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By Folasade Akinola Published 4 days ago 12 min read
Photo by Fausto Sandoval on Unsplash

Alright, so it's probably that you've been tired or depleted in the past few days, but there are a few simple actions almost everyone may follow to boost their energy level. And I'll walk you through the eight simple behaviors I personally adopted into my daily routine in this, which have given me the motivation to build a thriving business.

Also, at the end of the article,lll show the one tactic I employ when all else fails. Let's now get started.

Getting outside as soon as you can after waking up to receive some morning sunlight is first advice.

To be honest, this was not my type. Like many others, I used to get out of bed in the morning feeling somewhat anxious, scroll through Instagram, and check my email to help me. But several years ago, I decided to substitute an outdoor stroll for myself. To be honest, it has completely changed my energy and focus—not only in the morning, but all day long. Scientists seem to agree as well. It's claimed that the first thing in the morning boosts our attitude and energy levels. ses our attitude and our energy level. It also reduces our circadian rhythm, which helps us enter a deeper, more peaceful slumber at night. I like to mix my time in the sun with a 20- 30-minute stroll to start my body moving in the morning. Starting the day makes me happier; that appears to be how my creative energies flow more naturally. If you're thinking, "Listen,",, I have to get ready. The sun isn't very bright today because it's a little early, but you still want to glance somewhat toward the light instead of straight ahead.

I arent today since it's a little early, but you still want to glance somewhat toward the light instead of straight forward. If your eyes start to fade, though, you should. Instead, I'll use this desk lamp to gently illuminate my face for thirty to sixty minutes in the morning while I work. It's better than nothing,even if it's not really sunlight.

The second piece of advice is to drink coffee cautiously. There are two halves to this. Let's address the more obvious one.

Steer clear of too much caffeine. Though most of us most likely already know it instinctively, the science behind it is quite interesting. Caffeine thus averages five to six hours in half-life. That suggests, perhaps, that you ought to have a cup of coffee daily at 4:00 PM. Ideally, you want to feel motivated and visit the gym, it will peak in your system by 4:30 or 5 PM. Five hours later, at 9:00 PM, you might be trying to relax and get ready for bed; unfortunately, half of that coffee is still in your system. So steer clear of having coffee right before bed. The less obvious factor is that your energy levels may suffer from both too early and late in the day caffeine intake. The great podcast, Huberman Lab, taught me to learn this. This is so because our bodies produce a substance called adenosine. I'll oversimplify this since, unlike Dr. Huberman, I'm not a neuroscientist, but generally,adenosine makes us feel weary.

Therefore, our adenosine levels are already low when we wake up and keep declining after a peaceful night's sleep. Caffeine taken shortly after awakening, however, will interfere with this usual process. You thus have more adenosine, or fatigue, in your system than normal by the time your coffee wears off, say one or two PM. For this reason, Dr. Huberman advises postponing your first cup of coffee for one and a half to two hours after waking up, as I have been doing for the past year or so. Your body can thus basically eradicate those quantities of adenosine on demand. And, to put it in layman's terms, it simply suggests you're far less likely to have that afternoon crash. While some of you are thinking,

"This crazy energizer bunny lady doesn't get it. I need my coffee in the morning," I used to have a 16-ounce Americano first thing every morning while I was in law school.

After lunch, I would have two more and one more at five o'clock in the evening. in the evening. in the evening. I ate almost shots of espresso every day;; I was a caffeine junkie.

Although I know your circumstances, I'm confident you must have another better choice. I think selecting the appropriate type of caffeine is quite personal. Coffee makes me somewhat reactive, but not overly active these days since I'm not as addicted to caffeine. These days, I drink matcha every morning as a substitute. It includes l-theanine, which calms our systems and provides consistent, pleasant energy, even if it has just the appropriate level of caffeine to give me a lift.

Third piece of advice: clear the biggest causes of distraction from your workstation.

