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6 Fundraising Tools Your Non-Profit Needs to Know About

Variety Of Crowdfunding Sites To Raise Funds

By Jaganathan RajagopalPublished about a year ago 15 min read
6 Fundraising Tools Your Non-Profit Needs to Know About
Photo by Sam Dan Truong on Unsplash

I. Introduction

A) The importance of fundraising for non-profits

Fundraising is a critical aspect of running a non-profit organization. Non-profits rely on donations to fund their programs and initiatives, and without a steady stream of income, it can be difficult for them to achieve their goals.

Fundraising allows non-profits to raise awareness about their cause and engage with potential donors. It also helps non-profits to build and strengthen relationships with their supporters.

In addition, fundraising is an important way for non-profits to demonstrate their impact and the value of their work. By showcasing the positive change that they are making in the world, non-profits can inspire others to get involved and support their mission.

Overall, fundraising is essential for non-profits to be able to operate and achieve their objectives. It is important for them to make a difference in the world and create positive change.

B) The challenge of finding effective fundraising tools

Finding effective fundraising tools can be a challenge for non-profits. There are many options available, and it can be difficult to know which ones will be the most effective for a particular organization.

One of the biggest challenges is finding tools that are able to reach a wide audience and engage potential donors. Non-profits need to find ways to stand out and make a compelling case for support in order to attract donations.

Another challenge is staying up to date with the latest trends and best practices in fundraising. The world of fundraising is constantly evolving, and it can be hard for non-profits to keep up with the latest technologies and approaches.

Finally, non-profits often have limited resources and may not have the time or staff to devote to fundraising efforts. This can make it difficult for them to implement and manage multiple fundraising tools effectively.

Overall, finding effective fundraising tools requires non-profits to be strategic, resourceful, and willing to try new approaches in order to succeed.

II. Online fundraising platforms

By Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Online fundraising platforms are websites that allow non-profits to create campaigns and accept donations online. Some popular options include Give, Impact Guru, Milaap, Ketto, GoFundMe and Crowdfunder.

Give is the largest and most trusted giving platform in India. Give enables individuals and organizations to raise and donate funds conveniently to any cause they care about, with offerings including crowdfunding, corporate giving, cause marketing, and philanthropy consulting.

Impact Guru is a platform that allows non-profits and individuals to create campaigns to raise funds for multiple causes like medical, education, personal, and many more, and it is a good option for non-profits looking to raise money for specific projects or initiatives.

Milaap is a platform that allows non-profits and individuals to create campaigns to raise funds online for medical emergencies and social causes.

Ketto is a platform that allows non-profits and individuals to create campaigns for their personal needs, social cause, or creative idea - you can count on them for the project you want to raise funds for.

GoFundMe is a platform that allows non-profits to create campaigns and accept donations from individuals. It is a good option for non-profits looking to raise money for specific projects or initiatives.

Crowdfunder is a platform that allows non-profits to raise money from a larger pool of investors, including individuals, foundations, and businesses. It is a good option for non-profits looking to raise larger amounts of money for specific projects or initiatives.

Other popular online fundraising platforms for non-profits include Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GiveForward. Each platform has its own unique features and benefits, so it's important for non-profits to research and compare them to find the best fit for their needs.

Using online fundraising platforms can be an effective way for non-profits to reach a wide audience and accept donations easily and securely. However, it is important for non-profits to carefully consider the fees and terms of service before choosing a platform.

III. Social media

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Using Facebook and Twitter for fundraising:

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can be powerful tools for non-profits to use for fundraising. They allow non-profits to reach a large and potentially engaged audience and make it easy for people to share campaigns and solicit donations.

Here are a few tips for using Facebook and Twitter for fundraising:

Create a dedicated campaign page: Use Facebook's "Fundraisers" feature or create a separate page on your website to host your campaign. This will make it easy for people to find and learn more about your campaign.

Use eye-catching visuals: Use compelling images and videos to grab people's attention and help tell your story.

Use hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to make it easier for people to find your campaign and join the conversation.

Regularly update your followers: Keep them informed about your campaign's progress and thank them for their support.

Make it easy for people to donate: Include a clear call to action and a link to your donation page in every post.

By using these tips, non-profits can effectively use Facebook and Twitter to raise awareness about their campaign and solicit donations from their followers.

