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100 Archaeological Finds That Shouldn’t Exist!

Archaeological Finds That Shouldn’t Exist!

By Elibarick MdeePublished about a year ago 65 min read

are you interested in archaeology and

treasures then we have a few

particularly beautiful and fascinating

pieces for you it's always a surprise

what archaeologists find in this world

be it aliens of a long-lost chinese

culture magic wands or mystical vessels

made of pure gold let yourself be

surprised by these 10 unique

archaeological finds

are you fascinated by mysterious things

and archaeological discoveries then give

us a thumbs up subscribe to hidden

worlds and join us on our journey

the wands of the viking women

to begin with we embark on a journey to

the northern viking tribes there the

vulvas were the seers and magicians the

women could supposedly see the future

and also influence it vulva means staff

bearer in german in sweden the graves of

some of these high spiritual women were

found among other interesting artifacts

several ones were found so harry potter

is no nonsense the idea of sorceresses

with magic wands goes back to very real

practices of the past the ones of the

norse voldas were made of iron and wood

avulva usually lived outside normal

society some of them are said to have

roamed the countryside with the

following of young people volvas

themselves were usually very old women

the graves that have been found show

that the women reached an age of 70 to

80 years which was very old by the

standards of time moreover they were

wealthy besides the magic wands animal

bones expensive carpets and cannabis

seeds were found the vulvas were both

respected and feared by the vikings they

could bring good magic and black magic

among the people so teasing or not

paying a vulva was considered dangerous

and for good reason

the golden treasure of panagiorister

where bulgaria is today there used to be

the kingdom of thrace

little is known about the thracians as a

whole some brave fighters are said to

have come from there for example the

famous slave spartacus was originally a

thracian general in addition the

thracians were considered to be

unusually talented in the art of

goldsmithing in 1949 an incredibly

expensive treasure was discovered in the

village of panagiariste in central


nine vessels and cups made of pure gold

show filigree work on animal heads and

magical symbols

the heaviest piece is an amphora

surrounded by centaurs richly decorated

with lotus blossoms and ornaments the

pieces likely served as ritual objects

or decoration in the palace of a wealthy



the oldest known battlefield

in 1996 an amateur archaeologist came

across a fascinating find in the river

tolensa in the mecklenburg lake district

an upper arm bone with a prehistoric

arrowhead in it investigations revealed

that this person must have lived around

bc in their further search for artifacts

archaeologists came across the oldest

known battlefield of the european bronze

age actually there were so few people in

the area at the time that there was

hardly any conflict

in tolenza however several hundred young

men must have gone at each other in a

comparatively massive battle besides 13

000 pieces of bone numerous weapons such

as hammers knives clubs and dozens of

arrowheads were found more than 40 of

the skulls bought traces of massive

violence but who fought each other here

the researchers can only guess genetic

analysis of the bone remains kept

revealing new sometimes contradictory

results strange with the findings of

some weapons and objects which have so

far only been found in southern germany

according to the archaeologists a

conflict could also have developed

between immigrants from the south and

regionally resident tribes it's strange

however that no settlements are known to

have been built around tolenza at this

time other analyses say that there could

have been warriors from the balkans or

the mediterranean countries among the


the oldest sword

an italian student of archaeology

devoted her final thesis to an art

collection in a monastery in venice on

the island of san lazaro monks of the

mekitarist order housed hundreds of

ancient writings paintings and art


among the pieces was also a small

initially inconspicuous sword made of


research in the monastery directories

initially revealed that the sword was a

few hundred years old but the young

woman was sure that she found something

quite different in the sword her passion

for art objects from the early bronze

age told her that she was dealing with

an ancient artifact

further research and a closer

examination in the laboratory were to

confirm her suspicions in fact the

italian archaeologist soon held in their

hands what is currently the oldest known

sword in the world

about 5 000 years ago a coppersmith cast

it from an arsenic copper mixture

typical of that time

ottoman blade

a unique saber from the 16th century a.d

is on display at the metropolitan museum

of art in new york

it's considered one of the most

beautiful and well-crafted pieces of the

era it also belongs to none other than

suleiman the magnificent

this regent expanded the ottoman empire

in the 16th century and brought it to an

unusual flowering later suleiman's

former empire was to become turkey it

was a tradition among ottoman rulers to

learn a trade suleiman had chosen

goldsmithing at a young age

the curved blade typical of the orient

is richly gilded and decorated in

filigree handwriting sulaiman has

inscribed inscriptions from the quran

they till of the wisdom of king solomon

who is said to have possessed magical


crown found in the judean desert

in 1961 researchers at the university of

jerusalem stumbled upon a mysterious


hidden in a cave in the nashal mishma

valley on the dead sea lay dozens of

copper cult objects wrapped in an old

sack one of the most impressive pieces

is a strange crown it's now officially

considered the oldest crown in the world

it has been dated to the copper age

between 3300 and 4000 bc

whether it was worn by a regent is

unclear experts of the period and of the

gasoline culture living at the dead sea

rather assign it to a fire cult

the steely rising from the sides are

reminiscent of the horns of a deer-like

animal between them are two birds and a

towering ornament some of the other

finds also bear striking structures

reminiscent of antlers but what is

really fascinating is the way the pieces

were made

the technique used to cast them up to

6000 years ago was unusually advanced

researchers are still puzzling over the

purpose of some perfectly shaped spheres

with holes dropped shaped structures and

pieces that resemble today's discs nuts

nothing comparable has been found

anywhere else in the world

metal masks for torture

between the 16th and 19th centuries

bizarre torture masks appeared in

scotland and england if you think they

were only used to torture witches you're

wrong the iron masks called bridles were

used on women who were blaspheming

arguing or demonstrating

officially such women had been guilty of

defamation blasphemy or rebellion

against the church but in fact the

bridle was occasionally used by ordinary

husbands to rebuke their nagging or

swearing wives

women had to wear the bridle for

exposure or were paraded with it in

village squares

the iron construction exerts enormous

pressure on the head

the stockport bridle is particularly

nasty this had spikes in the mouth part

that could be used to pierce and fix

women's lips and tongues although its

use was not an officially permitted

punishment it was tolerated by the

regents women had virtually no rights at

the time and could not defend themselves

the only case documented in writing was

by dorothy wall she had converted to

quakerism and dared to speak publicly

about the quaker's religious theses

after wearing the bridle for several

hours and being led around she is said

to have tried to find her way home with

a severely unsteady gait while


edwin smith papyrus

in 1862 the u.s american edwin smith

acquired an ancient papyrus in egypt the

enthusiastic egyptologist translated the

writings as best he could later experts

in egyptian hieroglyphics completed his

work the result was one of the most

astonishing writings of all time after

all the wound book contains medical

techniques and knowledge about human

physiology that are unique until the

discovery of the papyrus and its

complete translation it was assumed that

menace in ancient egypt was largely

based on magical rites but the wound

book tells a very different story 48

wounds fractures and injuries plus their

possible therapies are described in it

experts at medical schools tested the

knowledge of the egyptians the healing

arts and operations described in it

would still be practical today who

originally wrote the papyrus is unknown

it has been dated to around

1550 bc

huangshan culture

the legendary hengshan culture still

puzzles researchers today

this strange culture flourished in inner

mongolia between 4700 and 2900 bc

once again people suddenly showed

abilities that did not match the

region's other level of development

although the hong shang lived very

simply they had astonishing knowledge in

building and the production of jade

figures a pyramid from the hongshon

period is made of stones and soil that

does not actually occur locally but how

did the hongshan transport stones end

dirt with the most primitive means can

the strange jade figures provide a clue

correct everyone who sees these figures

must inevitably think of aliens

particularly astonishing some of these

little green men are crafted in a way

that cannot be reproduced today even

with the most elaborate technology

all nonsense say the conservative

scientists again of course they want to

see dragon pigs and cow deities in the

bizarre figures but you can form your

own opinion


an ancient chariot

in a chariot to the afterlife in thrace

this was practically obligatory for

noble men about two thousand years ago

anyone who was a man of distinction had

himself buried in all splendor and

dignity a high thracian nobleman or

general was buried with his chariot the

accompanying horses and his dog at his


the once magnificently decorated chariot

was made of wood and copper the idea

that the dead had to travel a longer

distance to the afterlife is found all

over the world time and again people of

this and other eras were buried with

complete worldly furnishings for the


time and again there are discoveries on

our earth that leave us baffled even the

most competent researchers cannot

explain them sometimes there are

