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Are You Sucking the Passion Out of Your Relationships?

Unveiling the Habits That Can Sap the Spark in Your Relationships

By Timeless Siren SecretsPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

If you are a Lover, your passion is 'connection', the intimacy of giving and receiving.

Whether you are sharing your gifts and talents with the world at large, or you are having a one-on-one love relationship, marital relationship, friendship, a family member, or a relationship with a co-worker, you enjoy fusing your essential being with everything in life.

Connecting with other people makes you feel grounded, secure, needed, valued, supported, happy, good about yourself, comforted, and loved.

Since a relationship is the main focus of your life, when you're not in a romantic relationship, you're probably looking for one.

You can teach others how to love and idol intimacy.

When you are in bloom, you light up the world.

Your enthusiasm, creativity, charisma, and openness make you irresistible.

Your glow ignites the glow in others and helps them grow into their full potential.

Lovers are wonderful people to know and love.

But as the day is followed by the night, the Lover's glow casts a shadow.

At their worst, Lovers are energy vampires, over-connecters who fuse with a grip that can be intensely smothering.

As the Vamp, they can be desperately needy, self-centered, and depleting.

In anger, they can whip up a storm and strike out with lethal words, wanting to hurt those who have hurt them.

Vamps can burn out the people in their lives with drama after drama.

But Vamps possess charismatic and seductive qualities in relationships and can indeed be captivating and alluring.

When their attention is directed towards you, they have a remarkable ability to charm and enchant, making you feel like the most extraordinary and captivating being in the entire universe.

The experience is exhilarating and can make you believe that you have found someone truly exceptional.

However, the trouble with Vamps is that their intense focus and passion may not last long.

Once they have captured your interest and secured your affection, they are prone to seeking out new conquests and moving on to other individuals who may seem more unattainable or challenging.

This is because Vamps are often drawn to those who are emotionally distant or unavailable.

Deep down, they may harbor feelings of unworthiness, leading them to avoid being part of any relationship that readily accepts them.

The underlying issue for Vamps is a lack of self-worth and a fear of intimacy and commitment.

Their pattern of seeking out new, elusive partners stems from a subconscious desire to validate their own desirability and attractiveness.

They may fear rejection or believe that they don't deserve a lasting, fulfilling relationship.

Consequently, they become trapped in a cycle of seeking out new conquests to fill the void within themselves.

While initially enthralling, relationships with Vamps can leave a trail of emotional turmoil and confusion.

Their inability to sustain long-term connections may leave their partners feeling used, abandoned, and unimportant.

It is important to recognize that being involved with a Vamp can be emotionally draining and damaging to one's self-esteem.

These Lovers have a special talent for intimacy, but until they learn how to be self-nurturing and to give without expecting something in return, they often use moments of connection to feed off the energy of others.

They seduce you so that you'll validate them in the mistaken belief that this gives them an identity.

Sadly, they often don't know how beloved and wonderful they are.

If these words seem a bit harsh, just remember that the Vamp is only the unhealed aspect of the Lover.

Every 'Passion Signature' style you express yourself with to seek fulfillment, has light and dark qualities.

We all have our share.

Knowing the drawbacks to your Passion Signature can help you overcome your commitment phobia and discover your full potential.

Did this resonate with you? If yes...

In this FREE Guide, you'll discover the Secrets to overcoming your Vamp qualities and having the committed love relationship and marriage you deserve.



About the Creator

Timeless Siren Secrets

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Irresistible to Men and Cultivating Confidence in Relationships

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