Tips for crafting successful social media campaigns

Crafting a successful social media campaign requires careful planning and a strong strategy. Here are a few tips for creating successful campaigns:

Set clear goals: Determine what you hope to achieve with your campaign, whether it's raising money, increasing awareness, or recruiting volunteers. Having clear goals will help you to measure the success of your campaign and make adjustments as needed.

Identify your audience: Who are you trying to reach with your campaign? Understanding your audience will help you to tailor your message and choose the right social media platforms to reach them.

Create compelling content: Use eye-catching visuals, compelling stories, and strong calls to action to engage your audience and inspire them to take action.

Use hashtags: Hashtags make it easier for people to find and follow your campaign, and they can also help to create a sense of community around your cause.

Monitor and analyze your results: Use the analytics tools provided by social media platforms to track the performance of your campaign and make adjustments as needed.

By following these tips, non-profits can create successful social media campaigns that engage their audience and achieve their fundraising goals.

IV. Email marketing

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Building an email list:

Building an email list is an important step for non-profits that want to use email marketing as a fundraising tool. An email list allows you to send newsletters and solicit donations from a group of people who have expressed an interest in your organization and its work.

Here are a few tips for building an email list:

Offer a sign-up form on your website: Make it easy for people to join your email list by including a sign-up form on your website. You can also offer a sign-up form at events and on social media.

Offer an incentive for signing up: Consider offering something of value, such as a free e-book or access to exclusive content, in exchange for people joining your email list.

Segment your list: Create different lists for different types of supporters, such as donors, volunteers, and event attendees. This will allow you to send targeted messages and increase the relevance of your emails.

Use double opt-in: When someone signs up for your email list, send them a confirmation email to ensure that they want to receive emails from you. This can help to reduce the number of unengaged subscribers on your list.

By following these tips, non-profits can build a robust email list that will be an effective tool for fundraising and engaging with supporters.

Using Mailchimp for email campaigns

Mailchimp is a popular email marketing tool that allows non-profits to create and send newsletters, solicit donations, and track the performance of their campaigns. Here are a few tips for using Mailchimp for email campaigns:

Import your email list: Import your email list into Mailchimp by uploading a CSV file or by connecting to a database. This will allow you to send emails to your subscribers.

Create a template: Use Mailchimp's drag-and-drop editor to create a professional-looking email template that reflects your organization's brand.

Personalize your emails: Use merge tags to personalize your emails with subscribers' names and other information. This can make your emails feel more personalized and increase engagement.

A/B test your subject lines: Use Mailchimp's A/B testing feature to test different subject lines and see which ones perform the best.

Track your results: Use Mailchimp's analytics to track the performance of your campaigns and see how many people opened your emails, clicked on links, and made donations.

By following these tips, non-profits can use Mailchimp effectively to create and send engaging email campaigns that support their fundraising efforts.

V. Fundraising events

By Chander R on Unsplash

Types of events to consider (auctions, galas, charity runs)

Fundraising events can be a powerful way for non-profits to raise money and awareness about their cause. Here are a few types of events that non-profits might consider:

Auctions: Auctions can be a fun and effective way to raise money. Non-profits can solicit donations of goods and services from businesses and individuals and then sell them at an auction event.

Galas: Galas are formal events that typically include a dinner, entertainment, and a silent or live auction. Galas can be a great way to raise money and engage with supporters.

Charity runs: Charity runs, like 5Ks and marathons, are a popular way for non-profits to raise money. Participants can fundraise by asking for donations from friends and family, and the event itself can also be a source of revenue through registration fees and sponsorships.

Bake sales: Bake sales are a simple and fun way for non-profits to raise money. Non-profits can solicit donations of baked goods and then sell them at a central location, like a park or community center.

Online events: In the age of COVID-19, non-profits can also consider hosting virtual events, like webinars or online auctions. These can be a good option for non-profits that are unable to hold in-person events.

By choosing the right type of event for their organization, non-profits can create a successful and enjoyable fundraising experience for their supporters.

Tips for planning and promoting events

Planning and promoting a fundraising event requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are a few tips for success:

Set clear goals: Determine what you hope to achieve with your event, whether it's raising a specific amount of money, increasing awareness about your cause, or engaging with supporters. Having clear goals will help you to measure the success of your event and make adjustments as needed.

Choose the right venue: Select a venue that is appropriate for your event and that is easily accessible for your attendees.

