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Unsettling Discoveries in Africa

Unexplained Mysteries of the Continent

By Sajjad Rana HussainPublished 11 months ago 7 min read

Unsettling Discoveries in Africa: Unexplained Mysteries of the Continent

Africa, with its vast expanse of 30.3 million square kilometers or 11.7 million square miles, is the world's second-largest and second-most populous continent. Within its borders lie numerous strange and unsettling discoveries that continue to baffle researchers. From mysterious stones to ancient ruins, Africa holds a wealth of unexplained mysteries. In this article, we will delve into ten of the most intriguing and perplexing findings on the continent.

Table of Contents

Sky-Blue Stone

The Odd Topic: Mysterious Crashed Military Vessel

Ruins of Kadai

Quartzite on Madagascar

Ancient Species: Homo Naledi

The Stone Circles of Senegambia

Old Tools in Kenya: The Lomekwi 3

Exotic Pets: High Rock Impalas

The Great Pyramid of Giza

Namib Desert Fairy Circles

Bonus: Bocconi Ruins and Adams Calendar

1. Sky-Blue Stone

In 1990, geologist and archaeologist Angelo Pitoni made a startling discovery in Sierra Leone, West Africa. He unearthed a mysterious blue stone dating back to 12,000 BC. Lab analyses conducted in Germany, Rome, Utrecht, Geneva, and Tokyo failed to provide an answer to its origin. The composition of the stone, including oxygen, sodium, calcium, carbon, and silicon, resembled human-made materials such as stucco or concrete. The sky-blue stone's artificial appearance and exclusive occurrence in soil layers dating back to 12,000 BC hint at the possibility of an undiscovered ancient civilization.

2. The Odd Topic: Mysterious Crashed Military Vessel

A peculiar photo emerged online, captivating people's attention. The image depicted what appeared to be a crashed military vessel with what seemed to be hundreds of bombs spilling out. The blurry nature of the photo adds to its mystique. Surprisingly, nobody in the vicinity witnessed or heard anything about this enigmatic scene. Speculation abounds regarding the origin and nature of the crashed vessel, leaving us to wonder about its purpose and the story behind it.

3. Ruins of Kadai

The ruins of Kadai, situated along the Indian Ocean coast of eastern Kenya, present a captivating mystery. Discovered in 1920, these ruins include a walled town, single-story stone houses, mosques, and even a palace. The absence of substantial documentation regarding the site's existence raises questions about its purpose. Though not associated with Indian Ocean trade, the discovery of beads, coins, and pottery suggests that the ruins may have been a critical trade settlement. The sudden abandonment of the site around the 17th century further adds to the enigma surrounding the people who once inhabited it.

4. Quartzite on Madagascar

Researchers uncovered an astonishing anomaly on a small island off Africa's eastern coast—quartzite. Traditionally, quartzite is found in locations with high pressures and temperatures, making its presence on this volcanic island perplexing. The discovery raises questions about the geological processes responsible for its formation and transportation. As researchers endeavor to understand this geological enigma, the quartzite on Madagascar serves as a testament to the intricacies of our planet's past.

5. Ancient Species: Homo Naledi

In 2013, a team of scientists led by paleoanthropologist Lee Berger made an extraordinary discovery in the Rising Star Cave system near Johannesburg, South Africa. They unearthed a collection of fossilized bones belonging to a previously unknown species of human ancestor, which they named Homo naledi. This ancient hominin species exhibited a unique combination of primitive and advanced features, raising intriguing questions about human evolution.

The discovery of Homo naledi has challenged our understanding of the timeline and diversity of early human species in Africa. The meticulous excavation of the cave revealed that the remains were deliberately placed there, suggesting a form of ritualistic behavior or burial practice. The age of the fossils is still under debate, but they are estimated to be between 236,000 and 335,000 years old. Homo naledi offers a fascinating glimpse into the complex tapestry of human evolutionary history.

6. The Stone Circles of Senegambia

Scattered across Senegal and Gambia are thousands of mysterious stone circles, known as the Stone Circles of Senegambia. These megalithic structures consist of circular arrangements of large stones, some reaching up to three meters in height. The purpose and origin of these stone circles remain a puzzle to researchers.