discoveries that concern our past and

here one has to ask oneself whether our

ancestors knew things that are unknown

to us today other strange discoveries

are more chronologically in our present

here are 10 examples of strange

discoveries that researchers have made

on our planet

are you fascinated by mysterious things

and archaeological discoveries then give

us a thumbs up subscribe to hidden

worlds and join us on our journey

lost civilization in india

archaeologists have found rock paintings

in the indian state of maharashtra that

must be tens of thousands of years old

the researchers therefore assume that

there must have been a very old unknown

civilization in maharastra

the petroglyphs resembled those found in

other parts of the world they must have

been created in prehistoric times and

could likely be among the oldest

petroglyphs ever found for thousands of

years these so-called petroglyphs found

in the flat rock hills in maharashtra

were hidden from the world they are

visible proof that indian civilization

must be over 10 000 years old the

drawings show among other things hunted

animals such as rhinos wild boars

elephants or monkeys agricultural

activities are not visible the

petroglyphs thus show a civilization

that was dependent on hunting

artifacts in lake titicaca

marine archaeologists were able to

discover a very well preserved

ceremonial site in south america's lake


among other things they found offerings

such as animal sacrifices and gold

jewelry these fines must date from the

8th to 10th century a.d at the time

around 1 million people still lived in

this region and the tiwanaku culture

dominated the area it was still the time

before the famous inca culture the

tiwanaku sells boats on lake titicaca to

cola reef to perform religious

ceremonies three excavations carried out

from 2012 brought the artifacts to light

apart from the beauty and the great

quality of the artifacts it's

particularly worth mentioning that the

fines were found almost undamaged this

is thanks to the site where they were

found as the waters of lake titicaca

protected its treasures from the

destructive influences of time and man

the most valuable finds include a puma

figure made of lapis lazuli a puma

incense burner made of ceramic a gold

medallion and other gold ornaments

in addition spondylous oyster shells

were also found which were native to the

waters of ecuador this means that the

tiwanaku were active traders

the secret of the precision of pumapunku

pumapunku is a large temple complex near

the bolivian tiwanaku the origin of the

temple complex is still unknown however

carbon dating from organic material of

the temple complex indicates that it was

built during the tiwanaku empire this

civilization ruled bolivia before the

inca period around 300 to 1000 a.d

the fascination of pumapunku lies in its


the terrorist mound was originally

covered with 10 tongue megalithic blocks

they were so perfectly cut and placed on

top of each other that they held

absolutely securely and fitted exactly

into each other even without mortar not

even a razor blade could fit between the


this means that the builders of

pumapunku had skills and technical

knowledge second to none the blocks had

equality as if they had been made by

machines the hulls were also perfectly

drilled all this was done by people who

did not know any writing system or the

existence of a wheel the stones were cut

in a certain system that required a high

degree of knowledge of geometry due to

this fact it is uncertain whether

pumapunku was actually built by the

tiwanaku or was it a more advanced

civilization that built this temple

complex after all

perhaps the carbon dating had given the

wrong results some people even believe

that pumapunku could not have been built

without the help of extraterrestrial


rare metal from atlantis

marine archaeologists have discovered 86

ingots of aura calcum on the coast of

sicily ore calcum is a rare metal

casting the greek philosopher plateau

believed that this rare metal came from

the legendary atlantis it was floating

in the sandy seabed near a shipwreck

that was 2600 years old

the site of the shipwreck was off the

coast of jala a city that was very rich

at the time of the shipwreck

fine objects were made in many workshops

in the city and researchers believed

that the ore calcum was destined for

these workshops they believed that the

valuable metal probably came to sicily

from greece or asia minor the discovery

of the oricalcum is so significant

because nothing similar has ever been

found that is why ore calculum is also

considered a mysterious metal it was

only known from ancient texts and

investigations revealed that oricalcum

consisted of 75 to 80 copper 14 to 20

zinc and a scattering of iron nickel and


these investigations shed light on the

composition of this mysterious metal

because for a long time there was only

speculation about its composition and

nothing precise was known

viking warrior women

for a long time researchers assumed that

the mortal remains found in one of the

most spectacular viking graves in birka

belonged to a man

the grave was discovered at the end of

the 19th century and the war equipment

buried with the person suggested that

the dead person was a man

only a few years ago however ostology

and dna tests showed that the bones came

from a woman who may have been a

powerful military leader the cheekbones

were finer than those of a man the hip

bones typically female on her lap

researchers found a kind of war planning

game this indicates that she likely

planned battles and also participated in



new mini human discovered

in 2007 historians on the philippine

island of luzon found the remains of a

now extinct and previously unknown human


the kalau cave is located on the

northern tip of the island this proves

that the spread of the human race

starting from africa is much more

complex than scientists thought

the finds include a foot bone and teeth

all of which point to a member of the

genus homo

the bones and teeth found belonged to

three different individuals who must

have lived over 50 000 years ago

in terms of time this fits the lifetime

of the neanderthals

the bones found show a unique

combination of primitive and modern

human features and researchers

classified a completely new species


the seven small molars found are

particularly interesting on the one hand

they have a similar shape to homo

sapiens but other features speak for

homo erectus a species that lived much

earlier in time and spread from africa

more than two million years ago still

other parts of the teeth speak for homo

floresiensis the toe and finger bones

were curved so that one must assume that

homoluzonensis climbed trees a lot and

often in contrast to other homo species

that were already ground dwellers at the


when you know that the island of luzon

was never connected to the asian

mainland and could only be reached by

the difficult crossing of the sea you

know what a great riddle homoluzonensis

posed to the discoverers

a 200 000 year old skull

two partial skulls found in a cave in

greece in 1970 prove that our human

ancestors must have left africa much

earlier than experts have assumed the

skulls must have belonged to members of

the early homo sapiens and be a good 200

000 years old all fossilized remains of

modern humans found to date have been

found in africa this skull was the

earliest evidence that modern humans

lived outside the african continent the

skulls were damaged and ct scans were

used to reconstruct missing or damaged


investigations show that the two skulls

must have come from two individuals who

came from very different regions both

skulls must have been deposited in this

cave 40 000 years apart

lost city

douglas preston was part of an

expedition to honduras in 2015 to

explore the lost city of the monkey god

in the rainforest of honduras lies the

unexplored city which belongs to a

civilization that has not yet been

explored in 2012 the site was found in

the rainforest the expedition found

undamaged ruins overgrown by the


an unknown civilization lived in this

city and it's still not known how this

civilization perished it's possible that

an apocalyptic pandemic was the cause

the lost city is located in a very

inaccessible and dangerous area

controlled by drug cartels there are

also dangerous snakes and wild animals

in addition there are flesh eating


denisovan and the neanderthal hybrid

this is a woman who must have lived over

90 000 years ago and was found in a

siberian cave

after a genome analysis of the bones

researchers found that the burns

belonged to someone who was half

neanderthal and half denisovan these

bone fines are a sensation because it's

the first time that an individual has

been identified whose parents belonged

to two different human groups it was

known to researchers that denisovans

were associated together with

neanderthals but they had never found

evidence of the first generation's


cluster bomb with hundreds of bombs

the usa bombed lao with over 270 million

cluster munitions during the vietnam war

since the pilots were supposed to return

to their base without ammunition the us

also uses lao as a dumping ground

75 million of the bombs dropped have not

exploded and are lying on laotian land

agriculture plays a major role in lao

but is hardly possible here today

because unexploded bombs lie everywhere

bad injuries or deaths occur again and

again because children pick up the bombs

thinking it's a toy or residents try to

secure usable parts of the bombs to sell

them for a small fee

the forest is a mystical place amidst

trees leaves and bushes extensive walks

in the forest invite us to escape from

our hectic everyday lives for a brief


however the increasing environmental

pollution caused by humans often leads

us to come across objects in forests

that we would not naturally locate in

the green areas

those fines that were made in forests

and that we would like to present to you

in the following however are very

different from old plastic bottles and

other leftovers that people leave behind

humpback whale in the amazon jungle

forests are known to be home to many

free-living animals that we would never

see in the streets of our cities

in turn each region of our planet is

home to its own unique fauna the

tropical rainforests are home to some of

the most exotic animals our blue planet

has to offer

so while it is not uncommon to encounter

colorful birds jaguars or certain

species of snakes in the brazilian

jungle the discovery recorded there last

year by the local population is quite

