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Happy Birthday Baby

Sorry you have to read a whole letter on your day, but please read.

By Maria DPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Happy Birthday Baby
Photo by Angèle Kamp on Unsplash

I apologize I know how much of an inconvenience it must be for you that I have trouble talking about my feelings and expressing my emotions especially towards you. Since I was younger I've had trouble connecting emotionally, talking about how I feel, even when I was happy trying to express it was just awkward. I really hope this letter gives you an idea of what you mean to me, and how I feel about you.

First off, I want to start by saying Happy Birthday! I know this isn't a gift you'd expect or want, but here it goes. I love you so much and even though I may not express it like you want me too, I really do. You mean the world to me and I know that telling you I love you everyday isn't always going to be enough. I freeze up each time I want to tell you how much I appreciate you, how much of a change you've made in my life, and how much you have made me feel loved, wanted, and happiness. I've told you plenty stories of why I was single when we met and that I just had not met the right person yet. It turns out that person was you. The patience you have with me and my problems, the sympathy you show me, the way you hug me and hold me when you see that my eyes are tearing up and you know I won't cry. But you know to hold me and just be there for me, and that means everything to me. You are my safe place and I'm my happiest when i'm with you. Thank you for being there for me when my grandpa died you did something for me I would never ask you to do. My high school graduation you were up in the stadium with a huge gift and balloons. I remember my first birthday being your girlfriend we had only been together for a month and you bought me makeup because you know how much I loved to do my makeup you picked me up and we talked all night. I love traveling the world with you even if it means staying in an rv with our cats thousands of miles away from any friends or family. We may be alone but you pretty much make it feel like i'm whole.The best parts of my day are when you get home after working all day. I love cooking dinner for you and making you dessert because that's how I express that I love and appreciate you. You held my hand and loved me with all my problems, you knew from the beginning it was going to be a tough ride and you still held on to me. When I go through my days when I can't even find the strength to get out of bed, when I don't speak to anyone for days, when I feel like i'm not good enough and I should make things easier for everyone and just go. YOU are there. You are my heart, my mind, and my soul. It's a beautiful thing when you find your soul mate, and you are mine. I hope one day I can make you as happy as you make me. I hope one day we will have a son and a daughter who I can tell stories about how there dad was an amazing man, and how your an amazing father because I know you will be. When I see you I see us. I want the world to know how much I love you. No one can ever take that away from you, you have me. I am yours, forever. You really do complete me and I know sometimes the roads are bumpy i'm just glad we still are on the same ride and aren't going anywhere at least not anytime soon. Kidding, I swear. I just want you to be happy that's the most important thing to me. Wherever life takes us I just want you happy, I want you to feel how you make me feel. I love you Dido.


About the Creator

Maria D

Just someone who enjoys to write, and explore her mind. I love to read, especially when they turn into movies in my head.

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