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Strangest Ancient Mysteries That Are Creepy

Mysteries That Are Creepy

By Elibarick MdeePublished about a year ago 23 min read

throughout human history many curious

Mysteries and phenomena have prompted

extensive research

the study into these strange subjects

offers a window into the Undiscovered

ancient world and the questions

surrounding their existence

number five

the pencil size discovery of what

initially appeared to be a four-legged

snake resulted in widespread scientific


this find may have shed light on an

age-old debate arguing the question if

modern day snakes lost their limbs by

aquatic Evolution or by land

in the year 2015 an astonishing

Discovery had been reported by a team of

paleontologists of a well-preserved

creature within Cretaceous Rock

The Remains were that of a snake-like

creature harboring four fragile lips vid

named the unidentified animal


the name tetrapodofus was derived from

the Greek word four-legged serpent

previous fossils which were said to have

been proto-snakes had only been equipped

with one set of legs which usually took

the form of hind limbs it was at first

suspected to be the missing connection

between snakes and lizards

the fossa was calculated to have dated

back to around 120 million years ago

which would make it one of the earliest

snake discoveries each of the almost

vestigial legs were equipped with five

toes the remnants were said to have come

from the resilient region

it was postulated that these creatures

may have evolved from the southernmost

part of the supercontinent of Pangea in

gondwana however through further

analysis it was determined that this

specific specimen may have come from the

northeastern area of Brazil one

scientist studying this specimen was a

vertebrate paleontologist Nicholas

longrich belonging to the University of

bath in the United Kingdom he also

co-authored the recent study on the

creature he stated that the animal's

skull is the size of a human fingernail

it also consists of 160 spinal vertebrae

and a tail consisting of 112 vertebrae

before this analysis the fossil remained

in the privacy of a German Museum where

David martill a student from the

University of Portsmouth came across the

exhibition while on an educational field

trip at the Museum in the German Museum

exhibit no further information had been

portrayed on whether or even when the

specimen had been found

however according to longrich based on

the Limestone features which encased The

Remains along with the orange tone of

the fossil indicated that the fossil

most likely came from the northeastern

Brazilian area

he also furthered that these rock types

could be found on the bottoms of lakes

somewhere between 113 million and 126

million years prior it's also been

stated that the fossil may have been

illegally transported from Brazil but

it's unclear if this is the case given

that no information on where the fossil

was Unearthed is available

according to research the tetrapodofess

has many features in resemblance to

modern day snakes scientists also

revealed that snakes are the only known

reptiles with 150 vertebrae within their


the specimen in question was said to

have sharp curved teeth Additionally the

impression reveals scales which run the

length of the whole body another quality

which is unique to the modern serpent

the fact that the specimen has a rounded

tail and reduced limbs speculated that

snakes most likely evolved from

burrowing animals instead of aquatic

beings as previously believed although

many scientists are on board with the

speculation that the creature may be

that of a prehistoric snake some have

differing opinions

one such person is Michael Caldwell

who's also a vertebrate paleontologist

from the University of Alberta Edmonton


Caldwell had not seen the specimen

person and it only viewed it in

photographs when he suggested that some

of the features of the spinal vertebrae

did not align with other serpents or


that the frontal area of snakes and

lizards are concave whereas the rear are

convex which he states does not seem to

be the case with the tetrapod effects

a biology Professor named Robert Rice

also concluded that the creature was not

a snake

rice as well as Caldwell managed to

secure access to the fossil and were

able to study it further rice initially

stated that the snake was actually just

a tiny lizard he later explained that

The Rock had been split upon extraction

which revealed The Remains on the other

side of the slab and stated that the

study failed to see that the natural

imprint was that of a lizard rice also

referenced that the teeth of the

specimen would allow for its prey to

travel in One Direction Down The Mao

rice and his team further analyzed the

animal remains and although they didn't

believe that it was the remnants of a

serpent they still thought that it was

an important thought during their

investigation they came to find that the

anatomy seemed to be according with that

of an extinct aquatic lizard from the

Cretaceous Period known as the


another observation made by Caldwell was