different from anything people in the

region had seen before in fact some

people came across the dead body of a

gigantic humpback whale

how the sea creature weighing over 10

tons came to be in the brazilian jungle

however could not be clarified beyond


experts suspect that the approximately

10 meter long animal already died in the

sea subsequently the body of the

humpback whale may have been swept into

the waters of the amazon river as a

result of violent storms from where it

was washed inland

mysterious paul in dubna

the city of dubna is located in the

greater moscow area the russian town

which is currently home to a good 70 000

inhabitants has been an important point

of view for the field of archaeology for

many years

accordingly numerous artifacts have been

recovered from the ground in dubna in

the past dating back to the middle stone

age and the new stone age

in the middle of a forest in the region

there is an oversized spherical

structure that does not seem to fit at

all into the natural environment of

trees and bushes but what are the

details of the gigantic ball whose

dimensions resemble those of a

five-story apartment building as

puzzling as the giant ball made of

fiberglass may seem at first glance the

origin of the object is easy to explain

originally the structure was made as

part of a ship the purpose of these

gigantic balls is to protect the radar

placed inside from external influences

it's likely that the extraordinary dubna

ball was once supposed to be transported

by helicopter to a shipyard but fell

down during the flight and finally

landed in the forest area where it is

still located today

the anomalous zones in the pokini forest

latvia is home to a forest area that has

been shrouded in unique legends for

several centuries

the region known as pokaini forest is

called the anomalous zone because of its

extraordinary energy sources

time and again visitors report ancient

rocks in the pakani forest that

supposedly possess a very strong energy


the ancient stones which are often

arranged in coherent formations are said

to be capable of curing various diseases

however there are also said to be some

supernatural rocks in the pakini forest

that become a real danger to humans

because of their dark magic but the

myths surrounding the forest go even


if you believe what some people say

there is supposed to be a hidden object

in the pakini forest which is actually

the gateway to another world

reports of inexplicable lights that keep

dancing across the forest floor fuel

this frightening theory


crop circles

crop circles which mostly appear in

fields and other green spaces have long

puzzled mankind opinions have always

been divided about the detailed filigree

objects while some people suspect that

the discovered crop circles were created

by supernatural or extraterrestrial

beings other persons think that the

patterns on the ground are merely the

work of some pranksters who want to have

some fun with the general public

in fact however crop circles are not a

phenomenon of modern times some reports

say that the first crop circle on our

planet was found as early as the late

17th century what do you think these

unique objects are really about

bruce campbell when we are walking

through the forest and suddenly come

across a huge plane the sight of it

evokes horror scenarios have we just

stumbled upon the crash site of a

passenger plane are there survivors

nearby who have survived the disaster in

the case of that plane however which is

in a wooded area in the u.s city of

portland there is no cause for concern

in fact the huge boeing 727 standing

amidst trees and bushes is not the

result of a terrible plane crash but

simply the home of bruce campbell

besides you wouldn't see a whole plane

at a crash site anyway but countless

individual widely scattered pieces of


bruce bought the discarded passenger

plane in 1999 for around hundred

thousand dollars the american put

another 120 000 us dollars into the

transport and conversion of his winged

home bruce now uses the former cockpit

as a reading room while other areas of

the boeing 727 serve as a living room

and study

georgia guidestones

about 15 kilometers from the u.s city of

elberton is a monument almost six meters

high which was completed in the spring

of 1980 who commissioned the

construction of the structure which was

christened georgia guidestones is still

unknown the man who entrusted the

construction company with the building

of the object used the pseudo name

robert c christian however the client

wanted to keep his true identity to


the monument built of stone blocks

weighing several tons is adorned with

countless inscriptions written in a wide

variety of languages some of which have

long been extinct

the commandments carved into the stone

give diverse instructions for life for

all mankind accordingly the georgia

guidestones state that the world's

population should be reduced to five

hundred thousand in addition people are

to learn a new uniform world language

while cross-border conflicts are to be

settled before an international tribunal


mysterious hut

the arcata community forest describes a

large area of forest in the u.s state of


while the natural area always attracts

numerous hikers who enjoy the nature of

the forest the arcata community forest

is not exactly considered an idol place

to live due to its secluded location

mark andre was therefore all the more

surprised when he recently discovered a

cabin in one of the most remote areas of

the forest at the time of his discovery

the director of an environmental agency

was on patrol through the forest when he

came across the completely built out hut

the sturdy shelter measures more than

4.5 meters in height and has a concrete

foundation and a small veranda large

parts of the heart were covered with

dark tarpaulins by the builder which is

why it's very different to make out the

small building in the thicket of the

forest the interior of the hut is

spartan but well structured according to

which the u.s american and his team

found many tins a stove a rocking chair

some tools and several lanterns

there was no trace of the owner of the



el mirador

el mirador is not just any piece of

forest but the largest metropolis once

built by the legendary maya the

countless ruins from days long past are

located in the north of the central

american state of guatemala some finds

such as parts of some ornamental

building elements suggest that the maya

built el mirador as early as 300 bc

the corresponding discovery which is

referred to as a freeze by experts

depicts the divine twins unappu and

ishbalangkay who played an essential

role in mind beliefs in addition el

mirador contains the ruins of some 35

buildings that were constructed in a

step-like manner the pyramid-like

objects sometimes rise 70 meters into

the air a few years ago some researchers

discovered the remains of old ceremonial

roads in the area which connected the

inhabitants of el mirador with many

villages in the vicinity the more than

15 roads have a total length of more

than 230 kilometers

according to this the connecting roads

built by the maya is probably the oldest

road network on our planet the

researchers assumed that the maya

metropolis was abandoned by its

inhabitants around the year 50 a.d and

then left to its own devices

40 years in the jungle

i'm sure many of you know the classic

tale the jungle book the famous tales

appeared on the market as early as 1894

and later some passages of the book were

to be brought to the big screen as part

of a world famous disney adaptation the

jungle book tells the story of a human

child who grows up in the thicket of the

indian tropics in the company of wild

animals while narratives of this kind

are sometimes classified in the realm of

fiction there are nevertheless some

individual cases in which people were

actually able to survive in the jungle

for several decades

for example two men lived in the dense

jungle of vietnam for a period of about

40 years

ovantan together with his son once

turned his back on modern society the

two went deep into the jungle of the

country where they built a simple

treehouse which served as home for the

father and son team for four decades

here the two immigrants farmed while

they hunted with their homemade weapons

the trigger for their escape into the

jungle however was a terrible bombing


during the vietnam war hovantan's home

was completely destroyed and the man's

wife and daughters were killed in the

attack hovantan panicked grabbed his

young son tree and fled the inferno into

the jungle it was to take about 40 years

before the two men were discovered by

some civilians

the two survivors were in critical

health and were therefore taken to a

nearby hospital

the maginot line

the maginot line in france was built

between 1930 and 1940 the network of

individual bunkers functioned as a

defense system intended to protect the

country's inhabitants from attacks by

enemy armies the remains of the

large-scale defense line are still

clearly visible today accordingly it's

not uncommon to come across some bunker

covers flush with the surface in the

middle of some wooded areas

there is more between heaven and earth

and your scholastic wisdom can dream of

proclaimed shakespeare's hamlet

many historical discoveries contradict

our common ideas about the history of

mankind if a small computer from

antiquity were discovered it would have

to be in every school textbook wouldn't


printing with movable type as early as

the bronze age

it's generally believed that the

invention of printing with movable type

was gutenberg's invention and heralded

the beginning of the modern age less

famous however is the feistos disk from

the bronze age although this was

actually the first time that printing

with movable type was used the very well

preserved disk is made of clay into

which various motifs were imprinted with

different reusable stamps it was

suspected early on that it was a forgery

and not script the reason given was that

none of the characters could be found in

any other minoan script however this

could be dispelled by other finds the

axe from the akulotori and the altar

stone formalia even bear the same

characters while it is now clearly

proven that these are indeed written

characters the decipherment of the disc

has so far failed despite numerous



huge underground cities and bunkers in


under the ground in derenkuyu is a huge

tunnel system that was used as an

underground city it accommodated well

over three thousand inhabitants and

extended eight stories deep underground

