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Egyptian Scrolls Reveal HANGOVER Cure

Egyptian Papyrus Scrolls: Early form of paper used for writing, record-keeping, and documentation, showcasing advances in communication.

By Marveline MerabPublished 6 days ago 3 min read
Egyptian scrolls

The discovery of ancient Egyptian scrolls revealing a remedy for hangovers provides a fascinating glimpse into the medical practices and daily life of one of history’s most advanced civilizations. These scrolls, written in hieratic script and dating back over 2,000 years, offer valuable insights into the ingenuity and resourcefulness of ancient Egyptian medicine.

Historical Context

Ancient Egypt, known for its monumental architecture and profound contributions to human knowledge, also had a sophisticated understanding of medicine. Medical papyri such as the Ebers Papyrus and the Edwin Smith Papyrus contain extensive knowledge of ailments and treatments, showcasing the Egyptians' advanced approach to health and wellness. The recently discovered scrolls add to this rich tapestry by highlighting the practical aspects of everyday life, including the management of common ailments like hangovers.

The Remedy

The hangover cure revealed in the scrolls is surprisingly straightforward yet indicative of the Egyptians' understanding of herbal medicine and diet. The remedy involved consuming a mixture made from the leaves of the Alexandrian chamaedaphne plant, a member of the laurel family. These leaves were crushed and mixed with water to create a drink believed to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover.

Ingredients and Preparation

1. Alexandrian Chamaedaphne: This plant, also known as the Egyptian willow, was prized for its medicinal properties. The leaves were known to contain compounds that could have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, potentially easing the discomfort associated with hangovers.

2. Water: Mixing the crushed leaves with water not only made the remedy more palatable but also helped hydrate the body. Dehydration is a significant factor in hangover symptoms, so this aspect of the remedy would have been particularly beneficial.

Understanding the Science

Modern science provides some validation for the ancient Egyptians' choice of ingredients. The Alexandrian chamaedaphne plant contains salicin, a compound similar to aspirin, which can reduce inflammation and pain. Hydration is also a crucial factor in managing hangover symptoms, making the inclusion of water in the remedy a logical choice.

Cultural and Social Insights

The fact that ancient Egyptians sought remedies for hangovers offers a glimpse into their social practices. Alcohol consumption was common in ancient Egypt, with beer and wine being integral parts of daily life and religious rituals. Celebrations, feasts, and religious ceremonies often involved the consumption of alcoholic beverages, leading to the occasional need for a hangover cure.

Medical Practices

The discovery of this hangover remedy highlights the Egyptians' holistic approach to health. They combined practical knowledge of medicinal plants with an understanding of bodily needs, such as hydration. This approach is consistent with other medical practices documented in Egyptian texts, which often emphasized the balance of natural elements and the use of herbal treatments.

Preservation and Documentation

The preservation of these scrolls, likely through the dry climate of Egypt and careful storage by scribes, allows modern scholars to study and appreciate the depth of ancient Egyptian medical knowledge. The use of hieratic script, a cursive form of hieroglyphics, suggests that these remedies were intended for practical use by medical practitioners and the educated elite.

Modern Relevance

While modern medicine has advanced significantly, the principles behind the ancient Egyptian hangover cure remain relevant. Hydration and anti-inflammatory substances are still recommended for managing hangover symptoms today. The rediscovery of such remedies underscores the continuity of human experience and the enduring quest for relief from common ailments.


The revelation of an ancient Egyptian hangover cure in recently discovered scrolls is a testament to the ingenuity and practical knowledge of one of history's most advanced civilizations. This remedy not only provides insight into the daily lives and social practices of ancient Egyptians but also highlights their sophisticated approach to medicine. By combining herbal knowledge with an understanding of bodily needs, the ancient Egyptians developed treatments that continue to resonate with modern principles of health and wellness. This discovery enriches our understanding of ancient medical practices and the continuity of human efforts to improve quality of life.


About the Creator

Marveline Merab

“History never repeats itself. Man always does.”

― Voltaire

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    Marveline MerabWritten by Marveline Merab

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