Believed to date back to as early as the third century BC, the Stone Circles of Senegambia have been associated with ancient burial grounds, ceremonial sites, or markers of astronomical alignments. However, the exact function and cultural significance of these enigmatic structures are yet to be fully understood. The stone circles represent a captivating mystery that continues to intrigue archaeologists and historians alike.

7. Old Tools in Kenya: The Lomekwi 3

Conventional wisdom holds that the earliest stone tools were made by the genus Homo around 2.6 million years ago. However, a discovery in Kenya has challenged this notion. In 2011, archaeologists found a collection of primitive stone tools, named the Lomekwi 3, in the Turkana Basin. These tools are estimated to be approximately 3.3 million years old, predating the previously known oldest stone tools by half a million years.

The Lomekwi 3 tools exhibit distinctive features and were likely used for pounding and chopping. Their discovery suggests that early hominins, possibly a different species from Homo, were adept at crafting tools much earlier than previously thought. The Lomekwi 3 tools provide valuable insights into the technological capabilities of our ancient ancestors and raise intriguing questions about the evolution of tool-making behaviors.

8. Exotic Pets: High Rock Impalas

In the remote region of Lesotho, southern Africa, a remarkable phenomenon has perplexed scientists and locals alike—the presence of "High Rock" impalas. These impalas exhibit an unusual behavior of climbing steep cliffs and rocks, defying the natural instincts of their species. While impalas are known for their agility and ability to jump, the phenomenon of impalas scaling sheer rock faces is a puzzling sight.

The reasons behind this behavior remain speculative. Some theories suggest that it may be an adaptation to avoid predators or access scarce resources in the rocky terrain. Others propose that it could be a result of genetic mutations or learned behavior passed down through generations. The enigmatic high rock impalas continue to fascinate researchers as they strive to unravel the secrets behind this unique phenomenon.

9. The Great Pyramid of Giza

One cannot discuss the mysteries of Africa without mentioning the iconic Great Pyramid of Giza. Located on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt, this architectural wonder stands as a testament to the engineering prowess of the ancient Egyptians. Built as a tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu during the Old Kingdom period, the Great Pyramid is the largest and oldest of the three pyramids at the Giza complex.

Despite extensive research and exploration, many aspects of the construction techniques used to build the pyramids remain shrouded in mystery. How did the ancient Egyptians manage to transport and lift the massive stones weighing several tons each? What tools and methods were employed to achieve such precise alignment and construction? These questions continue to intrigue archaeologists, historians, and engineers, sparking ongoing debates and investigations.

Additionally, the Great Pyramid of Giza has long been associated with various theories and speculations, ranging from extraterrestrial influence to hidden chambers and undiscovered treasures. While some of these ideas lack scientific evidence, they contribute to the enduring allure and mystique surrounding this remarkable structure.

10. Lost City of Zimbabwe

In southeastern Africa, the ruins of Great Zimbabwe stand as a testament to the once-thriving civilization that inhabited the region from the 11th to the 15th century. Comprising stone structures, walls, and enclosures, the city served as the political, economic, and cultural center of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe. However, the decline and abandonment of the city have left many unanswered questions about its history and significance.

The origins and purpose of Great Zimbabwe have been a subject of debate among archaeologists and historians. Some theories suggest that it was a royal palace, while others propose that it served as a trading hub connecting the interior of Africa with the Indian Ocean trade routes. The intricate stonework and architectural features of the site continue to captivate researchers, inspiring awe and curiosity about the civilization that once thrived there.

Unraveling the mysteries of Great Zimbabwe requires meticulous excavation, research, and analysis of archaeological evidence. As ongoing studies shed light on the daily lives, social structures, and economic activities of the inhabitants, the lost city continues to offer insights into the complexities of ancient African civilizations.


Africa is a continent rich in cultural, historical, and natural wonders, and its mysteries continue to captivate the imagination of people around the world. From ancient human ancestors to enigmatic structures and phenomena, Africa's mysteries offer glimpses into the vast tapestry of human history and the wonders of the natural world.

As scientists, researchers, and explorers continue to unearth new evidence and investigate these mysteries, we can expect to gain further insights into the continent's past. However, it is the enduring allure of these enigmas that will keep us fascinated and engaged in our quest to unravel Africa's mysteries for generations to come.

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