the city contained a wine press a church

and even farm animals were kept there

the sophisticated ventilation system

with countless small inconspicuous

shafts still works today the underground

city could be closed from the inside

with heavy roller doors making it almost

impossible to enter from the outside

it's unclear when construction of the

complexes began but it is certain that

these places served as a refuge for

christians between the 6th and 10th

centuries it's considered likely that

this complex was connected to other such

cities by escape tunnels apart from

derenkuyu more than 50 other such sites

are thought to exist in cappadocia well

over half of them have already been

uncovered but only a few are open to the



the true discovery of america

lance or meadows is a viking settlement

in newfoundland dating from 1000 a.d

its existence proves the thesis that

north america was discovered and even

inhabited by the vikings 500 years

before columbus

lance or meadows probably dates back to

an expedition and conquest voyage by

life eriksen archaeological finds and

excavations point to this there are also

references to this settlement in norse

mythical law and to battles between the

vikings and the indigenous people

the book of the devil

the codex gigas is a manuscript of a

13th century bible it's almost a meter

high half a meter wide and 22

centimeters thick

this makes it one of the largest

manuscripts in the world in book form

besides its gigantic size however it's

world famous above all because of an

illustration of the devil

it's also remarkable that handwriting

expertise suggests that despite the

monumental work only the handwriting of

a single person can be proven which was

very unusual for the scriptoria of the

time moreover this manuscript does not

change even though many years were

needed to write such a manuscript

amazingly these findings support an old

legend that the bible was written with

the help of the devil himself

a monk vowed to write it in a single

night in order to avoid the punishment

of being walled up alive in return

however he sold his soul to the devil

whom he depicted in his work


unknown knowledge

the voynich manuscript probably dates

from the 15th century it's written in a

language that has not been deciphered to

this day and contains numerous

illustrations that suggest it's a

scientific work

nevertheless all attempts to understand

its contents have failed

for many it represents a secret script

for others it is one of the first

attempts to create an artificial

universal language meanwhile unknown

central american or semitic languages

are also suspected for interpretation

purposes attempts have been made to find

a microscript in the script itself or to

consult the illustrations there is also

the theory that the text consists of

magical incantations

of course some researchers also claim

that the text is only a joke for which

however a disproportionate amount of

effort would have been expended

the silent colossi on easter island

on the easter islands there are huge

sculptures with oversized heads the moai

although the colossi all look very

similar they have different features the

largest moai is 21 meters high on

average they are a stately 4 meters high

and weigh over 12 tons

there are probably over a thousand of

them and more than 800 have been

excavated and recorded they were placed

in a place of worship the historical

sculptors even put hats weighing several

tons on the sculptures although how they

managed to do this is completely obscure

the purpose of these statues is still

unclear and gives rise to speculation it

could have been ancestor worship but

some experts also claim the quarrying of

the stone for the monuments kept the

earth fertile

even the age of the sculptures is

disputed they are thought to have been

created between 400 and 1000 a.d

the computer of antiquity

amazing in its procession is the

mechanism of antikythera

it's an ancient astronomical clock that

can calculate various planetary

constellations and is driven by a hand


the small marvel of engineering was

recovered from the sea off the greek

coast and dates back to the 1st century


until then such a complex technology

from antiquity was unknown researchers

have rightly called it an ancient

computer even though some say that it is

an analog calculation method


remains of a submerged ice age


about 100 kilometers off taiwan divers

discovered the so-called yonakuni

monument the rock here has exact edges

and angles which suggest that it was

worked by humans this theory is

supported by the fact that even holes

can be found that could have been used

for pillars this is particularly

fascinating because this area has been

covered by the sea since the last ice

age so the site must have been built


that would make it the oldest structure

in the world other researchers however

are convinced that it's a natural rock


china high tech

zhang he was a chinese scholar from the

2nd century a.d he was the inventor of

the first seismograph this worked so

well that it even registered a quake

over 640 kilometers away

according to reports the device had

indicated the quake the inventor was

said to have been ridiculed for this

until messages on horseback confirmed

the earthquake

later records describe the mechanism in

such detail that it could be


the first modern seismograph was not

made until 1880 and works on a similar


ulfbert product piracy in the middle


the inscription vlf berh or ulfboat can

be found on germanic swords of the 8th

to 11th centuries

a kind of brand marking had developed

for this weapon as the same signature

was used over several centuries

these swords are distinguished by their

particularly high quality which is why

charlemagne had even banned their export

in order to deprive his enemies of this

weapon for this reason many forgeries

appeared that even had spelling mistakes

which is strongly reminiscent of today's

approach to trademark forgeries

a clairvoyant map

the peri race map is an ottoman nautical

chart from 1513 even distant continents

are shown in detail only 21 years after

columbus discovered america

at the time of course the maps columbus

made were top secret but piri race's

uncle is said to have captured someone

from columbus's crew and captured a map

in the process

maps of alexander the great are even

said to have been used as a basis for

the map

antarctica is also believed to be

visible on the map which at the time had

not yet been discovered by anyone there

is no explanation for this


the fortress of the giants

saksaywaman was an inca fortress and

sacred site

it's famous above all for its walls

where huge boulders were joined together

with millimeter precision and earthquake


while in modern buildings stones had to

be repeatedly replaced because of an

earthquake the foundations of the inca

survived all earthquakes

a sheet of paper would not fit into the

joints there is a theory that the incas

melted the stones to make them fit

together so well the largest of these

stones is nine meters high and weighs

200 tons


wonder weapons

damascus steel is still legendary today

in the days of the crusades however

swords made of this steel were true

miracle weapons that were incredibly

flexible and brake resistant compared to

european weapons

the beautifully shaped wave structure of

different materials gives the steel

incredible hardness

the secret of these swords is still not

fully understood today but it seems

proven that they became even sharper

through use even then nanotechnology was

used to achieve this

chinese world cultural

heritage the longman grottoes are

located in china on mountains that look

like a dragon which gives them their


on the banks of the issue river there

are more than two thousand grottoes

along one kilometer there are many

buddha statues in the grottoes the place

is therefore an important research site

and is a world heritage site

in one of the grottos 140 recipes for

serious diseases such as malaria are


protection even in the afterlife

the mausoleum of kin shihwandi houses

the so-called terracotta army and his

gigantic dimensions

the entire complex is 56 square

kilometers in size and was intended to

enable the emperor to take everything

with him into the afterlife it's said

that more than twice as many workers

were employed to build the mausoleum as

to build the great wall of china the

terracotta army consists of 8 000

life-size clay figures each with

individual features but there are also

statues of officials and artists

the world is full of mysteries and

secrets that cannot be explained with

logical reasoning

how did stonehenge come into being and

what was the purpose of the stone circle

how were the ancient egyptians able to

build the pyramids why are their stone

heads on the easter islands

we will probably never be able to

unravel these and many more mysteries

and perhaps that is just as well for who

knows what would come to light

magnetic hill

cars that roll uphill in neutral bottles

and balls that roll up the hill instead

of down water flowing in the opposite

direction on the road the magnetic hill

near new brunswick canada mysteriously

defies gravity but not only in canada

there are also such places in italy

china poland the philippines and the usa

that give the lie to any logical

thinking but what is really behind the

phenomenon of magnetic hills

is the earth's gravitational pull really

disturbed and gravity turned into its

absurd opposite no say scientists the

attempted explanation a kind of optical

illusion causes this phenomenon where

the human eye cannot perceive a horizon

line geographical proportions are

shifted if you experience the magnetic

hills yourself you probably have to look

twice before you can believe in a

scientific explanation after all water

flowing uphill and cars rolling uphill

are not things you see every day and

rightly so these places are considered

cities of special power and energy

eternal flame falls

a flame that burns behind a waterfall

and has done so since time immemorial

even in our enlightened age this is a

phenomenon that is difficult to explain

and mystical

what most people have thought hundreds

of years ago when they discovered the

flames in what is now chestnut ridge

park new york

it's unusual enough that the fire burns

in the immediate vicinity of the

waterfall what is more it never goes out

a primal force manifesting itself in

this place trying to send us a message a

message that is impossible to interpret

native americans revered such sites as

sacred yet the flame in new york is not

