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I Broke Up With My Boyfriend But I Still Love Him (I Broke Up With Him But Now I Miss Him)

Are you thinking, I broke up with my boyfriend but I still love him, what do I do? If so, you may be experiencing pain over losing him. Everyone makes mistakes at some point in their lives. Many of us make mistakes in our love lives. If you are saying I broke up with him but now I miss him, there are a few steps you'll need to take to get him back into your life.

By Fatima MaciPublished about a year ago 6 min read
I Broke Up With My Boyfriend But I Still Love Him (I Broke Up With Him But Now I Miss Him)
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Breakups are hard to deal with, especially if you have been with someone that you cared about. You may have even invested a lot emotionally, physically and even financially in the relationship. Breakups are hard, even you were the one who called it quits.

You have called it quits with your partner, but now you are realizing that you actually broke up with someone that you really want to be with. You made a mistake, you did not want to actually break up, it was a moment of confusion on your part and you had doubts about the relationship.

If you are in that situation, here is my advice to you:

• Try to keep the communication lines with you and your ex open. If you handled the breakup badly, you need to understand that your ex may still be hurt, and they might not be in the best place right now to want to be talking to you.

• Do not play the jealous game on your ex, because it really could backfire on you. If there is a real chance that you can be together again with your ex, the fact that you dated their friend will always hurt your ex, and sometimes it can even mess up the relationship to the point where they actually decide they cannot be with you as a result of that.

• Make it clear to your ex that you made a mistake, that you are still interested in them again and that you want to give the relationship another chance.

• Give them time, you are the one who broke their heart when you decided to walk away from the relationship. Let them deal with the shock of everything happening, give them some space to process things. Use the time for you to develop new interests and make new friends.

• Have you been neglecting yourself in the physical department? Take care of yourself and make sure your look is up to date, workout to lose those extra pounds if you need to or get a new wardrobe if you can afford it or get a new hairstyle that suits you. Whatever you do, make yourself look attractive and your ex is bound to notice your efforts.

• If your ex seems receptive of your efforts and encouraging you in trying to communicate with them, suggest an informal chilling session with your ex, a lunch or dinner so you can talk. If your ex partner agrees to the meeting, make sure you emphasize the changes that you have made in your life.

• Give your relationship and your ex time to heal from the hurt you caused in the relationship. Do not just let things go on as before by assuming you can just move on from where you were. Make an effort with your partner, and take things really slow. Do not rush into anything and focus on wooing them and showing them the changes you have made in your life.

• Do not make the mistake of taking your lover for granted again. If you get the chance to win them back, do not relax back to the old habits. Continue to better yourself as a person, and focus on being the best partner you can be. Prove to your partner that they did not make a mistake when they gave you a second chance.

Text Your Ex Back - Be One Step Closer To Getting Your Ex Back Than You Were Yesterday

You've paid close attention to all of the advice the experts have given you about how to get your ex back. You've given your ex space. You've obeyed a no contact rule for several weeks.

You haven't begged, pleaded, or revealed a needy side of yourself. You've gone out, met new people, and had fun without your ex. You've kept control of your emotions and have remained confident.

You've done everything you're supposed to do, but now you're ready to make that all important first contact with your ex. And you've decided to use your cell phone to try and text your ex back.

You pull out your phone. You stare at the screen. You start to press a few buttons.

Then you get stuck.

The realization sets in that you don't really know what to say or how to say it. Do you just say hello? Do you apologize? Do you try and say something funny or romantic? Do you talk about the relationship or just pretend that everything is the way it used to be?

We've all been there. Trying to text your ex back after a breakup is never as easy as it sounds. But here are a few tips about text messages that can help you get one step closer to getting your ex back than you were yesterday.

1.) If at all possible, try to avoid sending what Michael Fiore refers to in his texting guide, Text Your Ex Back, as a "nothing" text. These texts basically say nothing and leave no hooks to get your ex to respond. Texts like "What's up" or "Hey" are great for every day conversation, but they are usually worthless when it comes to getting your ex back.

2.) Don't talk about the relationship. Your old relationship is dead and talking about it will only stir up negative feelings. Instead, you want to focus on texts that help your ex see you in a positive light and texts that help open them up to the idea of being with you in a new relationship.

3.) Avoid holding a grudge or sending texts that make your ex feel like they owe you something. Forgive yourself for any mistakes you made in the relationship and be able to forgive your ex for their mistakes as well.

4.) Always keep texts positive if you want to get your ex back. Never get into a fight or any other type of negative conversation with your ex over text.

5.) Don't send needy texts that make you appear desperate to get your ex back.

6.) You should have a goal in mind for every text before you send it. What response do you hope to get from your ex? A smile? A laugh? Are you trying to bring back a specific memory of good times you've shared together? Always text with a purpose.

7.) Get the ball rolling with an "across the bow text". According to Michael Fiore, an across the bow text is "...that first text you send when you haven't talked to or seen your ex in a while, and is designed to let them know that you're thinking about them, that you don't have any negative feelings towards them, and that you're not horribly, horribly messed up over the break up (even if you actually are)."

Here's a quick example, "I just saw the cutest kitten. It made me smile and I immediately thought of you because I know how much you love cats. Hope you're doing great."

When you want to text your ex back after a breakup, using text messages like the one above are great because they keep things positive, they aren't pushy in any way, and they don't put any pressure on your ex to respond. It's always important to give your ex an "out" in your first few texts so they don't feel like they HAVE to respond.

Warning: Your Ex Is Very Near To Having Sex With Someone Else Soon… If you do not take action now, your ex will be lost forever to someone else! I am about to share with you the secret way to get your ex crawling back to you instantly; no matter how bad the situation is. No more ignoring, no more games; from this point on your life will never be the same. You don't want to miss this - Click Here

Don't leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back


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