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Childhood Trauma's Sneaky Tricks: 5 Signs Your Innocence Got Swindled

Childhood trauma swindling our innocence

By SebolaoPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Childhood Trauma's Sneaky Tricks: 5 Signs Your Innocence Got Swindled
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash


Childhood trauma has a way of playing sneaky tricks on us, swindling our innocence and leaving lasting imprints on our perception, emotions, and relationships. It's like being hoodwinked by life's unfortunate hand. In this article, we'll delve deeper into five witty signs that might just reveal how your childhood innocence got swindled away.

Intimate Relationships? No Thanks!

You've become the master of avoiding intimate relationships, as if it were an Olympic sport. Building close connections with others feels as daunting as defusing a bomb blindfolded. Despite physically distancing yourself from your childhood environment, those painful memories persist like relentless telemarketers. The fear of being trapped or hurt again lingers, making you apprehensive about giving your heart away. It's the ultimate "no thanks, I'll pass" on intimacy.

You're the Unofficial CEO of the Helper Empire

Ever notice that your friends come to you for advice, support, and a listening ear? You've inadvertently become the unofficial CEO of the Helper Empire. Growing up in a traumatic household, you honed your skills in navigating difficult situations and offering a helping hand to those around you. While it's admirable, it can leave you feeling like you've been cast into an identity crisis. It's time to reclaim your throne, redefine your role, and discover who you are beyond the boundaries of "helper extraordinaire."

Life's a Comedy, But You're the Punchline

You've mastered the art of making people laugh. You wear the crown of the class clown, the jester, the witty wordsmith. Your jokes and humorous remarks bring joy to others, but they might not realize that behind the laughter lies a deeper story. Childhood trauma taught you the power of comedy as a shield, deflecting conflict and masking your own pain. You're the master of disguises, but beneath the facade, you may yearn to connect with your inner self, to find the true source of your happiness. It's time to step out from behind the curtain and discover your authentic voice.

Emptiness: The Invisible Hole That Can't Be Netflix-Filled**

Pinpointing your emotions feels like a never-ending game of hide-and-seek. There's an invisible void within you, an abyss that refuses to be filled. It's like trying to satiate your appetite with an all-you-can-eat buffet of air. This sense of emptiness manifests differently for each person: a gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach, emotional numbness that leaves you questioning your humanity, or a constant sense of unfulfillment. Childhood emotions were often invalidated, leaving you with an unquenchable thirst for emotional validation. It's time to acknowledge that void, explore its depths, and find healthier ways to nourish your emotional well-being.

"Relatable" Is Just a Word in the Dictionary

You often find it challenging to relate to those around you, as if you're an alien in a sea of humans. Emotional neglect during your childhood left you with a nagging feeling that something is fundamentally wrong with you, even if you struggle to articulate what it is. Your self-perception and ability to connect with others have been tangled in a web of trust issues, vulnerability walls, and a constant fear of rejection. But hey, you're not just any puzzle piece; you're a unique masterpiece in a world of replicas. It's time to embrace your quirks, navigate the complexities of relationships with compassion, and rewrite the narrative that tells you that you don't belong.


If these signs struck a chord with you, congratulations! You've uncovered the sneaky tricks your childhood trauma played on your psyche. But fear not, witty warrior. Recognizing these effects is the first step in reclaiming your true self, building authentic connections, and finding emotional fulfillment. Seek support from trusted allies or professionals who can guide you on this journey of healing. Remember, you hold the power to rewrite your story, one witty remark and genuine connection at a time. It's time to show childhood trauma that you're the one in control of your narrative. Let the comedy of life unfold, with you as the leading star.


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I'm here to provide insights and perspectives on various psychology topics, including mental health, relationships, cognitive processes, personality, and more.

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