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F*ck the Rules

They're meant to be broken anyways

By Amanda NicolePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
F*ck the Rules
Photo by Ahmed Adel on Unsplash

Rules are everywhere huh? It seems like there are rules about everything. Rules about how we should dress,act, eat. You name it there is probably a rule about it. Rules have there place in the world. But when it comes to certain things like how we dress, eat, love, all that stuff; frankly rules should be done away with. My personal philosophy is that as long as you're not hurting yourself or anyone else go for it. Do whatever makes you happy. Do whatever you're passionate about and whatever motivates you to be better in all areas of your life.

What kind of place do rules have in the world? Well some rules are to keep us safe and some are there for other reasons. And that's okay. That's how the world works. But we really shouldn't have rules on who can wear what, how we should act, dress, or identify ourselves. Those rules should be broken. We are humans and should express ourselves however we feel we need to.

So dye your hair crazy colors, get 10 tattoos, stay out all night, wear mens or womens clothes, identify yourself however you want. Nobody should have imput on your personal choices. Eat a bunch of pizza, who cares? Get your nose peirced whatever makes you happy. Don't feel like you need to fall into societies box and gender norms. We're all humans and only get one life. We should live our authentic selves and not hide who we are.

Let's take it back awhile maybe before you were born. Maybe things were different then. Maybe people lived differently and were okay living in a box. Maybe they were content doing what society told them to. Maybe that was how things were. But things have changed since then. People don't want to live in a box they want to be themselves and not follow rules. Rules are meant to be broken. Do the silly thing. Make the mistake, you'll regret it more if you didn't do it. Will you have negative consequences? Maybe but you'll be glad you did it. Life is all about experiences and you can look back down the road and smile about the fact that you did something silly and made a mistake. You can smile because it was fun. You broke the rules that society placed on you even for a moment and it was probably the most freeing moment of your life.

No matter what you do in life make sure you break a rule or two. (Don't go committing crimes) But go do something silly. Ride in the back of a pickup truck, ride a bike without a helmet, fly down a hill with no feet on your pedals. Stay out all night, get the tattoo, dye your hair the crazy colors. Whatever you want. Don't feel like you have to be a certain way just to please society. Chase the feeling of freedom, chase the feeling of peace. Most importantly chase the feeling of having true fun. Crazy, halarious fun. Go to bed with a stomach ache from laughing so much. Don't regret anything you do in life. It's all part of your story that's being written. You can laugh at yourself later. Enjoy the moments now, break the rules, be insane. Do stupid things. Because the world can be very harsh and we need to fill our lives with happiness. See happiness isn't a constant. we need to fight for that feeling daily. It's fleeting moments that happen and we need to cherish those moments because we never know if they'll come back.


About the Creator

Amanda Nicole

Hey I'm Amanda! I'm a writer, Podcaster and a pet sitter. I'm much more then that! Read my stories to find out :)

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