Invite the right people: Invite a diverse group of people to your event, including donors, volunteers, community leaders, and other supporters.

Promote your event: Use a variety of channels to promote your event, including social media, email, and traditional media. Create a catchy event name and use eye-catching visuals to grab people's attention.

Plan for contingencies: Have a backup plan in case something goes wrong. This could include having a rain plan for outdoor events or having a backup venue in case of unforeseen circumstances.

By following these tips, non-profits can plan and promote successful fundraising events that engage their supporters and help them achieve their goals.

VI. Grant writing

By Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Finding grant opportunities

Grant writing can be an effective way for non-profits to fund their programs and initiatives. Here are a few tips for finding grant opportunities:

Research potential funders: Look for foundations and other organizations that fund the type of work that your non-profit does. You can find potential funders by searching online, talking to other non-profits in your field, and attending grant-making organization events.

Check out grant databases: There are many online databases that list grant opportunities, such as and Foundation Directory Online. These databases can be a good starting point for finding potential funders.

Look for local and regional opportunities: Many foundations and other grant-making organizations focus their funding on specific geographic areas. Look for opportunities that are specific to your region.

Follow the rules: Make sure to read the guidelines for each grant opportunity carefully. Follow all of the rules and deadlines, and make sure to submit a complete and well-written application.

By following these tips, non-profits can find grant opportunities that align with their mission and goals and increase their chances of securing funding.

Tips for writing winning grant proposals

Writing a winning grant proposal requires careful planning, attention to detail, and the ability to clearly articulate your organization's mission and goals. Here are a few tips for writing successful grant proposals:

Follow the guidelines: Make sure to carefully read the guidelines for each grant opportunity and follow all of the rules and requirements.

Tailor your proposal to the funder: Customize your proposal to the specific interests and priorities of the grant-making organization. Use language and examples that will resonate with the funder and show how your work aligns with their mission.

Use clear and concise language: Avoid jargon and use simple, clear language to explain your organization and its work.

Provide strong examples: Use concrete examples to illustrate the impact of your organization and the need for funding.

Proofread carefully: Make sure to proofread your proposal for spelling and grammar errors. A well-written proposal will make a more professional impression.

By following these tips, non-profits can write compelling grant proposals that stand out and increase their chances of securing funding.

VII. Sponsorship

By Fernando Hernandez on Unsplash

Identifying potential sponsors

Sponsorship can be an effective way for non-profits to raise money and gain visibility for their events and programs. Here are a few tips for identifying potential sponsors:

Research potential sponsors: Look for businesses that align with your mission and that have an audience that would be interested in your work. You can find potential sponsors by searching online, talking to other non-profits in your field, and attending networking events.

Create a list of potential sponsors: Make a list of potential sponsors that you would like to approach, including information about their business and the types of sponsorships they might be interested in.

Reach out to potential sponsors: Contact potential sponsors and introduce your organization and its work. Explain how a sponsorship would benefit their business and how it would align with their marketing goals.

Follow up: Follow up with potential sponsors to answer any questions and provide additional information. Be persistent, but also respect their decision if they are not interested in sponsorship.

By following these tips, non-profits can identify potential sponsors and build relationships that can lead to mutually beneficial partnerships.

Crafting sponsorship proposals

Crafting a compelling sponsorship proposal is important in securing sponsorship for your organization's events and programs. Here are a few tips for creating successful sponsorship proposals:

Research the sponsor: Research the sponsor's business and marketing goals, and tailor your proposal to their needs and interests.

Explain the benefits of sponsorship: Clearly outline the benefits of sponsorship for the sponsor, including increased visibility and brand awareness, access to new customers, and the opportunity to support a worthy cause.

Offer a range of sponsorship levels: Offer a range of sponsorship levels to give sponsors options and allow them to choose a level that fits their budget and marketing goals.

Include specific details: Include specific details about your event or program, including the date, location, expected attendance, and any promotional materials that will be provided to sponsors.

Make it easy for sponsors to say yes: Include all of the necessary information and documents in your proposal, and make it easy for sponsors to sign on by including a sponsorship agreement or contract.

By following these tips, non-profits can create sponsorship proposals that are compelling and easy for sponsors to say yes to.