that the last meal of the creature was

that of a fish this aligned with the

idea that the specimen was of aquatic

nature however the paleontologists who

initially claimed that the remains were

that of a prehistoric stake stood by

their Theory

the confirmation of either Theory

remains a future decision Additionally

the tetrapodofus is said to be the only

four-legged snake remnants recorded

another research found that the specimen

was missing the zygos fiends and the

zygantra which ate a snake in moving

back and forth

however with the addition of legs would

these stabilizing systems really be

necessary according to researcher Bruno

Augusta from the Museum of zoology at

the University of Sao Paulo and the

Southern Methodist University of Texas

says that the case of the tetrapodofus

is not open and shut he stated that no

reliable information came from the mold

without the remnants of actual bone

it goes unknown if the modern day snakes

could have developed from an age-old

land-burrowing creature with the

addition of four limbs which would be

quite an unsettling thing to encounter

in the Modern Age

number four

what seems to be a common occurrence

throughout the vast Landscapes of our

planet is the presence of megalithic

engineered Stone artifacts these

creations often consist of some of the

hardest types of stone such as diorite

and granite and somehow each of these

monolithic builds has been very

precisely cut shaped and Polished as

well as moved across immense amounts of

land by an ancient civilization without

the use of modern tools

some explanations and theories have

circulated regarding how these creations

came to be and how these societies were

able to create them with such great


the earliest monuments discovered date

back to a time when people may not have

been able to read or write however the

idea that these ancient societies were

too primitive to be responsible for

these incredible structures has been


those who created and moved these

immense structures for that of some of

the most intelligent astronomers and

mathematicians without the aid of

instruction manuals or any form of

writing to dictate their work these

people must have had some sense of

higher ability to be able to

strategically construct these builds but

the question remains how did they

achieve this

given the structure of some of these

Stone Works it seemed as though the

ancient beings had come into the

possession of some form of modern drill

which formed perfect holes and precise

Cuts but what remains an even more

important question is how these large

builds were moved how exactly they were

cut and so perfectly placed

another common baffling Stone

Arrangement is that of the seemingly

randomly placed Stones placed in a rough

Circle somewhere in the middle of a

field it was said by Daniel Defoe in the

18th century that all he had learned

from these strange Arrangements was that

there they are investigations of these

sites have been carried out but often

yield very little information

beneath these Circle Stones lies nothing

but bedrock and sediment

however sometimes Within These circles

there's an indication of cremation as

well as charcoal remnants which only

speculate a ritual ceremony of sorts

but the unearthing of pottery fragments

and some fire indicators does not answer

the baffling questions which surround

these ancient monoliths

it's been speculated that fire and

electricity may have been discovered by

these prehistoric societies but were

left undocumented due to a lack of

reading and writing capabilities

these discoveries could have aided them

in the creation of the monolithic


one such invention could have possibly

been the Baghdad batteries

in 1938 a discovery was made of clay

pots harboring copper cylinders it was

assumed that these items would have been

used as galvanic cells which convert

free chemical energy into an electric


it's speculated that these 2 000 year

old batteries predated the conception of

cell batteries by more or less A

Thousand Years

it's theorized that an invention such as

these batteries may have been used in

Machining the mysterious Stones by

powering prehistoric drills or stone

cutting tools according to a professor

of engineering science at the Oxford

University Dr Alexander Tom the stone

circle of kalanish aligned perfectly

with the northern Direction which is

supposedly a very difficult thing for

anyone to achieve from then on Dr

Alexander spent most of his time in the

fields of Britain studying these circles

and in 1967 he acquired the results of

600 sites stating that all these circles

had been geometrically constructed and

aligned faultlessly with astronomical


the common measurement unit was the

megalithic yard which measured 2.72 feet

those who constructed these builds use

the forms of ellipses egg shapes and

flat circles which all showed an

indication of the right angled triangle

which had only been discovered a

thousand years later known to the school

of Pythagoras and like Pythagoras Within

These constructs there have been clear

evidence of integral numbers used in

Triangle dimensioning such as 5 12 13

