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Gay Dating Red Flags You Shouldn't Ignore

Romantic Pitfalls? More Like Opportunities for Personal Growth!

By Nathan ChenPublished 11 months ago 7 min read
Gay Dating Red Flags You Shouldn't Ignore
Photo by Julius Drost on Unsplash

Howdy, dear readers! Now, before you dive in, I want you to grab a bucket of popcorn, some sparkling water (or wine, if you're feeling fancy), and buckle up for a long but insightful read. We're about to embark on an enlightening journey through the world of dating. Not just any dating, mind you, but the ever-so-colorful realm of gay dating. Now, I don't claim to be the know-it-all when it comes to romance, but I have picked up a couple of insights along the way that I believe will add a sprinkle of wisdom to your dating life.

1. Lack of Communication, aka the Silent Movie

Now, I don't know about you, but I need words, gestures, even emojis - basically, anything that assures me that my date isn't a Victorian-era ghost haunting the modern world. A lack of communication can turn an exciting, vibrant relationship into a game of charades where the only thing you're guessing is your partner's feelings. And believe me, that's a game no one wants to win.

2. The 'Ex'-cessive Baggage

Ever been on a date where the only other 'person' mentioned more than the wine was the ex? Well, I have. One thing's clear: If they're still hung up on their ex, it's like they're inviting a third party to your cozy twosome. And I'm not talking about a fun kind of party here. So, unless you're into a perpetual 'Ex-files' marathon, this could be a blaring red flag.

3. The Overbearing Critic

I once dated a guy who could rival Simon Cowell when it came to criticism. At first, it seemed like harmless banter. But then I realized I was dating a critic, not a partner. Everyone deserves to be with someone who lifts them up, not someone who pulls them down faster than gravity. If they make you feel like a contestant in the 'America's Next Top Model' in every outfit you wear, my friend, that's a red flag!

4. The All-About-Me Maestro

Imagine a world where every conversation revolves around a single person - the one you're dating. It's like being in a talk show where you're neither the host nor the guest. You're just… there. If every conversation loops back to them faster than a boomerang, you might just be dating a 'me'-stro, and that's a concert you might not want a ticket to.

By Andrea Dibitonto on Unsplash

5. The Love-Bombing Blitzkrieg

You ever come across those people who throw around "I love yous" faster than a hot potato? That's a classic example of love-bombing. It might seem exciting at first - like being in a romantic movie. But then you realize it's more like a horror flick when you're barely past the first date and they're already planning your golden wedding anniversary. That's not just a red flag; that's a whole red marching band!

6. The Privacy Pirate

We all have our little secrets, don't we? It's like our personal treasure chest. But when your date insists on knowing every single detail about you - including what you had for lunch last Tuesday - they've crossed into the land of the Privacy Pirates. Remember, you're a person, not an open book exam. Respect for personal space is non-negotiable.

7. The Future Phobic

Picture this: You've been dating for a decent amount of time, and you decide to discuss the 'future'. If your partner reacts like you've just proposed moving to Mars, then you might have a Future Phobic on your hands. It doesn't mean you should plan the color scheme for your future kitchen, but discussing where your relationship is heading isn't equivalent to an apocalypse.

8. The Financial Fiasco

Ah, the classic 'forgetting the wallet at home' trick. If your date always seems to transform into a magician making their wallet disappear at the sight of a bill, it's a red flag, my friend. Unless they've been raised by a clan of nomadic squirrels, it's basic courtesy to at least offer to split the bill.

9. The Boundary Breaker

We've all got lines in the sand, boundaries we don't want crossed. If your date seems to enjoy hopping, skipping, and jumping across those lines like a kid at a jump rope competition, that's a red flag flapping in the wind. Remember, boundaries are the personal space of respect and understanding. If they're treating yours like an all-you-can-eat buffet, it might be time to show them the door.

