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The History Of Bangladesh


By Md HasanPublished 7 months ago 4 min read
The History Of Bangladesh
Photo by ATM Arafath Ali on Unsplash

The historical backdrop of Bangladesh is a rich embroidery of old civilizations, frontier rule, battles for freedom, and the improvement of a dynamic and socially different country. This account traverses millennia and has seen the district go through various changes. To give an extensive outline, I will separate the historical backdrop of Bangladesh into a few key periods.

1. Old and Archaic Periods:

The historical backdrop of Bangladesh has profound roots that can be followed back to antiquated civic establishments. The locale was important for the Mauryan and Gupta domains in the third and fourth hundreds of years BCE. The old shipping lane known as Silk Street went through this area, making it a fundamental community for trade and social trade.

During the middle age time frame, different lines governed over the locale, including the Pala Realm, which was a significant Buddhist power. The Pala tradition's impact in the Bengal locale stretched out from the eighth to the twelfth century. It was a period of critical social and scholarly turn of events, with the making of extraordinary Buddhist cloisters, colleges, and the spread of Bengali writing.

2. The Appearance of Islam:

The thirteenth century saw the appearance of Islam in the district through the endeavors of Sufi ministers. At last, Bengal turned into a transcendently Muslim region. During the middle-age time frame, the Delhi Sultanate and later the Mughal Realm laid out command over Bengal, integrating it into their territories. This is a noticeable time of thriving and social combination, as the Mughals advanced workmanship, engineering, and strict resistance.

3. English Pioneer Rule:

In the late eighteenth 100 years, the English East India Organization assumed command over Bengal after the Clash of Plassey in 1757. The district turned out to be important for English India and remained so until 1947. The English took advantage of Bengal's financial assets and prompted the disastrous Bengal Starvation of 1943, which had crushing ramifications for the populace.

4. Segment of Bengal and Autonomy:

The parcel of Bengal in 1947, which made East Bengal a component of Pakistan, denoted a defining moment throughout the entire existence of the locale. Individuals in East Bengal, known as Bengalis, confronted social and political separation from the public authority in West Pakistan, which was overwhelmed by the Punjabi world class. This prompted a developing disdain and requests for independence.

The battle for Bengali independence and freedom finished in the Bangladesh Freedom Battle of 1971. The contention between West Pakistan and East Pakistan was merciless, bringing about boundless barbarities and death toll. At last, on December 16, 1971, Pakistan gave up, and Bangladesh arose as a free country.

5. The introduction of Bangladesh:

In the wake of accomplishing autonomy, Bangladesh confronted the enormous undertaking of modifying the country, which was assaulted by war. Sheik Mujibur Rahman, frequently alluded to as the "Father of the Country," turned into the principal top state leader and later the leader of Bangladesh. His administration was instrumental in forming the early stretches of the country.

The new nation confronted various difficulties, including modifying foundations, restoring outcasts, and laying out a steady government. In 1975, Sheik Mujibur Rahman and the greater part of his family were killed in an overthrow, prompting a time of political shakiness.

6. The Rebuilding of A vote based system:

After a progression of military systems, Bangladesh started its change towards a majority-rule government in the mid 1990s. In 1991, the main majority rule decisions were held, and Khaleda Zia turned into the state's head. From that point forward, the nation has seen a serious two-gathering framework, with the Awami Association and the Bangladesh Patriot Party (BNP) being the predominant political powers.

7. Financial and Social Turn of events:

Throughout the long term, Bangladesh has gained critical headway in different fields. The nation has encountered predictable monetary development, especially in the material and piece of clothing industry, which is a significant supporter of its economy. Social markers, like schooling and medical services, have additionally improved entirely.

8. Catastrophic Events and Natural Difficulties:

Bangladesh's geological area makes it helpless against cataclysmic events, including twisters, floods, and waterway disintegration. Adapting to these difficulties and guaranteeing the security and prosperity of its populace has been a continuous concern.

9. Contemporary Legislative issues and Social Issues:

Lately, Bangladesh has wrestled with political polarization, charges of denials of basic liberties, and worries over press opportunities. The public authority has confronted analysis for its treatment of political resistance, opportunity for articulation, and law and order. These issues have raised concerns both locally and globally.

10. Culture and Legacy:

Bangladesh flaunts a rich social legacy, with a long history of craftsmanship, writing, music, and dance. The Bengali language, which has a rich scholarly custom, assumes a huge part in the social character of the country. Famous figures like Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam have made a permanent imprint on Bengali culture.

11. Religion and Society:

Bangladesh is prevalently a Muslim-greater part country, yet it is portrayed by a rich embroidery of strict and ethnic variety. Hinduism is the second-biggest religion in the nation, and there are additionally critical Buddhist and Christian people groups. In spite of its variety, Bangladesh has generally been known for its strict resistance and concurrence.

12. Global Relations:

Bangladesh keeps up with its political relations with nations all over the planet. It has been effectively engaged with territorial and worldwide associations, like the Assembled Countries and the South Asian Relationship for Local Participation (SAARC). Its international strategy is driven by a financial turn of events, security, and the government assistance of its residents.


The historical backdrop of Bangladesh is an account of flexibility, battle, and progress. From its old roots to its development as an autonomous country in 1971, Bangladesh has conquered various difficulties. It keeps on wrestling with contemporary issues while endeavoring to further develop the prosperity of its kin and keep up with its rich social legacy. Bangladesh's process fills in as a motivation for all countries to take a stab at self-assurance and improvement.

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By manzur alam on Unsplash

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Md Hasan

hlw I'm Hasan

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