the only one of its kind another famous

example is the hell mouth in

turkmenistan a huge crater in the middle

of the wasteland that has burned in

bright fires since the beginning of time

for science the reason for this lies in

escaping gases yet there are no logical

explanations for these eternally burning


moraki boulders

if you walk along the coast on the south

island of new zealand you might at first

think it's an optical illusion stone

balls over two meters in diameter lie on

mass on the beach perfectly shaped like

giant billiard balls ancient maori

stories say these stone balls are

fossilized eel baskets and gourds used

by legendary figures eons ago the

surrounding cliffs are according to

these tales the remains of boats that

carry these baskets and bottles

especially at dawn or dusk these stone

boulders offer a strangely mysterious

sight and the power of this place

captivates visitors



aokigahara is the japanese name for a

landscape range that has always been

known for the secrets it holds

the vast forests in fuji national park

are both famous and infamous known as

the suicide forests the forests owe this

eerie name to the fact that suicides and

suicide attempts are committed there

year after year particularly oppressive

is the fact that aokigahara is

recommended to suicidal people because

of its atmosphere in order to complete

one's intention in suitably gloomy


the fact that countless legends have

grown up around the forest also

contributes to this

particularly chilling stories tell of

parents who because of famine brought

their children and sick relatives into

the forest to let them starve there the

ghosts haunt the dark clearings and the

gloomy hollow paths to this day

japanese authorities try to counteract

this reputation with all means and

clever marketing this has had some

success because aokigahara is also known

as relaxing recreation and hiking area

stone forest

this time our journey takes us to the

southwest of china

there is a rock formation there that you

have to see to believe that such a thing

even exists

an entire forest formed from rock rises

into the air like stalagmites countless

rock formations lined up like this

a beautiful saga from long ago tells the

story of the stones ashima a beautiful

girl from the chinese province was

promised to a rich groom but she did not

love him she had fallen madly in love

with a poor young man when neither

begging nor pleading helped and the

wedding with the unloved groom was not

far away her pain was so great that she

no longer knew what to do so ashima ran

into the forest and turned into a stone

this was the beginning of the formation

of these majestic rock giants which

stand close together like a wall

mysterious and immovable until the end

of time

katatumbo thunderstorm

an incredible weather phenomenon occurs

on up to 240 nights a year at lake

maracaibo in venezuela at the mouth of

the rio katatumbo lightning can be

observed with a frequency that seems

almost unbelievable

the sky glows orange and red and looks

like it's drowned in blood lightning

flashes across the horizon so that even

in the darkest night everything is lit

up almost as bright as day


the lightning comes from cloud

formations that hang somberly and eerily

over the lake no thunder is heard and

the silence that reigns everywhere makes

the spectacle even more eerie not for

the faint-hearted then but the

explanation can definitely be found in


warm humid air rises from the lake cold

air blows over the andes crossing the

warmer air masses and lightning

discharges in the resulting clouds

nevertheless once you've seen the

non-stop flashes of bright lightning

that makes a blood red sky glow you

don't forget them so quickly


wandering rocks

death valley national park in the mojave

desert has the nickname death valley

shimmering heat determines the life of

the animal and plant world there the

landscape is parched the heat shimmers

before your eyes so it's no wonder that

you can't believe your own eyes when you

see the wandering rocks in death valley

national park

the rock giants weigh 300 kilograms and

more seemingly moving all by themselves

across the bottom of a huge dried up

lake for no apparent reason

that they are moving is clearly visible

the boulders leave traces that make it

possible to trace exactly where they

came from but how can this be

for a long time this mystery was

considered unsolvable various theories

were put forward considered and rejected

again there was no solution and this

strange migration could not be monitored

because the area is a nature reserve and

long-term surveillance cameras are

prohibited for nature conservation


recently however it has become known

what makes the rocks take this hike

layers of ice only a few millimeters

thick under the rocks make them glide

forward in strong winds up to an

incredible five meters per minute

in any case the wandering rocks of death

valley are an incredible natural


blood falls

a barren mountain landscape in

antarctica rocky rough covered in snow

and ice a meter thick layer of ice ends

at the steeply sloppy rocky coast of an

ice-covered lake and out of the ice

flows blood

this first sight makes your own blood

run cold who would expect to see a blood

red stream flowing from meters of shiny

ice into an antarctic lake

but this much is certain this natural

phenomenon is of course not blood rather

it is a ferogenous hypersaline water

that emerges from the glacier with a

reddish hue and gives the impression of

a bleeding wound it's a sight you won't

soon be able to tear yourself away from

in the majestic landscape of antarctica

quebec tepe

the function of quebec tepe is still

unclear today the prehistoric site in

turkey has been excavated by scientists

since 1990 and is considered a long-term

archaeological project

despite all efforts the significance of

the structures found on the site is

unknown and will probably remain so

the area of quebec tepe covers a

diameter of almost 300 meters the hill

is up to 15 meters high

the original assumption that it could be

a cemetery is not confirmed the most

likely assumption suggests that it was a

prehistoric holy city what rights what

religion what traditions might have

determined life on quebec tepe the hill

will probably never reveal its secret



excalibur is the most famous sword in

the world

everyone knows the saga of merlin arthur

guinevera and excalibur

merlin the wizard plunged excalibur into

a rock and no one was able to free it

only arthur the knight of the round

table was destined to pull the sword out

of the rock and become the ruler of


this legend is ancient and has occupied

researchers scientists poets and

thinkers alike

countless films have been made about

this heroic saga however it's unclear

where excalibur is today possibly in the

canyon of kadavagan south of the


there you will find a sword the size of

a man rammed deep into a rock and no one

is able to pull it out

hardly any error in our human history is

as mysterious as egyptian antiquity

although we have already been able to

recover numerous artifacts from ancient

egypt in our modern world countless

mysterious objects from times long past

still slumber in the earth the

sarcophagi grave goods and hieroglyphs

discovered so far are helping scientists

to gain a more precise insight into the

reality of life of the ancient egyptians

according to the findings the social

order of the inhabitants of that time

was characterized by a firm hierarchy

headed by the powerful pharaohs

at the same time the belief in various

deities and the existence of an

otherworldly world of the dead were very

important in the everyday life of the


untouched four thousand four hundred

year old tomb

the way a deceased person was laid to

rest in ancient egypt said a lot about

the social status of the dead person

the magnificently decorated tomb that

some archaeologists recently came across

in a desert region near cairo suggested

the buried person must have been a

powerful man during his lifetime

before the burial chamber was

rediscovered by scientists it was hidden

from the eyes of the world for more than

four thousand four hundred years

an inscription proved that the deceased

was a man named wahite who held a high

position at the court of the ruler


according to this wahita held the role

of a royal priest who was in close

contact with the pharaoh's family the

discovery of an untouched burial chamber

is a real sensation in the world of

archaeology over the centuries many

tombs of the ancient egyptians fell

victim to grave robbers who often

plundered the chambers down to the last

dowry the tomb of wajita on the other

hand appeared completely intact the

researchers found drawings showing the

deceased with his family as well as

numerous precious statues

the countless wall decorations once

again proved the importance of funerary

culture in ancient egyptian society


ancient statue of the nubian king

the archaeological site of dungale is

located in today's sudan and has already

brought many valuable discoveries to

light a few years ago some scientists

came across the remains of an impressive

statue that was made two thousand six

hundred years ago

the object was provided with an

inscription written in egyptian

hieroglyphics in detail the relic was

recovered from the ruins of a venerable

temple that was built in honor of the

god amon

the statue depicts the portrait of king

aspelta who ruled over the mighty

kingdom of cush between 593 and 568 bc

the hieroglyphs on the statue again tell

of the divine legitimacy of the ruler


16 ancient tombs

the discovery of a single egyptian

burial chamber is already a significant

milestone in the world of research but

when 16 tombs are found at once it's

like a unique archaeological bang in

fact earlier this year some scientists

came across several tombs about 300

kilometers from cairo that contained a

total of 20 sarcophagi many of these

egyptian coffins were decorated with

elaborate ornaments and inscriptions

attesting to the high social status the

buried possessed during their lives in

addition to the sarcophagi the

researchers also discovered numerous

grave goods such as about ten thousand

small statues which played an essential

role in the cult of the dead in ancient

egypt in addition the graves contained

more than 700 precious amulets some of

which were made of pure gold


two thousand five hundred year old


necropolis of sakhara is one of the most

important egyptian necropolises the huge

burial site was used by the ancient

egyptians for many centuries accordingly

numerous powerful rulers were buried in