10. The Green-eyed Monster

A dash of jealousy can sometimes be a spicy addition to the romantic recipe, but what if your date is serving a heaping plate of nothing but green-eyed monster stew? Unchecked jealousy can turn from flattering to suffocating real quick. If your partner is keeping tabs on you like you're some top-secret document, they might just be auditioning for the next 'Jealousy: The Musical'.

By Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

11. The One-Sided Investment Banker

Relationships are a two-way street, not a one-way trip to Lonelyville. If your date's emotional investment in the relationship feels about as balanced as a flamingo on roller skates, then you're dealing with a One-Sided Investment Banker. This isn't Wall Street - your love and effort should be reciprocated, not gambled away on a risky emotional trade.

12. The Flexing Firecracker

Ever been with someone who seems to turn every conversation into a self-promotion campaign? Sure, it's great to have a partner who's proud of their achievements, but if they're flexing harder than a bodybuilder at a fitness convention, you might be in the presence of a Flexing Firecracker. When every chat feels like a dazzling fireworks show of their triumphs, it's tough not to feel like you're living in their shadow.

13. The "Can't-Take-a-No" Ninja

"No" is a complete sentence and a fundamental part of any healthy dialogue. If your date reacts to your "no" like a ninja encountering a surprise attack, it's a problem. Respecting each other's choices, even when they don't align with our own, is the bedrock of a solid relationship.

14. The Ghosting Guru

Ever experienced being left on 'read' for an absurd amount of time? That, my friends, is ghosting. It's like you're dating a magician who's constantly practicing their disappearing act. Ghosting can be really painful and if they're pulling a Houdini on you every now and then, you might want to reconsider this magic show.

15. The Drama King/Queen

Life's dramatic enough without adding a Broadway drama into the mix. If your date seems to thrive on creating chaos, turning molehills into mountains, you could be dating a Drama King/Queen. Peace and stability are key ingredients for a healthy relationship. If your love life starts to resemble an episode of a soap opera, it's time to change the channel.

16. The Always Right Captain

A little debate spices things up. But when your partner treats every discussion like a battlefield and they're the undefeated general, it can become exhausting. Nobody's right all the time - even the internet gets it wrong sometimes (shocking, I know!). If you're with someone who wouldn't know a compromise if it sat on their face, well, that's a red flag.

17. The Ultimate Complainer

Does your date have a knack for finding the dark cloud around every silver lining? If they're more interested in complaining than resolving, you might have an Ultimate Complainer on your hands. In the long run, this negativity can act like a drain, sucking the joy out of your relationship.

By Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

18. The Emotional Rollercoaster

We all have our highs and lows, but if you're feeling like a rider on an emotional roller coaster with sudden plunges and ascents, that could be a warning. Emotional stability is key for a balanced relationship. If your partner's moods swing more than a jazz band, it might be time to rethink things.

19. The Rule Maker

If your date hands out rules and regulations like you're a member of their personal 'Sim City', it's a concern. Relationships are about mutual understanding and respect, not about living by a rulebook that would make even a military drill sergeant blush.

20. The Neglecting Nomad

Being independent is one thing. Being with someone who leaves you feeling like a solo backpacker in a relationship desert is another. If your partner often leaves you feeling neglected and alone, they might just be a Neglecting Nomad. You deserve to be a priority, not an afterthought.

Now, don't get me wrong. We all have our moments, and nobody's perfect. But when these red flags turn into a regular occurrence, it's time to reevaluate. The key takeaway here is that these warning signs should not be ignored. After all, knowing these red flags is like having a secret map that leads you away from heartbreak island and guides you towards a healthy, happy relationship.

Finally, remember, dating is a wild ride, full of ups and downs. It's like a roller coaster, and just like any roller coaster, it's worth taking the ride, even if you feel a little dizzy at the end. Stay true to yourself, be open to love, and remember - you've got this!


About the Creator

Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, millennial lifestyle, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!

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