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14 Rules You Must Know Before Texting The Girl You Love

Love is a powerful emotion, and when you are in love with someone, it can be hard to put into words just how you feel. Texting is one of the best ways to connect with the girl you love and to show her how much she means to you. However, it can be tricky to know just what to say when you’re texting the girl you love. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 14 rules you must know before texting the girl you love.

By Jeeban Jyoti BhoiPublished about a year ago 8 min read
Impress Your Future Girl by Just Following below Steps👇

1) Do not overthink

When it comes to texting the girl you love, overthinking can be one of the biggest pitfalls. Whether you’re new to the world of relationships and dating, or you’ve been in the game for a while, it can be all too easy to get lost in your own thoughts and begin to overanalyze every detail. This can lead to insecurity and doubts about the relationship, causing you to second-guess yourself and worry about what she might think of your messages. To avoid this, try to focus on keeping it light and fun. Don’t take things too seriously and don’t expect too much out of any conversation. Just keep it simple and let the conversation flow naturally.

2) Keep it light and fun

When it comes to texting a girl you like, it's important to remember that the relationship should be light and fun. You don't want to come off as overly serious or intense, as this can make her feel uncomfortable and scare her away. Start the conversation with light banter and playful jokes, and avoid talking about heavy topics like politics, religion, or past relationships. If things are progressing in your dating relationship, you can start to delve into deeper conversations, but until then keep it light and fun!

3) Do not use text shortcuts

Using text shortcuts might seem like a great way to express yourself, but when it comes to dating, it’s not always the best idea. Texting is one of the main ways we communicate, so it’s important that we make sure we are communicating our thoughts and feelings accurately. Text shortcuts can be confusing and can easily be misinterpreted. For example, someone might read “gr8” as “great”, when you actually meant “greater”. This can lead to misunderstandings and potential conflict, so it’s best to avoid using text shortcuts when dating. If you feel like the conversation is moving too fast or getting too serious for text shortcuts, then it might be better to switch over to a phone call or an in-person date. That way, you can have a more meaningful conversation without any misunderstandings.

4) Do not have expectations

When it comes to texting a girl you like, one of the most important rules is to not have expectations. Don’t expect her to respond immediately, and don’t expect her to be as enthusiastic as you. Every person is different, and so is the way they communicate via text. Respect that, and give her time to reply if needed. Don’t expect her to always text first, and don’t expect her to be the one initiating all conversations. Sometimes she may not be in the mood for texting at all, so don’t take it personally if she doesn’t respond for a while. It’s best to just enjoy the conversation when it happens and be content with whatever level of engagement you get from her.

5) Use proper grammar

When you are texting the girl you like, it is important to use proper grammar. While it can be tempting to use text shortcuts such as ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ or ‘4’ instead of ‘for’, it is much more respectful and shows a higher level of intelligence if you use the full words. Not only will this impress the girl you are texting, but it also displays that you are a mature and well-educated individual.

Using proper grammar will also help make your messages more clear and concise. If you are using incorrect grammar or slang, it can be confusing for the other person to decipher what you are trying to say. This can lead to a breakdown in communication and can ultimately lead to the end of the conversation.

Finally, using proper grammar shows that you are taking the time to think about your message before sending it. This can make your messages seem more thoughtful and can show that you care enough to take the extra time to craft your sentences correctly. Taking this extra step will also demonstrate that you respect the other person, which is an important factor in forming any type of relationship.

6) Respond in a timely manner

When it comes to texting a girl you like, one of the most important rules is to respond in a timely manner. By responding quickly and thoughtfully, you show that you are interested and engaged in the conversation. This will make her feel appreciated and give her the impression that you are genuinely interested in what she has to say. It’s also important to remember that while it may be tempting to reply immediately, it’s important to take some time to think before responding. If you rush into responding too quickly, it can come off as insincere or just plain weird.

On the other hand, don’t let too much time pass before responding. If it’s been a few hours or even a day or two, it’s best to respond to let her know that you haven’t forgotten about her. Acknowledging her message and taking the time to reply shows that you care and value her thoughts and opinions.

It’s important to be aware of the timing of your response when texting a girl you like. Responding too quickly can make it seem as if you’re desperate, while waiting too long could lead her to believe you’re not interested. If you follow these tips and respond in a timely manner, you can have an enjoyable and meaningful conversation with the girl you like.