sakhara but other dignitaries were also

given the honor of passing into the

afterlife in the revered necropolis

recently 27 previously unknown

sarcophagi were recovered from saqqara

the dead were buried more than 2500

years ago initial investigations

revealed that the coffins are completely

intact and were not opened after the

deceased were laid to rest not only the

sarcophagi but also the countless

dowries were therefore in exceptionally

good condition

mummified babies

naturally most of those buried in

ancient egypt were adults who had one

day reached the end of their lives

however it also happened that royal

children died shortly before or after

their birth and were subsequently buried

in a pompous manner the two mummified

babies found in tutankhamen's burial

chamber as early as 1922

were in all probability stillborn

offspring of the young egyptian ruler in


scientists decided to examine the

deceased babies in more detail with the

help of dna tests the experts wanted to

gain more precise knowledge about the

descent of king tutankhamen and also

clarify the question of who the mother

of the dead children was

each of the babies was given its own

tiny sarcophagus the first baby probably

died in the womb in the fifth month of

pregnancy while the other most likely

died during birth

screaming mummy

the story of the egyptian prince

pentahoeur is as chilling as it is

fascinating the young man was the heir

to the throne of tharos ramses iii

according to historical sources pentawa

once decided to have his own father

murdered after the prince was unmasked

as the mastermind of the assassination

he was put on trial however the

pharaoh's murder was not the act of an

individual but rather a large-scale

conspiracy in addition to the prince

numerous servants high dignitaries and

even pentagon's mother are said to have

been responsible for the death of ramses

the third

in order to escape the punishment of the

judges pentagon finally took his own

life exactly how the heir to the throne

met his death however is still disputed

today it's most likely that pentawa

either poisoned himself or hanged

himself since the prince had fallen into

disgrace because of the patricide the

deceased was not honorably mummified

like his royal family members instead he

was buried with his mouth open and his

facial muscles strained to make it

appear as if the prince was wearing an

eternal agonized death cry on his lips

in addition the dead man was wrapped by

his undertakers in a cloth made of

sheepskin this is a material that was

considered impure in the minds of the

ancient egyptians the body of the heir

to the throne is now in the egyptian

museum in cairo

a village in egypt older than the


in the vicinity of the nile delta some

researchers found the remains of a

village that caused quite a stir with

its immense age

the small village is said to have been

built around the year 5000 bc

this makes the settlement one of the

oldest known villages in ancient egypt

around 140 kilometers from cairo the

archaeological researchers found several

ceramic objects and everyday tools that

proved that the village served its

inhabitants as a permanent refuge

the findings of various storage sites in

which plant remains and animal bones

were discovered also support this thesis

in essence the village was built more

than 2 500 years before the world famous

pyramids of giza were erected thus the

inhabitants of the village lived long

before the first pharaonic dynasties

arose in ancient egypt the inhabitants

of the community were among the pioneers

of ancient egyptian agriculture and the

permanent keeping of farm animals

mysterious curse

after a black granite sarcophagus was

recovered from the ground in egypt

utmost fear grew in some sections of the

superstitious population some people

suspected that an ancient curse was

hidden inside the coffin which would

sweep over the country like a wave of

terror as soon as the archaeologist

opened the sarcophagus

against all odds the experts decided to

reveal the coffin to find out what was

really inside the object when the

researchers had lifted the lid of the

sarcophagus only a few centimeters they

were forced to stop their work

immediately the reason for this was the

accurate stench that immediately flowed

towards them from the opened coffin

later however the archaeologists

succeeded in completely uncovering the

inside of the sarcophagus

there the scientists saw the mortal

remains of three different people which

were in a disgusting broth of dirty

sewerage the poor condition of the

burials however did not allow any more

precise conclusions to be drawn about

the ancestry of the deceased the experts

assumed that the three buried people

could be egyptian soldiers some parts of

the bones were damaged most likely by

the impact of weapons fortunately as we

know today there was no trace of the

dreaded curse of the mummies

the tomb of king tutankhamun's wife

anxiemun was the royal wife of the

famous egyptian pharaoh tutankhamen in

all likelihood the royal couple were

brother and sister the search for the

remains of the royal wife has always

been an extremely difficult undertaking

when egyptologist howard carter came

across tutankhamun's tomb in 1922

he discovered incredibly magnificent

dowries including the now world famous

funerary mask of the young ruler the

investigation of several hitherto

unknown burial chambers near the final

resting place of pharaoh aya is fueling

hopes within the ranks of scholars that

they will soon come across the burial

place of ang sen moon it's considered

likely that the royal consort married

aya after tutankhamun died aye was in

turn buried in the valley of the apes

the imposing necropolis is not far from

the famous valley of the kings it

remains to be seen what results the

archeological investigations will bring

in the future

seraphim sarcophagi

the serrapem of saqara functioned in the

famous necropolis as the site where the

uppest bulls considered sacred were

buried after their death

the existence of the huge empty

sarcophagi found in the seraphim of

saqqara has always given rise to a wide

variety of speculations

although the thesis that the syrupian

was used for the burial of sacred bulls

is considered extremely likely there are

nevertheless some people who doubt the

authenticity of this theory

above all the dimensions of the huge

sarcophagi which far exceed the height

of the bulls make the skeptics wonder

did the coffins actually serve as the

final resting place of completely

different life forms

the world's oceans have been used by

humans for centuries as transport routes

and reservoirs of raw materials

freighters tankers warships and

passenger ships sail the seas currently

more than 700 of these sea giants are

decommissioned and scrapped every year

but not all wrecks end up in ship

graveyards in india or bangladesh ship

disasters or other events cause these

ships to disappear and reappear in

unusual places

and under strange circumstances the fate

and stories of these giants of the seas

are captivating cherry venture

the 1600 gross ton cargo ship cherry

venture sailed for a shipping company in

singapore which had acquired this ship

built in 1945 from a scandinavian

shipping company

on the voyage from auckland new zealand

to brisbane australia the freighter ran

into heavy seas near the barrier reef

waves up to 12 meters high caused the

crew of the cherry venture to lose

control of their ship it had no cargo at

the time and was therefore unable to

weather the storm the cherry venture ran

aground on a queensland beach on the 6th

of july 1973. the wreck was bought by an

australian entrepreneur who wanted to

convert it into a cruise ship but a

total of nine attempts to flood the

wreck failed the cherry venture lay on

the beach for 34 years and became a

tourist attraction before it was

dismantled and buried in 2007. a storm

exposed the parts again and since then

the wreckage has once again become a

popular excursion point


ms wealth discoverer

the crew ship was built in 1974 at a

shipyard in bremerhaven on behalf of a

danish shipping company the cruise ship

was used for special expeditions to the

amazon region and set sail for

antarctica and the bering sea the world

discoverer could carry 137 passengers on

exclusive cruisers her function as a

class 1a icebreaker also allowed voyages

across the northwest passage at the

north pole in april 2000 the well

discovered was sailing in the pacific

near the solomon islands when she ran

aground on an uncharted reef in a storm

after a distress call from the captain

all passengers were evacuated from the

ship unharmed despite the ship's list

the captain was able to maneuver it into

a nearby bay where it eventually ran

aground after the local population

cannibalized the ship and salvage

attempts proved too expensive the world

discoverer still lies in roderick bay

rusting away as a tourist attraction


the soviet warship mumansk was

commissioned by the soviet navy in 1955.

the cruiser had a length of 210 meters

with a width of 21 meters and a weight

of over 16 000 tons

the crew consisted of

1184 soldiers the armament consisted of


millimeter guns six 100 millimeter guns

and anti-aircraft guns in addition the

moments can five torpedo launchers the

ship had steel armor of up to 175

millimeters the mamansk was part of the

ussr's northern fleet and was intended

for operations in arctic regions

the mamansk was used in the soviet and

russian fleets until 1994 when it was

sold to india for scrapping on its way

to india the mamansk broke loose from

the towboat and ran aground in a

norwegian fjord after rumors of a

radioactive cargo on the mamansk a

salvage operation was started by a

norwegian company in 2009. a dam was

built around the mamansk and the

interior was pumped empty the wreck was

then dismantled and scrapped


the cargo ship coutiyan was launched in


the gutian is the largest concrete ship

in the world with a length of 105 meters

and a width of 14.5 meters and a weight


5773 tons

concrete ships are a special

construction in which the hull of the

ship is made of concrete reinforced by

iron and steel girders this construction

method allows for significantly lower

manufacturing costs than a ship made

entirely of steel a one-off construction

like the gutian on the other hand is

very costly due to the high running

costs of the ship the gutian was taken

out of service after only one year and

grounded where it lay ashore in the

middle of the industrial region around

fushu for over 40 years before

dismantling of the ship began in 2012.