Among the worst misconceptions we have been sold is the one about people being able to multitask. We cannot. Actually, our fast changes between several tasks define what we consider to be multitasking. Along with making us more tired and depleted than if we worked on one project at a time, this lowers our output. It can take up to twenty minutes to recover from a disturbance and get back into the rhythm of things. I just don't know how anyone manages to get anything done if we extend that twenty minutes time we get diverted. I try to avoid this energy loss by first removing the largest distraction from my desk—my cell phone—from my workspace first thing in the morning. I have so much more energy, attention, and productivity and get more work done when this gadget is out of my office—ideally in a different room or tucked away in my drawer so I can't see it even when I take a break. And I do this since my phone subtly diverts me even on my desk when it is face down or totally off. Here, there are far more interesting surprises than anything you may be currently working on. Like it says,

"Hello, open me." I am invisibleI am invisibleI am invisible the eye. your phone addiction is strong, you might have to think about more extreme actions of these timed lock boxes is really encouraged to be bought.

You basically set a timer for, say, twenty–25 twenty–25twenty–25 notes, put your phone on the box, and then are forbidden from using it during that time. There isn't an emergency valve. Your decision still rings true. I use it when my preferred dark chocolate becomes on sale. I don't want to complete it in one sitting, though I don't think I should use it for my phone any more. You will also be able to download the Freedom app. You add the websites and programs you find irritating.

Freedom will stop you from using such apps for the stated period of time. It can last just thirty minutes or occur daily between 9:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m. freedom will notify you should you try to utilize that app or website while the window is ready to close.

Avoiding sweet breakfasts is the fourth piece of advice that increases energy. Growing up in the 1990s, my morning meal consisted of a variety of sugar-filled cereals, several kinds of poptarts, and,and,and,naturally,naturally,naturally,go waffles. Luckily, though, your energy as a young child seems infinite.

Like other things in life, though, it gets a little more complex as you grow older and start adulthood. As we get older, particularly when we break our fast in the morning, our blood sugar levels rise and then finally drop, which causes us to feel lethargic and low on energy. High-sugar foods,foods,foods,ke it a point to have a flavorful breakfast at least 90% of the time. Last night's tofu curry or seeded whole grain toast with avocado,mashed chickpeas,chickpeas,chickpeas,d hemp seed make a great source of fat, protein, and fiber for this meal.

Following this schedule helps mend that my energy level is higher and more constant . I am not suggesting, either, that pastries such as donuts are bad and should be avoided. Though I do eat them and enjoy them, I try to eat them as dessert after a meal instead of first thing in the morning the an empty. As a food blogger, I have to admit, though, that I'm not perfect in this regard since I nearly always sample food. Even though we are trying our pancake recipe for the hundredth time, I am just going to have some since I want them flawless. On those days, though, I tried to follow the next plan—walking following a big meal—to make sure my blood sugar levels stayed in control.

Studies find that even a two-to- five--minute walk following a meal can help regulate digestion and blood sugar levels. Even five minutes of walking after lunch has significantly helped me personally avoid the afternoon slump. If you find yourself unable to walk following a meal, either for scheduling restrictions or the misery of Minnesota's winter, there are a few other things you can do. If you had some wireless headphones with a Zoom call scheduled, you could merely pace back and forth at your desk instead of using the elevator to get to your next meeting after lunch. It's definitely better than sitting still though it's not the same as walking.

The sixth piece of advice is developing and following a daily shutdown schedule. This concept—which I learned about in Cal Newport's book Deep Work—is to schedule five to ten minutes at the end of your workday to arrange for the next one and to jot down all of your to-do lists and work-related worries.

My own workday shutdown ritual is to jot down everything I intend to do tomorrow—including the things I missed today—in my calendar. As soon as I get the list, I start marking out particular events. The word for this is time blockage. Personally, I find that planning every hour of the day—including lunch and workout times—is freeing and really provides me with energy backup. backup. backup. ing already written things down, after I began this process,process,process,stopped thinking about all my work to-dos at night when I was trying to relax and fall asleep. Some, though, could find this inflexibility. I thus go to sleep earlier now, allegedly owing me more energy in the morning.

Not having to think about what my top aim for the day is first thing in the morning saves time and energy.

When will I be finished with it?

How do I make it work with my appointments?

Since last evening, I have finished all of the work for myself. When I skip this process, which I do periodically, I also simply find that I have less energy in the morning, am more distracted, and take a little longer to enter the flow. Regardless of your specific closing ritual, I believe it would be quite helpful for those who work from home since it creates a nice, controlled separation between their personal and working lives.

