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How To Get Rid Of Blackheads And Sebaceous Filaments

My Personal Experiment

By ijadunola muyiwaPublished 2 months ago 5 min read
How To Get Rid Of Blackheads And Sebaceous Filaments
Photo by Online Marketing on Unsplash

Today we're going to talk about how to permanently get rid of spaceous filaments and blockheads, which are two different things that a lot of people confuse about. I'm going to clear that up today. There are a lot of treatments out there that use different tapes, creams, and lotions. Today, we're going to talk about how to look deeper inside and correct the imbalance that's causing this problem, but let's first look at a typical treatment.

This is how people apply it to their noses and then remove these tiny filaments from the various pores in their skin. These tiny pores are called follicles; sometimes people mistakenly think that follicles are hairs, but they are actually the little sacs that hold the oil and occasionally the hair. As you can see, you are literally ripping out the material inside these tiny Caverns; however, this is not the same as eliminating blackheads, which are distinguished from white heads by a small plug that sits on top of the pore, preventing the material, oils, and bacteria from oxidizing.

So, if there isn't a plug over this pore, it will be exposed to oxygen, which will oxidize the material and cause it to turn darker. This is similar to what would happen if you bit into an apple and it turned brown. That's why a black head occurs. A black head and a white head are kind of a precursor to acne, and they usually occur during puberty. Of course, I had really bad acne back then; I wish I had known the information in this write up. I thought it was dirty in there, so I would have had to clean it and scrub my skin for hours and you know that just created more inflammation and more redness.That's not the appropriate way to go about things now. You can get rid of these sebaceous filaments in a number of ways, including using tape or a specific kind of lotion or chemical, but they always grow back.

The major question, therefore, is what's actually causing these issues and how can we fix them once and for all. To that end, I can included another write up where you can read that sebaceous filaments and blackheads are caused by the body creating too much sebum, indicating that the actual issue is an overactive gland.

And the reason is—well, this hormone called androgens is the reason why people have more of these issues throughout adolescence, but they can also occur at other times in life, including during pregnancy. So how do we control androgens? The main concern is how to balance and reduce sebum, or the oil gland. The first step is vitamin A. Some people apply creams to their skin to help get rid of sebaceous filaments and blackheads, but that's kind of treating the symptom; why don't we just take more vitamin A? Some may argue, "But I eat a lot of carrots.” well you might be but that's the precursor called beta carotene,you need the actual active form of vitamin A which is retinol to really make sure it works okay.

Now that we know what foods are high in retinol, let's move on to the next one: vitamin D. Vitamin D also helps reduce sebum, and omega-3 fatty acids also help reduce sebum. Now, take a moment to guess what substance has all three of these fantastic nutrients. If you guessed cold liver oil, you're right; it's the cold liver oil that contains both the active form of vitamin A retinol but also vitamin D and omega-3.In fact cold liver oil has the most vitamin A but you can also get your vitamin A from other Foods as well like egg yolks, fish and sardines.There's more to the tale, okay? You also have high amounts of omega-6 fatty acid-containing seed oil. Here's a list of items you may obtain it from. It so happens that excessive consumption of that causes an indirect reduction in omega-3 fatty acids.

Therefore, in my opinion, the main factor contributing to this issue of too much sebum is an excessive intake of seed oils. We need to enhance omega-3 and decrease omega-6 fatty acids because most of our diets include soy, canola, or corn oil. Okay, there's more to the tale, which you can see here. It has to do with sugars and carbohydrates. If you eat too much of either, you'll notice that your insulin levels rise, which in turn causes your levels of testosterone to rise.

This explains why women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition caused by an excess of androgens, have an excess of insulin. The solution to this is to simply lower your insulin levels; you will also need to cut back on your intake of carbohydrates, sugars, and fats; intermittent fasting also helps reduce sebum production. Boy, I wish I had known this in school, as I was the queen of snacking, having multiple meals during the day and nighttime snacking. I was unaware that this increased insulin levels leads to an increase in androgens, which in turn causes me to develop acne again.

In order to avoid having to apply all these topical treatments and achieve the sterilizing effect—which eliminates all beneficial bacteria on the skin—we are attempting to correct the underlying imbalance primarily through diet and a few other nutrients. However, there is still one more thing to discuss: zinc. As a zinc deficiency can elevate the activity of oil glands, which in turn produces more sebum, you should ensure that you get enough of this mineral.

Where can you get zinc? Well, shellfish, oysters, and similar foods, but you can also get it from red meat. However, the most common causes of zinc deficiencies are eating too many carbohydrates and sugars, experiencing too much stress, and consuming a lot of cereal or grains, especially whole grains, which are high in phytic acid, which will pull out zinc. This could be another reason why you are zinc deficient, but now that you have a plan to eliminate blackheads, white heads, acne, and sebaceous filaments, you're ensuring that these conditions don't recur because you're addressing the underlying cause.

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