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Boats, Floats, & Okie Dokes

A Tale of First Date Blues

By Patricia Ranee Published 3 years ago 9 min read
Boats, Floats, & Okie Dokes
Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash

The breeze swayed gently in the night on the dimly lit rooftop but was still enough to send a shiver running down Akeelah’s back. It was a beautiful night in the city, the sky clear and crisp, the occasional star twinkling against the deep blanket of indigo. Other patrons, who dined at tables nearby, filled the open space with light chatter and laughter, the clattering of their utensils sending mellowed pings throughout the air as smooth jazz played lightly in the background.

Akeelah, who, when the invitation for this date had first been extended, blushed like a young schoolgirl, now sat slightly hunched in her chair, barely able to focus on the words her date was saying. She thought she’d be less nervous once they sat face to face, but finding herself here, now, sitting within inches of his dignified frame, Akeelah only felt more disoriented than ever. Her stomach flopped in nervous knots, and her palms dripped with a wet nervousness. Her hair was frizzy, her eyes were dark, and her outfit choice was unproperly selected. At this point in the evening, all Akeelah wanted to do was disappear from the table, to close her eyes and be anywhere but here.

She shifted awkwardly in her seat, causing her date, Derrick, to pause in the middle of his speech.

“Are you alright?” he asked, seemingly concerned. “You seem a little…distracted.”

Although Derrick said this politely enough, Akeelah sensed a hint of irritation in his tone, a certain strained tightness to the way the words flowed out his mouth.

This made Akeelah feel bad. She liked Derrick and had wanted him to ask her out for over a year before he finally had. Why couldn’t she just act excited?

Akeelah reached across the table, pulling one of Derrick’s hands into hers slowly.

“Forgive my rudeness. It’s been a long week and really, I am quite tired. But, please, continue. You were telling me of a new contract? Are you happy with this latest assignment?”

For a second, Derrick didn’t respond.

He cleared his throat and took a long sip of water, a slight twitch pinching at the corner of his eye.

Then he smiled.

“That’s quite alright. I completely understand your plight. I hate weeks like that, myself. But…do you know how I usually remedy those times?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at me tauntingly.

“How?” I shot back, though genuinely curious.

Without answering, Derrick lifted his hand, signaling for the waiter, who was tending a table nearby. He was at their table in seconds.

“Madame, Sir.” He started, greeting the both of them. “How may I be of assistance tonight?”

“A glass of your best Merlot, for the lady. Actually, let’s make that two.” Derrick said, winking at Akeelah.

“Of course.” The man said, nodding politely. “I’ll be back in just a moment.”

After the waiter had gone, Derrick turned his attention to Akeelah, all traces of irritation removed from his face. He picked up the conversation at Akeelah’s last question, telling her about his new contract restoring an old light tower off the coast of New Jersey.

Akeelah felt absorbed by his tales, listening intently as Derrick described his work process. One glass of wine turned into two, and two turned into too many. Before either of them knew it, it was midnight and the restaurant had emptied. Akeelah laughed noisily, hiccupping between drunken chuckles, unable to recall the last time she had experienced such fun. She felt young, alive. And suddenly, the only thing that felt important to Akeelah, was making sure that feeling didn’t end.

“Let’s go dancing.” She said to Derrick excitedly. “I feel like dancinggggg.”

Derrick, laughing lightly, just shook his head in amusement. A smirk pulling at the edges of his lips.

“I have a better idea. How would you like to see the inside of the light tower? And, as an added bonus, we can share a few dances there. Two birds, one stone. What do you say?”

Akeelah considered this for a moment.

She’d never seen a light tower in person, and his descriptions sounded enchanting: the remoteness, the intimacy, the beautiful sounds of the waves crashing against the earth; she wanted to see it.

Still, it was late. And she didn’t want to set the wrong impression. But it felt hard for her to say no.

Derrick, seemingly sensing her apprehension, flashed his smile again and added,

“I promise. No funny business.”

Akeelah laughed brightly, chastising herself silently for being so rigid. Her entire life she’d had a proclivity toward the safe and steady, and it was always so boring. Today, she wanted to be unpredictable, today she wanted to be wild.

Still trying, Derrick raised his hand, two fingers extended straight towards the sky. “Scouts honor?”

At this, Akeelah launched into a raucous laughter. She definitely wanted to dance under the night sky with him. To feel him holding her close as their bodies writhed against one another, inhaling the scent of each other under the salted sea.

“Okayyy” she succumbed, “But only for one quick dance. I have a deadline due tomorrow evening and I haven’t yet finished.”

“As you wish.” He stated obligingly, taking her hand and leading her out of the restaurant.

As they made their way through the parking lot, Akeelah realized their two cars were the last in the parking lot. Where all the other painted slots sat vacant, their two cars sat resting side by side.

Derrick jocosely nudged her.

“Seeming more and more meant to be, huh?”

This sent Akeelah into another girlish fit of laughter. Looping her arms through his for support (and for the physical touch), Akeelah felt glad to have endured the first half of the evening. She hadn’t realized before tonight, how long it had been since she’s been on a date.