sea shadow

the experimental ship sea shadow or by

its military code ix-529

was commissioned and developed by the

u.s navy and the u.s department of

defense in the 1980s with the defense

contractor lockheed

the aim of the secret project was to

build a ship that remained invisible to

enemy radar as a prototype the sea

shadow was used as the first stealth

ship for research into stealth

technologies and in the field of

unmanned maritime drone development

however the sea shadow proved to be a

technological failure and was

decommissioned by the navy just one year

after its launch in 1985. in 1993 it was

reactivated again for research purposes

and was also shown to the public for the

first time it was finally decommissioned

in 2006.

from 2006 to 2012 the sea shadow lay in

san francisco bay and was to serve as a

museum ship

as no entrepreneur was found to take

over the ship the sea shadow was

scrapped in 2012

scrapping yards near chittagong

in a year about 700 ocean-going vessels

of all functions and types are

decommissioned and released for

scrapping the cannibalized shipwrecks

consist of thousands of tons of steel

and the remaining equipment also has

considerable material value

a ship breaking industry has grown up

around the scrapping of ships bangladesh

has become the world's largest location

of this kind

in chittagong a total of 70 companies

specializing in the scrapping of

ocean-going vessels are located on a

seven kilometer stretch of beach

the decommissioned ships are brought up

by the scrapping yards and towed to

chittagong where they are dismantled and

recycled the work in bangladesh is

primarily done by hand due to lack of

safety measures and hazardous materials

this work is highly risky

in the years between 1990 and 2010 more

than 1 000 workers died in the shipyards

as a direct result of occupational


ss america

the passenger ship ss america was in the

tradition of the great passenger

steamers in the north atlantic route

between europe and america she was

commissioned in 1940 with the entry of

the usa into the second world war in

december 1941 the ss america was used as

a military transport for u.s troops to

europe after the end of the war the

passenger steemer was used for its

original function as a liner on the

north american route

the ss america had a length of 220

meters and a beam of 28 meters the

weight was 26 500 gross tons the asset

america could carry up to 659 passengers

and had a crew of 643

after the shipping lines were

discontinued the ss america found use as

a cruise ship in 1992 she was sold for

two million dollars to thailand where

she was to anchor as a hotel ship off

phuket the propellers were removed for

the transport the town got caught in a

force 12 sea storm off the canary

islands the ss america broke loose and

broke in two in the middle the debris

drifted towards fuerteventura the pieces

ran aground on a beach several people

were killed when the wreckage was looted

by residents of the island the bow rose

out of the water until 2007 before it

finally sank into the sea

ss airfield

near sydney australia lies home bush bay

a former industrial harbour with an

adjacent industrial area

the harper was abandoned in the 1970s

and the entire area became an industrial

wasteland it was not until a

redevelopment program for the sydney

olympic games in 2000 that the area was

redeveloped and turned into a

residential area as witnesses to the

industrial past four shipwrecks lie

where the harbour once was the ss

airfield was built in 1911 and served as

a coal freighter

during the second world war the ship

served as a naval supply ship for the

u.s navy transporting coal oil and war


after the end of the war the ss airfield

resumed its function as a coal miner

with the end of the industrial port the

freighter was left to its own devices

and has been drifting in homebush bay

ever since the remarkable thing about

the shipwreck is not only that it's

still drifting after almost 40 years but

also that nature has reclaimed it a

floating forest of mangrove trees has

grown up on the deck of the freighter

thus the ss airfield drifts through the

bay as a floating artificial island and



the luxury yacht al-mansour was built in

the finnish shipyard watsila in 1983 on

behalf of the iraqi dictator saddam


with a length of 120 metres and a top

speed of 37 kilometers per hour the

yacht has remarkable dimensions the 120

man crew provided up to 20 passengers

with every conceivable luxury in the

onboard hall the dictator could hold

receptions for up to 200 invited guests

in the harbour as a last resort the al

mansour had a mini submarine in the

course of the gulf war saddam hussein

moved his showpiece to the port

facilities of basra the u.s received

information about the yacht's location

and decided to launch a symbolic attack

two u.s air force tomcat bombers took to

the skies and staged a shooting contest

on the yacht two 500 pound bombs sank

the luxury ship in basra harbour where

the wreck still lies today

mv kalakala

the ferry ship of mv kalakala captivates

with its design which was inspired by

aviation her design is consistently

streamlined the mv kalakala was built in

1926 and had a room for 2 000 passengers

her engine power of almost 3 000

horsepower brought her to a top speed of

32 kilometers per hour originally built

for ferry services in san francisco bay

she burnt out completely while lying in

the harbour in 1933

the hull remained intact so the ship

received completely new super structures

and also the characteristic design

kalakala means bird in the indian

language which refers to her speed

however the design also brought

considerable disadvantages so that the

ferry was decommissioned in 1967 and

from then on was used in alaska as a

factory ship in the crab processing

industry plans to convert the mv

kalakala into a museum failed when the

ferry began to list port authorities

declared the vessel a threat to seattle

shipping in 2011 after 31 years in

service the decision was made in 2015 to

scrap the ferry

ocean-going vessels are used for decades

and have their own history they change

names flags and functions in the end

they are disassembled as reservoirs of

raw materials but some run aground sink

or remain visible as wrecks for decades

or centuries they are the rubbish of the

sea and keep their secrets have you

learned anything new about these giants

or do you know any other acts that have

become famous

the underwater world is fascinating and


scientists assume that the oceans of our

world have so far been less explored

than outer space

in the depths of the oceans live fish

that no human has ever seen but it is

not only living creatures that the sea


again and again the most incredible

discoveries are made

today's technology makes it possible to

gain comprehensive insights into the

ocean floor

in addition to artifacts of bygone eras

there are even modern constructions in

the deep sea

these 11 bizarre underwater discoveries

caused quite a stir and will amaze you

an ancient shipwreck off malta

in 2014 divers made a sensational

discovery in the mediterranean

a shipwreck was removed off the coast of

malta at a depth of around 120 meters

what made this sighting on the seabed so

extraordinary was the fact that it was

an ancient boat never before had such a

historical find been made in this region

it was quickly determined that the ship

was from the time of the phoenicians and

was an incredible

2700 years old the remains of the wreck

revealed that at the time a merchant

ship about 15 meters long had sunk in

the sea

immediately next to the object were

millstones and amphorae which sank into

the depths with it as cargo

the phoenicians were a seafaring people

who lived as traders in the

mediterranean why the ship sank and the

tragic story behind it will remain a

mystery for all eternity

the sunken city

it was not until 2000 that the mystery

surrounding this interesting legend was

solved the french underwater

archaeologist frank gaudio was able to

discover the location of a sunken city

in the nile delta

deep on the seabed the foundations of an

ancient civilization were visible

it was the city of heraklion in ancient

times it was one of the most important

ports in the world and egypt's pride and


it was known above all as a spiritual

center and housed one of the most

important temples of that time that of

the ancient egyptian god amon

but fate was not kind to the small port

city an earthquake and other

catastrophes caused the site's demise

the temple sank into the sea in the 8th

century a.d along with many other

buildings heraklion became a myth that

was considered forgotten for a long time

only the discovery of the sunken site

brought the name of this extraordinary

city back into people's memory

the fascinating underwater river

there are places and regions in this

world that give you goosebumps one such

place is the cenote angelita only a few

minutes away from the mexican city of

tulum a fascinating discovery was made

on the yucatan peninsula

deep in the jungle a limestone hall was

discovered that revealed an underground


there are many of these underwater

labyrinths in mexico which divers prefer

to explore but the cenote angelita is

like no other cave system it was formed

by the collapse of a cave ceiling and

filled with fresh water a world of its

own was discovered complete with trees

aquatic plants and its own shore at a

depth of about 60 meters this magical

place attracts countless professional

divers every year photographs were taken

that seemed like something out of a

dream and make this special natural

phenomenon appear even more mysterious


two locomotives at the bottom of the sea

this story is so crazy that it could

have come from a film but it actually

corresponds to reality

in 1985 the american diver paul hepler

was investigating the seabed off the

coast of new jersey

quite unexpectedly he discovered two

huge metal objects resting on the seabed

at first he couldn't see what they were

exactly because the water was very murky

and the fines were difficult to access

after several dives the surprising

realization came that there were two

locomotives hepla had never made such an

underwater discovery before the question

quickly arose as to why two locomotives

of all things were sunken in the sea and

how long they had been there

investigations revealed that they were

very old machines called planets which

