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Charity Is For a Good Cause

More people should donate!

By Aashini RastogiPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Charity Is For A Good Cause

We are very lucky to have a home, have a family, go to school or work and to have food and water on the table every day. But we mustn’t forget, some people aren’t as lucky as us, and need donations and charity to survive. That is where we come in. When we don't need something anymore, why not donate it to a local charity instead of binning it? In this essay I will cover three reasons more people should donate to charities. Such as: donating makes you feel good, donating increases personal morals and values, and donating encourages others to do the same.

Firstly and most importantly, when you donate to charity, the knowledge that you are helping someone in need really empowers you and makes you feel happier and more fulfilled. Also, research has proven that when you give a gift or donate to someone, there is increased activity in the part of your brain that provides the feeling of pleasure and happiness. This suggests that the old saying ‘giving is far better than receiving’ is definitely true.

In addition, donating to charity strengthens your personal morals morale and values. When we give to someone, a sense of pride and joy is born inside of us for being the light bulb in someone’s black hole, for making a positive change in someone’s life. For many privileged people like us, the feeling of having everything we need comes with great responsibility to make other people feel privileged and happy too. Donating to charity is a great way to do so, as it brings empowerment to us, and makes us proud to help someone in need.

Last but not the least, when one person donates to charity, it encourages and inspires others to do so too. It is like a yawn, contagious. If one person donates, others can't stop themselves from doing so too. By inspiring our community to donate to local and national charities such as: Red Kite, Red Cross, RSPCA, etc, we can help the thousands of people in need, and come together as a community. By donating resources and money things we don’t require anymore, we can help save many innocent lives.

To conclude, donating to charity is a great thing to do. It not only helps and benefits us as people, but also helps save lives and inspire more and more community members to donate too. Some ways to donate are: second hand clothes, toys, and food drives. Or Even money to online charities or fundraising for good causes is an effective way to contribute. Without our support, many innocent people will miss out on things that we can give them.

Personally, donating to charity is a very fulfilling and empowering thing to do. It truly fills me to the brim with happiness every time. To think that I helped positively impact someone's life. I find that when one donates to charity, they are the light in someone's dark times, and have proven to positively impact the lives of many. It is also a very enlightening feeling for oneself to give, for the act of giving is, in fact more rewarding than that of receiving. I believe that everyone, be it a child, adult or animal. Everyone deserves a chance at life, and if you are able to be the person who empowers them, there is truly no feeling greater than that. Please, if you read this, try and donate to a charity. It is heartwarming, rewarding, fulfilling and empowering.

By: Aashini Rastogi

humanitylovefriendshipfamilyfact or fictionadvice

About the Creator

Aashini Rastogi

I'm a young, budding author. I love expressing myself through various types of writing styles and would love to share my love of literature with you!

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