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8 Solid Reasons to Love Your Body

If you're ready to love your body, there are so many ways to start. The first step is to become aware of how you feel about yourself, and then begin working on building that relationship with yourself. You can begin by practicing self-care every day in small ways such as taking a walk around the block or spending time alone doing something that makes you feel good. If you are ready for more intensive work, consider seeking out an eating disorder specialist who can help guide you through recovery process while providing support along the way.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished about a year ago 8 min read
8 Solid Reasons to Love Your Body
Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

We are bombarded with messages that we need to be smaller, prettier and more perfect. The media has us believing that celebrities are perfect and everyone else is a failure. We've bought into this message so much so that we often feel shame for not meeting these unrealistic standards. The reality is that our bodies are amazing machines that do incredible things every day without our awareness or consent. Our bodies are resilient and strong even when we don't treat them well!

You are uniquely and wonderfully made.

Your body is your home, and it's perfect for you. It's a result of your genetics and the environment you grew up in, but neither of those are things you can change. What you can do is change your environment--and that means finding ways to make yourself happier so that when all is said and done, your body will be happy too!

Just because someone else looks good doesn't mean they're happy; just because someone else has a different body type from yours doesn't mean they're unhappy or unhealthy; just because someone else has a different skin color than yours doesn't mean anything at all (except maybe "Wow! That person has really cool-looking eyes!"). No matter what other people tell themselves about their bodies, YOU know what's true: Your body is uniquely perfect for YOU..

Your body does incredible things every day without your awareness and consent. In fact, you have 60,000 thoughts in a day and your body continues to function smoothly regardless.

The body is the only thing we have that can heal itself--it's always working to keep us healthy and safe so that we can live longer lives (hopefully). Your heart beats about 100,000 times per day--without thinking about it! The lungs take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide without any effort on your part. These are just some examples of how amazing our bodies really are!

Good health is not dependent on how much you weigh.

Your health is not dependent on your weight.

Weight is a poor indicator of health, and it's not the only factor that influences your well-being. Research shows that people who are overweight or obese can have just as much (and sometimes more) physical activity than those who are normal weight. This means that some people who appear to be in good shape may actually be unhealthy if they don't exercise regularly or eat a balanced diet.

The truth is, being physically fit requires more than just looking good in your bathing suit--you also want to feel energized throughout the day, avoid heart disease and stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels (which are linked with obesity), lower diabetes risk factors like insulin resistance (which also occurs with obesity), reduce osteoarthritis pain by strengthening muscles supporting joints such as knees/hips/back etc., reduce stress levels which can cause headaches/feeling fatigued etc., improve mental health through reduced anxiety & depression symptoms due to regular exercise routines being implemented into daily life schedules

Though there is some scientific evidence that we can be genetically predisposed to disease, there is no such thing as a "fat gene."

While genetics do play a role in disease, they are not the only factor. In fact, there is no such thing as a "fat gene." Genetics can predispose us to certain conditions or make them more likely but they don't guarantee them.

For example, if your mother had diabetes and you inherited her genes then it's possible that you may develop diabetes too--but there are plenty of people who live with type 2 diabetes for years without ever developing any complications because their bodies were able to regulate their blood sugar levels well enough on their own (or by using medication).

Your weight is not proof that you lack willpower or that you are lazy or undisciplined. This myth seems to be the most difficult to overcome when it comes to creating a healthy relationship with food and our bodies. It's also completely untrue.

The idea that weight is an indicator of willpower is false. Weight is not an indicator of self-discipline, intelligence, personality or character. It doesn't mean you lack control over your life or that you are lazy or undisciplined. This myth seems to be the most difficult to overcome when it comes to creating a healthy relationship with food and our bodies.

It's also completely untrue: You can be thin but still have poor eating habits; you can be overweight and disciplined about what goes into your mouth; people who are naturally thin often struggle with cravings for junk food just as much as those who are overweight do; some people naturally gain weight easily while others don't gain any weight at all (even if they eat large amounts).

A healthy lifestyle can benefit your body at any size.

  • Exercise is important no matter what your size.
  • Healthy eating habits can help you lose weight, but they can also help you maintain your current weight.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help! If you're struggling with any aspect of your health, don't hesitate to reach out to friends or family members who have been there before and know what it's like. You'll be surprised by how much support they have in their hearts for you--and by how much they want the best for their loved ones (including themselves).

There is nothing inherently wrong with desiring physical appearance changes; however, there is a difference between wanting to change for yourself versus changing because society tells us we should be thinner and have perfect skin and hair.

If you find yourself feeling bad about your body, it's important to remember that no one has the right to tell you what is attractive or not. You are the only person who can decide what is right for you! If someone says something negative about your body--whether they are being mean or just expressing their opinion--it's okay to ignore them or ask them politely if they'd mind keeping their thoughts private (or better yet: tell them how much confidence building this topic has been for you).

It can also help if every time someone compliments your appearance (even if they're making fun), respond by saying "thank-you" instead of agreeing with their assessment of what makes someone attractive (the latter will only reinforce existing beliefs).

It's OK to ask for help when it comes to making changes in your life. We are all different and have different strengths and weaknesses, so don't feel ashamed if you need professional guidance or support from friends or family when it comes time to make changes in your life.

If you are struggling with depression, anxiety or any other mental health issue that is affecting your ability to function on a daily basis, then I highly recommend finding a therapist who can help guide you through these difficult times. Therapy can be extremely helpful in helping people learn how to cope with their emotions in healthy ways while also teaching them strategies for dealing with difficult situations that arise in everyday life (like dealing with rejection).

If therapy isn't something that interests you right now but still want some advice on how best handle feeling low self-esteem then please keep reading because below are 8 solid reasons why loving yourself should be easy!

So many emotions get stored in our bodies; therefore, some emotional healing may need to take place before physical healing occurs.

You may be thinking, "I don't know how to love my body." I'm here to tell you that it is possible for anyone, no matter their situation or how they feel about themselves.

In fact, I believe that many people have a hard time accepting the idea that their bodies are worthy of love because they have stored so much emotional pain in them over time. The truth is that these emotions get stored in our bodies; therefore, some emotional healing may need to take place before physical healing occurs. Physical healing is possible even if we don't feel like it's possible! It takes time and patience (and sometimes a lot of tears), but there are ways for us all as individuals who struggle with self-doubt about our own worthiness as human beings--and especially those who suffer from chronic illness--to find comfort within ourselves despite what others might say about us or what we've been told by society at large about certain groups' abilities based on appearances alone."

You are worthy of love now!

It's okay if it takes time and effort to learn how to love yourself, but it's important not to give up on the process! There are many ways that you can start loving yourself, even if they seem too small or insignificant at first. It may feel like a lot of work right now, but as you continue working on this goal of self-love over time (and even in just one day), I promise that things will get easier for both your body and mind.

Love Your Body: Your body can do amazing things...


If you're ready to love your body, there are so many ways to start. The first step is to become aware of how you feel about yourself, and then begin working on building that relationship with yourself. You can begin by practicing self-care every day in small ways such as taking a walk around the block or spending time alone doing something that makes you feel good. If you are ready for more intensive work, consider seeking out an eating disorder specialist who can help guide you through recovery process while providing support along the way.

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About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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