and 8 15 and 70 which also implied that

the comprehension of the pi value had

already been known before its recorded

Discovery two Millennia later

within large structures such as

Stonehenge karnic and Avery perfect

geometrical Harmony is evident such as

incarnate where the center forms a knee

where the rows of stone change direction

which according to Dr Alexander would

require the use of two Pythagorean


in his study Dr Alexander also found

with the use of distinct materials

namely the stone markers and Hill

notches and constructed platforms the

society managed to turn the constructs

into some form of Observatory these

would have measured simple things such

as mid-summer and mid-winter sunrises

but also to a number of advanced

movements which essentially needed an

accuracy of one part in one thousand

Alexander also discovered that these

societies were able to ascertain a

phenomenon known as Moon's minor

standstill which would require

generations of study to be able to

detect the tiny irregularities within

the moon's orbit

the work of C.A nuam was able to confirm

that Stonehenge was used for

astronomical study while standing in its

Center one can see when the sun and moon

would reach certain markers of the

Horizon until reaching the orbit limit

where a new cycle would start and with

this the level of intelligence of the

ancient people had been proven

more of the mysterious monoliths was

that of the pyramids the square base of

the Great Pyramid aligns perfectly with

north east south and west

it remains controversial as to what the

purpose of the pyramid was one Theory

stated that the pyramids would have been

the tombs of pharaohs but the trouble

with this was a lack of bodies found


even though coffins have been found

inside the pyramids they remained empty

perhaps the use of these pyramids had

been for something else entirely such as

astronomical study or something similar

it was even found that whoever built the

Great Pyramid had knowledge of the

circumference of the world and the

linked of the years which was inclusive

of the awkward

.2422 day fraction this also means that

they may have known the length of the

orbit around the Sun and possibly even

the 26 000 year cycle of an equinox

gravity or even the speed of light

it was also found that the achievements

made by the ancient Egyptians were

identical to that of the European

megalithic Engineers around the same


many years before the invention of books

writing and documentation it seems as

though some scientific and astronomical

discoveries had simultaneously been made

in different areas of the world such as

the value of Pythagoras calendars True

North bearing Composites and an accurate

measurement system

the explanation behind how these immense

monoliths came to be remains

controversial and highly speculated

some have even suggested that ancient

civilizations played a role in these

mathematical constructs and were not the

work of primitive societies and advanced

tools but rather that of Supreme Beings

the clarification behind megalithic

engineering remains unknown

number three

one of the great Mysteries of the world

and physics Remains the existence of

gravity and according to the laws of

gravity what goes up must come down or

at least it should roll down such as if

we had to place a ball on a slope

perhaps this is due to the force of

gravity which attracts objects of mass

this idea of gravity has been defied by

a mega Boulder that can be found on the

continent of India

on the coast of India a gravity-defying

boulder can be found

The Rock weighing at least 250 tons

stands on the slope of a hill with less

than a four foot base

this mysterious immense Stone known as

the stone of the sky God has been

nicknamed krishna's Butterball the

structure stands at a great height of 20

feet with an incredible width measuring

5 meters wide

strangely the placement of the rock

looks as if it's about to roll down the

slope yet it remains unyielding in its


the fixed rock is even able to withstand

events such as tsunamis Cyclones and

earthquakes which it had successfully

done for over 1200 years

the nickname given to the Rock derives

from the religion of the god of Krishna

it stated that butter is his favorite

dish and it's said to fall from the

heavens additionally to this a piece of

rock has been sheared off and it's

unclear as to what caused the corrosion

on the accounts of some geologists the

form of The Rock was said to be

unnatural and no natural erosion could

have caused the odd shape this Theory

however was discounted by scientists who

believed that the stone was of a natural

regular form

some theorized that the boulder was

unmovable due to traction holding it in

place and the center of gravity provides

equilibrium for the immense structure

there is a story told that in the year

of 1908 for the fear that the stone

might roll over the town authier Lawley

attempted to move the Boulder using

seven elephants yet it stayed in place

krishna's Butterball is a famous tourist

attraction where the people attempt to

push the rock over before using it to

shade themselves from the harsh Sun

after failing their attempts

