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Sorry Texas

My heart breaks for you

By Amanda NicolePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Sorry Texas
Photo by Desert Rose on Unsplash

Dear Texas,

When I heard about what happened I got very sad and my heart broke. I cannot imagine how you feel. I'm not sure I want to know honestly. But I do know this. I know that things need to change for real, I know that we need to keep people safe. I know this isn't funny and never was. I know that people need to do something to make sure this never happens again. I'm so sorry that this keeps happening in the world. I would never want to raise kids in a world like this. I'm so sorry to all the kids who have to deal with this and be scared of going to school. School is supposed to be fun and you're supposed to play with your friends and make fun memories. Not be scared for your life. I cannot understand why someone would think that terrorizing a school would be okay. I cannot understand why someone would think that terrorizing anywhere is okay.

I cannot imagine the trauma you have to deal with, my heart breaks for you. I cannot understand why someone thought that causing others trauma was the right thing to do. I cannot understand why someone thought that shooting up a classroom was okay. We need change in this country. I cannot believe 27 shootings have happened this year. I'm sort of ashamed to live in this country. I wish things were different. I will say this though. I will be praying for change and doing my part on the local level. I cannot change everything on my own. I wish I could though. I want to hug everyone affected. My heart shatters for you. I hope you find healing and I hope you find solace. I hope you find a way to move forward. I hope you can find peace in your life in some form.

I hope we can all move forward and do our part to make sure this never happens again. I cannot understand why this keeps happening. This world is becoming a dark place. To all the parents who lost kids that day: I'm so sorry, I know those words don't mean anything and I know they can't bring your kids back. But I am sorry. I hope you can find peace in your life and I hope that the person who did this is brought to justice.

I hope you can find closure in some form. I hope you can heal. My heart breaks for you. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you must feel. I don't know the right words to comfort you. I'm sorry seems beyond pathetic but it's all I can think of to say right now. I'm sorry that your kid was scared to death that day and I'm sorry you now have to deal with the trauma of losing your child and even worse burying them. If I could help in anyway I would. We need change in this country and our leaders are insane for not doing anything to prevent this. I wonder if things will ever get better. I wonder if schools will ever be safe again. I wonder if we ever will find a world without shootings. I wonder if our leaders will ever change things.

I guess all we can do is pray for change and do our part. I guess all we can do is work together and make solutions happen. Nothing is going to happen overnight but if we work together we can envoke positive change in the world. I'm sorry again everyone.


About the Creator

Amanda Nicole

Hey I'm Amanda! I'm a writer, Podcaster and a pet sitter. I'm much more then that! Read my stories to find out :)

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