VIII. Crowdfunding

By Rob Curran on Unsplash

Using platforms like, Impact Guru, Milaap, Ketto, GoFundMe and Crowdfunder

Give, Impact Guru, Milaap, Ketto, GoFundMe, and Crowdfunder are crowdfunding platforms that allow non-profits to raise money for specific projects or initiatives. Here are a few tips for using these platforms:

Choose the right platform: Give, Impact Guru, Milaap, Ketto, GoFundMe, and Crowdfunder have their own unique features and policies, so it's important to choose the platform that is the best fit for your project.

Set a clear goal: Set a clear fundraising goal and explain how the funds will be used to achieve it. This will help potential donors to understand the impact of their support.

Create a compelling campaign page: Use eye-catching visuals and a clear, compelling story to engage potential donors and explain the value of your project.

Offer rewards: Consider offering rewards, such as branded merchandise or exclusive experiences, to incentivize people to donate.

Promote your campaign: Use social media, email, and other channels to promote your campaign and reach a wider audience.

By following these tips, non-profits can effectively use crowdfunding platforms like Give, Impact Guru, Milaap, Ketto, GoFundMe, and Crowdfunder to raise money for their projects and initiatives.

Tips for running a successful crowdfunding campaign

Crowdfunding can be a powerful way for non-profits to raise money for specific projects or initiatives. Here are a few tips for running a successful crowdfunding campaign:

Set a clear goal: Set a clear fundraising goal and explain how the funds will be used to achieve it. This will help potential donors to understand the impact of their support.

Create a compelling campaign page: Use eye-catching visuals and a clear, compelling story to engage potential donors and explain the value of your project.

Offer rewards: Consider offering rewards, such as branded merchandise or exclusive experiences, to incentivize people to donate.

Promote your campaign: Use social media, email, and other channels to promote your campaign and reach a wider audience.

Keep your supporters informed: Keep your supporters informed about the progress of your campaign and thank them for their support.

By following these tips, non-profits can run successful crowdfunding campaigns that engage their supporters and achieve their fundraising goals.

IX. Conclusion

By Audi Nissen on Unsplash

The importance of finding the right fundraising tools for your non-profit.

Finding the right fundraising tools is important for non-profits because it allows them to efficiently and effectively raise the money they need to achieve their mission. Different non-profits will have different fundraising needs, so it's important to find the tools that work best for your organization.

Here are a few benefits of finding the right fundraising tools:

Increased efficiency: The right fundraising tools can make it easier and more efficient for non-profits to solicit donations and manage their fundraising efforts.

Improved donor engagement: Using the right tools can help non-profits to better engage with their donors and build relationships that lead to long-term support.

Greater reach: By using the right tools, non-profits can reach a wider audience and potentially raise more money.

Increased transparency: Using tools that provide detailed reporting and analytics can help non-profits to be more transparent about their fundraising efforts and show donors the impact of their support.

By finding the right fundraising tools, non-profits can increase their efficiency, improve donor engagement, and increase their reach, which can all contribute to their long-term success.

The benefits of using a variety of tools to reach a wider audience.

Using various fundraising tools can help non-profits reach a wider audience and potentially raise more money. Here are a few benefits of using a variety of tools:

Increased visibility: By using a variety of tools, non-profits can reach potential donors through multiple channels, increasing their visibility and the chances that they will be seen by potential supporters.

Greater flexibility: Using a variety of tools gives non-profits the flexibility to choose the right tools for each fundraising campaign or initiative.

Improved donor engagement: Using a variety of tools can help non-profits to better engage with their donors and build relationships that lead to long-term support.

Increased reach: By using a variety of tools, non-profits can reach different audiences and potentially raise more money.

By using a variety of fundraising tools, non-profits can increase their visibility, improve donor engagement, and increase their reach, which can all contribute to their long-term success.

Comment if you have any questions about raising funds for a cause.

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About the Creator

Jaganathan Rajagopal

I am Jaganathan Rajagopal from Bengaluru, a 9 to 6 employee turned Freelancer marketer, focusing on Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organization activities, by writing content on education, marketing, health, and awareness of all causes.

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Comments (1)

  • Nathan Rajagopalabout a year ago

    The content is very informative and helpful to raise funds, love to share the content with my friend who is running a not-for-profit organization. Thank Writer, great content, keep writing a good content

Jaganathan RajagopalWritten by Jaganathan Rajagopal

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