7) Do not use multiple exclamation points

When it comes to texting the girl you love, it is important to remember that less is more. This especially applies to the use of exclamation points! While one or two can add emphasis to a sentence and show enthusiasm, using multiple exclamation points can come off as too aggressive or desperate. Too many exclamation points will also create a tone of excitement that could be misconstrued and make it harder for your message to be taken seriously. Keep your texts professional and friendly by avoiding using too many exclamation points.

8) Do not use textspeak

Textspeak, also known as "text shorthand," is a way of writing quickly on your phone by using abbreviations and symbols. It may seem like an efficient way to communicate when you're in a hurry, but it's important to remember that textspeak is often considered unprofessional, and can make you come across as lazy or uneducated.

Avoid using textspeak in your conversations with the girl you like because it is likely to give her the wrong impression. Even if she understands the meaning behind the words, she may interpret your textspeak as a lack of effort. Instead of sending her a message with abbreviations like “u” for “you” or “r” for “are”, use full words. NotNot only will this help to keep your conversations professional, but it will also show her that you are taking the time to think about what you are saying.

In addition, try to stay away from using symbols to express yourself. For example, using smiley faces and hearts may come off as cute and playful, but it can also make it seem like you are trying too hard or not taking the conversation seriously.

Texting is an important part of communication when it comes to relationships, so it is essential to use proper language when texting the girl you like. Avoid using textspeak to ensure that your conversations are professional and meaningful.

9) Do not use multiple question marks

When texting the girl you like, it’s important to maintain a balanced tone. Asking too many questions can come across as pushy or overly-inquisitive. If you find yourself sending messages full of multiple question marks, take a step back and try to restructure your message in a more subtle way. Instead of asking five questions at once, ask one at a time. This will give her the chance to answer and start up a conversation instead of being bombarded with interrogatives. It’s also important to be careful not to ask too many questions that are easily answerable with a simple yes or no. If you do this, you risk making the conversation boring and she may become uninterested in the conversation. Asking thoughtful questions will help maintain a connection between you two and make your conversations more interesting.

10) Do not use emojis excessively

Using emojis can be a fun way to express yourself in text messages, but you don’t want to overdo it. Too many emojis can be off-putting and come across as unprofessional. If you must use them, use them sparingly and be sure that the context of your message still makes sense without the emoji. Additionally, try to stick with more subtle or classic emojis like hearts and smiley faces, as opposed to funny or silly ones that may not be interpreted correctly by the receiver. Furthermore, avoid combining multiple emojis in one message as this could easily be misconstrued. Keep it simple and remember, less is more when it comes to using emojis in text messages.

11) Do not start every sentence with so

Starting every sentence with "so" can quickly become repetitive and boring. It can also make your text messages come off as unnatural. The best way to avoid this mistake is to vary the words you use when you’re texting. Instead of “so,” consider using other phrases such as “well,” “anyways,” “anyhow,” or even “then.” These types of words can add more variety to your conversations and make them more interesting. Additionally, try not to start too many sentences with the same phrase, as this will make your messages sound scripted and awkward. By varying your words and phrases, you can create a more natural flow in your conversations and keep your girl engaged.

12) Do not use lol too much

It is easy to want to use lol (laugh out loud) to show that you are having a good time in conversation. However, using lol too much can come across as trying too hard or desperate. If your conversations are littered with lol's, it might make the other person think that you are not being genuine or that you are trying too hard to make them laugh.

When you do use lol, make sure that it is appropriate and that it makes sense in context. Overusing it can also make it less meaningful when you do use it. Instead of saying lol all the time, try to use other words and phrases to express yourself. Show your personality and be creative with your conversation skills. Don’t be afraid to take some risks and have fun.

13) Do not use all caps

One of the most important rules to remember when texting a girl you like is to avoid using all caps. All caps indicates shouting, and it can make your message seem overly aggressive or demanding. You don’t want to come off as desperate or too pushy, so keep your messages in sentence case instead. This will help create a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere while still allowing you to get your point across. Additionally, if you use all caps in your text, it can be difficult to read and may cause confusion. Instead, use proper punctuation and capitalization to clearly communicate your thoughts and intentions.

14) Take it slow

When it comes to texting a girl you like, the most important rule of all is to take it slow. You don’t want to come off too strong or give the impression that you are trying too hard. Make sure to take your time and let the conversation flow naturally. Don’t rush things and make sure to give her time to respond. Taking it slow also gives you time to think of clever and interesting messages. It can be difficult to come up with something witty on the spot, so giving yourself time to think can really help. Additionally, taking it slow will show her that you respect her and that you care about getting to know her better before jumping into anything serious. So, remember to take it slow!


About the Creator

Jeeban Jyoti Bhoi

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