even though we now have the technology

to shatter The Rock entirely it's been

placed in protection as a National

Monument the question still begs the

scientific explanation for the balancing

Boulder the boulder itself is of granite

composition and it lies at a tilt of a

45 degree angle

no one is quite sure why the rock froze

in that position upon its descent from

the hilltop

it was theorized that perhaps the stone

had been placed there by humans but it's

far too large to move without the help

of tools or machinery

even with today's modern advances in

Machinery the massive Rock would still

prove difficult to move

there are numerous unanswered questions

surrounding krishna's Butterball such as

What Lies Beneath it and how did it get

there had it been pushed up the hill and

if so why can it not be pushed back down

some have even questioned if a higher

level of ancient technology possibly of

alien Origins could have been used to

move the Boulder and place it on the

slope in an unmovable manner

nevertheless this strange phenomenon is

purely of scientific explanation which

has not been identified or uncovered

just yet

only unconfirmed theories guess at a

plausible resolution

however some discount these theories and

relies solely on an explanation of


it was stated in this account that the

idea of using elephants to move the

boulder was pointless it was said that

the average Asian elephant weighs

between three and five tons and could

probably only lift about a ton or even

half that this meant that the seven

elephants would have only been able to

push or pull about three and a half tons

or seven tons at the most

in the following Theory it's assumed

that the center of gravity of the rock

is more or less three meters above the

Rock's middle most region six meters if

the boulder had been in the shape of a

sphere with the base sizing at one meter

it was said that the stone were to roll

at a point half meter off of its incline

outside of its base it would perhaps be

able to Tumble this basically means that

the highest most part of The Rock has to

move about one meter from its original

position to be able to offset its center

of gravity allowing it to fall over

even with some form of explanation as to

how The Rock has come to rest on the

slope without rolling further it still

begs the question of how the rock got

there no records have surfaced

indicating where exactly the boulder

came from

additionally there are no carvings

present on the Colossal Rock which is

inconsistent with the latter of the area

since most of the other rocks stones or

buildings have some form of ancient


it was stated that this type of rock is

known as ventifact which meant that the

stone had been sculpted by wind using

small sand particles

the wind supposedly cut and Polished the

stone through abrasion and rather arid

conditions it's said that regions with

high velocity and frequent Sandy winds

can produce such sculpted stones

another speculation is that the boulder

is a glacial erratic which became

stranded on the hill

a glacial erratic refers to large chunks

of rocks that are transported over long

distances through moving glaciers

krishna's Butterball rests on its slope

as a reminder that scientists and

ourselves have not unlocked all

understanding of the ancient world and

scientific happenings and our

explanations for the world around us

remain incomplete

the idea that some form of alien

civilization could have been responsible

for such a strange occurrence remains a

haunting Theory

number two

in an isolated region of Northern

Siberia the Valley of the tunguska river

was impacted by a devastating blast on

the 30th of June in 1908 at 7 17 am an

incredible Fireball made contact with

the Earth laying waste to an area of

around 500 000 Acres

the cataclysmic Fireball melted down

metal objects and burnt trees to Ash

a distance away some locals were lifted

from the ground and had their tents

Carried Away by strong winds which came

from the impact

on the account of a farmer he stated

that he saw a flash of Light which sent

him a flying off his porch and caused

him to lose Consciousness and when he

awoke he was met with a noise shaking

the house and it almost took it right

off of its foundation

he also stated that it looked as if the

sky had split in two

the explosion ranged at an altitude of

fifteen thousand to thirty thousand feet

it was estimated that the blast had the

equivalent impact of 15 megatons of TNT

shortly after a cloud had formed over

Europe such clouds are the result of a

sudden stream of ice crystals sent into

the atmosphere which is said to be what

may occur after the vaporization of a


some scientists support the theory that

this impact was likely caused by a large

meteoroid with a diameter of about 150

to 300 feet

it was speculated that the object in

question had exploded within the

atmosphere above Earth's surface and

resulted in a fireball and blastway

which accounted for the fact that there

was no crater created by the impact the

only remnants were that of small

fragments the astounding event was not

investigated until 1921.

