and failures depend on how you program yourself, how you perceive advice from the outside, and what you say when you engage in a dialogue with yourself, "said Shad Helmstetter.

"What to say when you talk to yourself."

If you think about it, you will never talk to anyone more than you talk to yourself and that is why you should be kinder to yourself.

So what is your real relationship with your "self"?

You see, any of your processes of interaction with others begin in your head, and your inner state has an echo throughout your outer world. Therefore, if you are unhappy with your relationship, then you need to study your thoughts, which will allow you to see how you relate to yourself.

For example, do you know about the mental chatter that your mind is constantly busy with? What are your thoughts? It is important to know their basic nature.

Thinking is what you get used to at a very young age, and you may not notice that your thoughts are negative until this negativity manifests itself in your reality.

I'm going to tell you about an example from my life. In the supermarket in my area there is a cashier who, you could say, is already old. She often becomes an involuntary listener to his conversations with clients. So, the main topic of these conversations is his sore shoulder, so most of the time, he asks the visitors of the store to pack the products bought in packages.

When he works an eight-hour shift, he manages to talk to at least seventy clients about his illness. What you think about yourself is what you say to other people.

At some point, this cashier can't believe that his body is healthy, and his constant discussions about his health are a way to confirm his thoughts and beliefs.

As the saying goes: "What you have inside you represent and outside". What do you think affects the ripple effect of both your life and the lives of other people.

The cashier's thoughts, no matter how negative, are a statement of his subconscious. On the one hand, it is not bad that he does not hesitate to seek sympathy from others, but it would be better if he stopped talking about his pain and poor health and sent his thoughts in a more positive direction.

Maybe something similar is happening in your life, but you just don't realize it? And it may not necessarily be about health. For example, your negative thoughts may be about your financial background, relationships, or career. So be careful.

Become your therapist

"The brain simply believes in what you tell it most often and creates it. He just has no choice. "- Shad Helmstetter.

Your days are divided into minutes. Therefore, only a few take the time to understand your thoughts independently, writing them down on paper. This is a really important activity that allows you to draw a "portrait" of what is recently maturing in your mind.

Recording thoughts is a simple action that can be done in the morning or the evening and that will allow you to better understand yourself. As a result, you will be able to eliminate thoughts that are not conducive to your well-being in life.

Are you ready to devote time and energy to this occupation? I can assure you that the time you invest in yourself will come back ten times.

Psychologist Dr. Shad Helmstetter explains that you should tell yourself while conducting an internal dialogue that how your conversation with yourself, due to its power of thought, can help you overcome negative programming: "Talking to you is a way to reconfigure your negative attitudes from the past by eliminating or replacing them with new, positive programs. Talking to yourself is a practical way to live your life with an active intention, not a passive acceptance. "

There is nothing more important than developing a relationship with yourself. Even if you have had negative experiences in the past, you can still decide if you want to be a victim of your problems or if you want to get along better.

Many people justify themselves by a difficult childhood, full of loneliness and physical or psychological abuse. But in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to what you missed during the years of growth.

If you have not gained love, kindness, and compassion during this time, you should cultivate these qualities in yourself as an adult.

You must become your therapist by sowing the seeds of compassion, forgiveness, and running, for self-love is the soil that will always remain fertile.

The dialogue you have with yourself can be reconfigured if you are ready to eliminate destructive thoughts. This is great and constant work, because taking care of your inner landscape is, in fact, an act of love for yourself.

Working with thoughts can be likened to uprooting weeds in a garden in the name of its future prosperity. If you do not fight the weeds, they will cause enormous damage to the cultivated plants. So you have to be very careful about your way of thinking!

Get rid of thoughts that are not conducive to your transformation into a personality that you would like to become and cultivate those that can lead you on a new, brighter path.

In the end, what you say to yourself is reflected not only in your relationships with your personality but also in your relationships with other people.

"What you have inside, you represent outside" is more than a common saying, it is great wisdom that can change your life.


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    MMWritten by Mikey Mill

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