The publication kept her pretty busy. And then there was her family, and also Milk Dud, her Teacup Yorkie. Then there was her volunteer work, which she did once a month; there was hardly any time for dating! But even with all that, it still felt hard to believe she had let three years go by without going on a single date. It just felt…wrong.

She no longer felt safe to go with Derrick. Not because of anything she feared he might do to her, but because of what she feared she might do to him.

She stumbled trying to reach for her driver’s side door.

“Woah! Woah!” Derrick said, grabbing her and pulling her close to him. “No way can I let you drive under these conditions. I know it’s not what we planned, but you could ride with me to the tower, it’s about a forty-five-minute drive from here, we can share one dance together, as promised earlier, then we turn right back around and drive back to this spot, where we will respectfully bid each other farewell. Sound like a plan?” He asked.

Akeelah hesitated, silently pondering over his proffer. She wanted to refuse him, to follow her first mind and head back to her house where her lustful feelings couldn’t haunt her, but even with those feelings extracted, there was still the matter of her intoxication; she could barely walk a straight line. She knew there was no other alternative.

Akeelah breathed in deeply then let out a big puff of air, a symbol of surrender. She pushed her body off his, staggering her way around to the passenger side of his sedan, which was a classy, costly, wide body of machinery, but also ironically nondescript. His was a car driven by men of status, who silently felt something to prove. Shiny, sleek and black, it was the Lexus LS 500, the same car her father owned, his second luxurious purchase next to that of the house. Akeelah knew a status purchase when she saw one, she had been watching them get purchased all her life, and now, with this small piece of knowledge, Akeelah felt she was beginning to truly gain insight on the type of man she was starting dealings with.

Derrick skipped quickly behind Akeelah, helping her adjust in her seat before strapping himself in and driving off. They rode the first few minutes in silence, an old Boys II men song playing low on the radio. Akeelah pressed the right side of her face hard up against the window, the cool glass soothing her drunken-warmed skin. She thought she heard Derrick give off a sort of low, grumbly chuckle, but felt too exhausted to turn her head for solid confirmation. Akeelah simply closed her eyes and allowed herself to be swept among the smoothness of the road.

Thirty-five minutes later she was being shaken awake.

They had arrived.

Akeelah dragged herself sleepily from the car, yawning widely once at a full stand.

She turned around in circles, surveying her surroundings.

“Why are we at boating dock?” Akeelah asked confused.

“How else did you think we would get to the light house?” Derrick asked, pointing to a small boat at the furthest end of the dock when Akeelah still looked confused.

“There. That’s what we’re going to take. It’s a seven-minute ride from coast to tower. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”

Akeelah didn’t know why she hadn’t considered how they would actually get to the lighthouse, but suddenly she was extremely apprehensive. She didn’t like large bodies of water, no matter the kind, and she especially didn’t enjoy traveling over one so exposed and unprotected.

She took a few steps backwards, losing suddenly, all sense of her adventure.

“You know what? Perhaps we can try this another night? I’m feeling more out of it than I expected. I hope you’re not too disappointed.”

He did look disappointed, but not upset, diplomatically replying, “Of course. Whatever makes you comfortable.”

After a pause, he added, “But…before you give me a hard no to tonight, how about you survey the boat? You can inspect it at a closer distance, I can point out all the safety features, all from the safety of the dock of course, then I can show you there is nothing to be worried about. There are even life vests and floatation devices onboard, if drowning is what you’re afraid of. So?” He asked, holding out his hand expectantly.

Akeelah paused, then reluctantly slid her hand in his, walking together slowly along the length of the deck. Joined as a pair, Akeelah noticed the water didn’t appear as threatening to her as it normally did. Although still menacing to a degree, with Derrick, the vastness felt like an adventure they could explore together, a monster they could conquer and overcome, together.

When they reached the edge of the dock where the boat sat gently rocking against the light waves, Akeelah looked down and gasped. Pre-lit lanterns flickered in all four corners of the boat and dampened rose petals, in an array of pinks, reds and oranges, lay littered over the base of the boat’s floor. It was exquisite.

Akeelah turned quickly, wrapping both arms around Derrick’s neck in childish glee. No one had ever done anything to make her feel so special. She felt overcome with emotion.

When she pulled her body away to look up at Derrick’s face, Akeelah flinched in surprise. Gone from his handsome face, were the traces of charm and tenderness. In its replacement stood a skittish, almost erratic Derrick, his eyes darting quickly back and forth in a disturbing motion.

Before Akeelah could give herself time to properly react, Derrick grabbed her hand in his and bent on one knee, a velvet box lying in the palm of his hand.

Akeelah tried to step back in horror. She wanted to scream ‘NO!, to tell him not to do it, but the words were already leaving his mouth.

Before she felt herself hitting the ground, the last words Akeelah heard were, “Will you marry me? Then everything faded to black.


About the Creator

Patricia Ranee

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    Patricia Ranee Written by Patricia Ranee

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