a Soviet mineralogist by the name of

Leonid Kulik found himself accidentally

stumbling upon this occurrence and went

to analyze the area in hopes of

explaining what had happened

Leonid Kulik would only deploy an

expedition to the area six years later

and when he arrived on the scene he

stated quote the results of even a

cursory examination exceeded all the

tales of eyewitnesses and my wildest


for the next two years he had been in

search of evidence to back up his claim

that the cause of the impact had been

due to a meteor of similar size to that

of the meteor crater of Arizona he had

managed to unearth meteor dust as well

as small craters but none of these

supported his hypothesis according to

eyewitness accounts from nearby towns

all describe the object as a ball of

fire with a trailing tail

it was reported that once the object

made contact with the Earth it appeared

as a pillar of fire before being

replaced by a smoky Cloud rising from

the ground

Witnesses who were closer to the scene

had said that the ball was almost three

times larger than the Sun but not as

bright it was also recalled that the

colors within the object varied from

white blue and red and orange much like

the iridescence of a flame

many different theories resulted in the

wake of the devastating ordeal it seemed

as though whatever the object had been

it was not a meteorite as per kulik's


the controversial theories were split

into what investigators said to be a

comet and others claimed to be an

otherworldly article

one such theory was adapted from the

notion of black holes

in this speculation it said that if the

sun directly became a black hole it

would measure at three kilometers

whereas if an asteroid originally the

size of 100 kilometers were to become a

black hole then it would be the size of

an atom and if this had come into

contact with Siberia it would produce an

atmospheric shock wave that was able to

flatten many acres of forest and produce

flashing and seismic effects no Crater

of meteoritic proportions would occur

with this idea

according to the theory the black hole

would follow straight through and

re-emerge on the other side of the earth

a few moments later but this hypothesis

was debunked on the account that no

explosion had been noted on the same day

in the northern Atlantic region which

would have been where the black hole was

to re-emerge and such a theory would

produce Subterranean shock waves yet

only surface shock waves have been


a similar event did occur though but

only 105 years later and it had been at

a smaller scale

this event was known as the Shelia Binks

meteor which proved essential evidence

to the event at tunguska Don Yeomans who

worked at Nasa at the time also said

that the reason that there was no crater

after the disaster was that the supposed

asteroid consumed itself which resulted

only in a really strong energy force and

therefore not actually making contact

with the ground

the next supposition was that of

antimatter this Theory had problems

early on due to the fact that the study

of antimatter is still in its infancy


it also seemed improbable on the account

that anti-matter meteorites are said to

form beyond the region of the Milky Way

meaning that they would lose their

explosive abilities long before reaching

the Galaxy although the theory of

antimatter has been used as a suggested

solution for ball lightning and with the

studies still being in its early stages

it's not quite been ruled out as a

possible suspect the Extraterrestrial

nuclear explosion comes in as the next


the idea of alien involvement was

initiated by the science fiction

writings of a Russian man named

Alexander kazensav he was convinced that

the explosion that impacted tunguska had

been the aftermath of a nuclear

explosion within a spaceship this had

been used to explain the radial

scorching of the forest with an

undamaged Center it also fits well with

the accounts of a pillar of fire and the

dust cloud that followed also accounting

for the lack of a crater the hypothesis

was also used to give explanation as to

why the object slowed down as it neared


the cause Behind These tragedies remains

theoretical many of which have been

disputed including the hypothetical

ideas of UFOs ifos antimatter and a

rogue Comet as well as a black hole in

the presence of an extraterrestrial life

force making contact with Earth

the strange occurrence is still thought

to be a mystery with the theory of a

meteorite being disproved not many other

options remain

number one

we're often met with many strange

phenomena that seem to regularly come

from the sky

another such occurrence is that of the

ice blocks and creature storms which are

somehow related ice blocks were first

reportedly discovered by Dr R.S

Griffiths on the 2nd of April in 1973

the lightning Observer for the

electrical research Association in

Britain observed a single flash of

lightning which was said to be violent

he made note of the time that it

occurred the position height and weather


after nine minutes a solid form of sorts

made contact with the ground about three

meters away

upon closer inspection Griffiths came to

find that the object had been a block of

ice which disintegrated shortly after he

grabbed the largest piece he could find

and stored it in his freezer to be


this resulted in the prime study of a

phenomenon which has still gone

unexplained the question was how could

objects such as the ice block animate

from a seemingly clear sky

Dr Griffiths analyzed his collected

sample which weighed 612 grams and was

estimated to be a third of the original

full-sized blog and numerous larger

examples exist which have all reportedly

exceeded the size of the largest

hailstones which seldom past 200 grams

on the 9th of November 1950 it was

reported that a farmer had experienced a

storm of ice blocks the size of dinner