Number seven is using the temptations to drive oneself to do challenging activities.

Everyone has most often had the sensation at the end of the day that they truly should be doing something significant, like organizing the laundry or riding the exercise bike, but they simply lack the energy.

Most of you, at least those of you who don't work outside all day, truly have the energy. But we lack will. And something I often struggle with but find to be incredibly helpful in these situations is temptation bundling.

Originally developed by researcher Katy Milkman and covered in his book, this phrase's main concept is to mix an activity you enjoy right now with one you truly don't want to perform but will help you down the road yourself have to practice daily physical therapy exercises due to certain past injuries, but usually I lack time to do so during the day. Eight o'clock at night approaches, and I have a thousand reasons not to accomplish anything.

Racheal, this reminds you to get off the couch and work out. Come stop. However, a few months ago, I started utilizing temptation bundling as a self-punishment tool to motivate me to visit physical therapy. That implies that, even if I enjoy watching TV episodes at night as a straightforward way for me to unwind with my partner, I am not allowed to do so unless I start with my physical therapy exercises. I must say that since I know I'm working on something I enjoy, I now sort of look forward to my workouts. I have become far more consistent with it as a result.

Though clearly not all demanding pursuits fit TV viewing, think about how this could relate to your own life. Maybe your most fun podcast can only be listened to while you're cleaning the house, or maybe you could visit that fancy coffee shop offering $9 adaptogenic mushroom lattes only if you also spend some time there arranging your inbox. I'll share with you the secret I employ to find more vitality in a moment when all else seems hopeless.

Now let's discuss tip number eight, which focuses on designing the perfect sleeping space. More energy than any prescription, energy drink, or even daily schedule can provide comes from getting enough decent-quality sleep on a consistent basis.

Remember how I used to have nine daily espresso shots when I was in law school?

Naturally, I struggled greatly to fall asleep following that. These days, I sleep seven and a half to eight hours every night, have no trouble falling asleep, and wake up feeling quite invigorated. To be truly honest, among the several things I do is not have children. But I'll only be talking about three of them today. Tell us in the space provided for comments below whether you would be interested in an article showing a whole sleep pattern. Keeping the bedroom as cool as possible is my first step in designing the ideal sleeping space for me.

For our location, that is about 68 degrees Fahrenheit, perhaps somewhat less. We use the summer air conditioner for this. Moreover, our house lacks very much insulation; hence, the winter is quite cold.

Second in importance is keeping our bedroom as dark as practically possible. We rented our house, so we couldn't afford to buy a fancy blackout blind system, so we chose the very cheap but still useful option. Black curtains cover our curtain rod; each morning we remove them to prevent giving the appearance that vampires live there. Those in agreement, show your teeth. Austin, however, manages everything. I lack the height to reach the curtain.

Third, we sleep with a white noise machine. Maybe eight years of living in New York have caused me difficulty falling asleep in really peaceful surroundings. That is disturbing. In a scary film, I feel as though I'm just waiting to be killed. Instead, we help ourselves sleep with a white noise machine. It promotes faster sleep. I think we recently switched to a hatch restoration alarm system. It covers a wide range of sounds you might fall asleep to, including white noise and sounds of nature. Since it mimics a natural sunrise in the morning, waking you more gently than an alarm clock, it's also really quiet.

Alright, so periodically, even with my best efforts, I just have one of those days. Perhaps my ideas keep me awake at night, or perhaps I simply slept too little. On those days, if I have to be motivated or creative, I will engage in a hated activity. I'm going to shower at a cold temperature.

Whoa, guy.

Besides, I hate it as I usually feel cold;

Why would I want to take a cold shower?

This is so because studies have shown that submerging yourself in cold water can greatly raise your dopamine levels, which therefore gives you more drive and energy. Right now, though, it aches a lot, and I hate everything and everyone in my immediate surroundings. I know, though, that if I can withstand two minutes of a cold shower, I will come out feeling quite rested and invigorated for several hours. Alright, those are my ideas for additional vitality. Kindly post any strategies or guidance you might have in the space for comments below. Thank you for reading.


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Folasade Akinola

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Folasade Akinola Written by Folasade Akinola

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