plates one of which weighed up to seven


Griffith's finding was crucial for a

number of reasons in his accounts he had

shown that the structure of the block

was different from any other recorded


regarding the origins of the strange

object he concluded that it was made up

of water from the clouds

according to British a physicist Eric

crew the strike of lightning may have

been associated with what occurred


crew theorized that lightning projects

hot air which forms the basis for ice

meteors as well as ball lightning

some of the occurrences can be explained

Away by electrical meteorological and

even aeronautical means while the rest

just don't fit in with this basis

The Drexel Institute also formed their

opinion stating that the ice chunks

could not be of meteorological origin

they furthered this by explaining that

atmospheric processes cannot form nor

sustain these large objects

the University of Colorado gave input

which said that these ice chunks could

not have possibly survived the heat from

the atmosphere and therefore could not

have been derived from meteors

in the 19th century a well-known study

was carried out by C flomeria known as

the atmosphere which told that during

the reign of Charlemagne an ice block

had fallen with the measurement of five

by two by three and a half meters

another such account was noted in 1849

in Scotland of an ice chunk measuring

six meters

more such accounts continued throughout

the years with the same repeated theory

of the involvement of airplanes which

still goes unproven

these chunks of ice served as an

introductory course to other strange

objects that strangely fell from the sky

science also fails to explain the cause

of another Sky phenomenon known as

creature Falls

throughout recorded history it's been

reported infrequently that rains of mice

toads worms frogs and even grain have

made contact with the Earth

it's been theorized that such

occurrences have been caused by a

whirlwind which transported these

creatures elsewhere and deposited them

like rain-like matter one of the first

Records Was that of the documented case

in the First Century A.D where

naturalist Pliny the Elder witnessed

storms of fish and frogs it seemed that

most of the reports were that of aquatic


in the Year 2005 in the northwest region

of Serbia a frog rain had been witnessed

in a nearby town again in 2009 tadpoles

had taken the place of rain in Japan and

in 2017 fish had been raining down in

California which occurred again in 2021

in the Eastern side of Texas these rains

are said to be accompanied by strong

winds hail and Rey sometime in this year

it was also reported that worms had

rained down in China

a village near Sri Lanka had made

reports in 2014 of a fish species of

tilapia that rained down but were still


the storm reportedly lasted for an hour

even more eerie in February of 2013

spiders had porn down in the town of

Santo Antonio de platina in southern


the cause of such An Occurrence remains

unclear but it did cause a mass panic

and confusion among locals of the area

however these accounts date back to

ancient times

one of the more earlier accounts was

that of the 14th of August 1894 in the

city of bath in England jellyfish had

porn down from the sky

they littered the streets and Gardens

and even fell on pedestrians and Roads

the cause of the jellyfish rain is still


the theory of a waterspout transporting

these different animals just doesn't fit

with the occurrences due to the fact

that each instance has been a single

species of animal at a time

it Still Remains a mystery as to where

the immense quantity of these

aeronautical creatures come from and

each account had shown a selection of a

specific type of animal some of which

were lizards snakes mussels fish sprats

and sticklebacks all of which lacked an

obvious origin

two separate accounts were reported in

Hungary the first of which was on the

18th of June in 2010

after hearing a loud sound residents

were flooded with a sudden influx of

frogs this happened again on June 20th

2010. these separate incidents remain a

well-known frog reigning occurrence

another Eerie incident in 2011 was the

downpour of blackbirds in Arkansas which

had been identified as red-winged

blackbirds starlings and cowberts the

cause of this was left up to speculation

theories that arose stated that this

strange phenomenon had been that of

water spouts or strong winds but it's

hard to believe that such natural

disasters would specifically choose a

single type of animal and transport the

animal from an unknown origin

it's also noted that in many of these

accounts Witnesses stated hearing a loud

bang before the downpour would strike

most of these reports had also been

throughout the day

it can only be speculated that the loud

bang was that of lightning before the

rain began meaning that the strange

creature Falls may have had something to

do with the large ice chunks that had

fallen a few moments after a lightning

strike additionally it would be rather

unnerving to find yourself rained on by

strange creatures and arachnids out of

nowhere without warning or have an

immense chunk of ice break right next to

you when you're least expecting it thank

you guys so much for watching if you

liked this video be sure to hit that

like button also don't forget to

subscribe and click that notification

Bell to keep up to date with all of our

future uploads but my name is Ty Knotts

and I'll catch you guys in the next


World HistoryResearchPlacesEventsDiscoveries

About the Creator

Elibarick Mdee

My name is Elibarick Mdee, I am a writer of exciting stories that convey a message to the community to educate and learn the good things that exist and exist.

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    Elibarick MdeeWritten by Elibarick Mdee

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