sank into the sea around 1850 the exact

circumstances could never be clarified

scientists suspected that the two

locomotives fell off a barge during

transport and therefore found their

eternal rest in the deep sea

the wreck of the thistle grom

for all underwater lovers the wreck of

the thistle grom is a popular diving

spot the remains of the former cargo

ship lie off the sinai peninsula in the

red sea there is a tragic story behind

the sinking of the 126 meter long

freighter in 1940 the british ship set

sail from the port of sunderland in

northern england during the second world

war the thistle rum was equipped with

cannons and machine guns for protection

but all measures did not help

on october 6 1941 it was strafed and

sunk by a german luftwaffe bomber in

1956 the legendary french diver jacques

cousteau discovered the wreck of the

thistle grom since the exact coordinates

were not published the ship disappeared

from pimple's memory again it was not

until 1991 that the wreck was found

again by german divers and has offered a

fascinating backdrop ever since

the short voyage of the zenobia

in 1979 a rauro ferry was built in

sweden it was named zenobia after the

syrian ruler who was considered the

queen of kings on may 4th 1980 the ship

embarked on its maiden voyage to syria

after only one month an incident

occurred quite unexpectedly

off cyprus the zenobia tilted more than

40 degrees to one side it could never be

fully clarified what the exact cause of

this disaster was it's possible the ship

had not loaded enough ballast water fate

took its course all attempts to save the

zenobia failed in the early morning of

june 7th 1980 the railroad ferry sank

off the port of lancaka 18 meters deep

in the ocean the once crate ship is now

one of the most popular diving

expeditions in the mediterranean the

story of the zenobia remains unforgotten

the lion city

lake keando in china holds an

extraordinary story in the depths of the

waters lies a hidden world artful walls

gates and houses rest at the bottom of

the lake elaborately decorated

architecture characterizes this setting

divers were amazed when they came across

this mystical underwater city in 2001.

scientists discovered that it was the

city of xi cheng which also became known

as lion city

in 1959 the city fell victim to a

reservoir and was completely flooded it

almost fell into oblivion but thanks to

many sport loving divers the lion city

is once again enjoying great popularity

breathtaking photos and film footage

have been taken that capture the beauty

of this place

at 30 meters below the surface this

impressive sunken city rests timelessly

to this day

the mysterious yonaguni monument

deep in the east china sea lies a

formation that still poses many

mysteries to signs today

in japan near the island of yonaguni

lies this extraordinary underwater


in 1985 a japanese diver found strange

rocks he was actually looking for new

diving regions for tourists but this

huge formation immediately piqued his

interest for a closer look

it looked as if the rocks had been

worked by human hands this formation is

known as the underwater pyramid it is

200 meters long and 150 meters wide

researchers still disagree whether this

impressive object was created by humans

several millennia ago or is it of

natural origin the yonaguni monument

will continue to be a great mystery

causing much speculation


a plane at the bottom of the sea

in 2009 the wreckage of an aircraft was

sunk in a bay off the turkish province

of antalya

it was a douglas c-47 used by the u.s

air force for military missions the

turkish air force used it as a

transporter for training parachutists

after being taken out of service the old

aircraft was donated to a diving station

the wreckage was to help create a new

reef at the same time the plane was to

serve as another attraction for divers

the plane lies on the seabed at a depth

of about 20 meters

in harmony with the underwater world the

wreck provides a fascinating backdrop an

exciting special feature is that the

interior is also open a dive into the

depths of the aircraft becomes an

unforgettable experience


rocket engines on the seabed

almost everyone is familiar with nasa's

apollo 11 mission

the first manned moon landing took place

on july 20th 1969. one day later

astronaut neil armstrong became the

first man to set foot on the moon

this historic monument made history in

2011 the legendary mission unexpectedly

caused a stir again

a diving expedition found two rocket

engines off the coast of florida the

wreckage was located at a depth of 4800

meters this sensation quickly caused a

lot of speculation in cape canaveral

immediately there are speculation as to

which mission the engines belong to in a

complex salvage operation the objects

were secured from the seabed the rocket

engines were actually parts of the

legendary apollo 11 mission and belonged

to the saturn rocket that took the first

humans to the moon this incident gives

goosebumps and deep fascination

the underwater museum

there is one museum in this world that

is unlike any other we're talking about

the atlantic museum in spain

this very unusual place can be found in

las palmas a huge underwater museum has

been created everything was made from

environmentally friendly materials an

artificial reef and seabed provide the

perfect backdrop what gives this project

its very special touch is the fact that

there is an art exhibition on the seabed

many sculptures in different positions

and arrangements are on the bottom the

artist jason de cares taylor wanted to

portray a peaceful dialogue between

nature and art many see creatures such

as rays octopus and sardines live in

harmony with the art objects for all

sport loving divers a visit to the

underwater museum is a must

humans have always clashed in armed

conflicts and have covered the earth

with wars over the course of time

archaeological finds show for example

the defensive walls were built many

centuries ago in this video however we

won't go back that far in time but

presents you finds from the more recent

past are you fascinated by mysterious

things and archaeological discoveries

then give us a thumbs up subscribe to

hidden worlds and join us on our journey

cultibragon camp 21

about 1.6 kilometers outside the

picturesque village of comory

coultibragon camp 21 lies beneath the

craggy cliffs of the uberuchil hills it

was originally used to intern prisoners

of war during the second world war

it was built in 1941 to house four

thousand category a prisoners these

prisoners of war were the most fanatical

followers of the nazi ideology from the

ranks of the waffen ss and the


members of the vermont creeks mourinho

and luftwaffe were housed separately

just like the officers another camp was

located about three kilometers away in


after the war cultibragen was used as a

training camp for various troops from


the camp covered an area of three

hectares and provided accommodation for

600 people who were housed in tents and


for military maneuvers the nearby 4900

hectare tainable military training area

was used for military maneuvers

in 1970 the huts on the western side of

the camp were demolished to make way for

a shooting range the surviving

facilities include an obstacle course

and an officer's mess making coltie

bragan one of the three best preserved

pow camps in britain

during the cold war a royal observer

core or roc underground listening

station was installed on the site in

1960 the site was abandoned when the roc

withdrew in 1991 but it is still

accessible today as early as 1990 a

bunker was completed on the site to

ensure the ability of the foreign

secretary the bbc and other important

organizations were able to act in the

event of war

since 2004 the site has no longer been

used for military purposes after its

purchase by the comre development trust

it's now home to allotments and a cheese

factory among other things


is located about five kilometers

northeast of verdun city center on the

site of the former town of dumont

after the battle of odam the ossuary was

used to bury the remains of fallen

soldiers who could not be identified the

ossuary is the final resting place for

more than 130 000 soldiers from the

ranks of the french and german military

it was marshall paitan's wish that the

ossuary be built on the site of the

heaviest fighting the foundation stone

was laid on the 22nd of august 1920 and

the burns were transferred to the dumont

ossuary on the 18th of september 1927.

the tomb was inaugurated in 1932 by the

french president albert lebrun it is

situated on a hill and can be seen from

the entire former battlefield

the dumont ossuary became world famous

through a photograph showing french

president francois mitheron and german

chancellor helmut kohl at a

reconciliation ceremony in front of the



maisie battery

the german via marked secretly placed a

series of artillery pieces near the

french village of grand campmaisi in

normandy before d-day in june 1944.

the macy battery was part of the

atlantic wall fortifications and the

centerpiece for the defense of the

sector between longo sumer and san


in addition to omaha beach and utah

beach its artillery pieces were also

able to destroy two of the five allied

landing sites in normandy since the

nazis assumed among other things that

the allies would invade from the united

kingdom extensive fortifications were

built for defense

the installation around the artillery

pieces of maisie was under special

secrecy and was built by forced laborers

from the soviet union czechoslovakia and


local workers were deliberately not used

so that the french resistance and

finally the allies would not get wind of

the guns

macy's artillery consisted of three

batteries that shelled omaha beach until

the third day after d-day

according to historian gary stern this

was made possible by colonel james

rudder disobeying an order after the

capture of point du hock rudder should

have advanced with his men to maisie

hitler's lost city

hitler's lost city is an underground

facility built by forced labor in 1942

near the dutch town of skaveningen the

facility includes tunnels storage

chambers living quarters and even a

sauna the complex runs along the coast

and could house up to 3

300 ss soldiers for the local population

the entire area was a restricted zone

the extensive complex lies beneath the

sand of the dunes it's being renovated

with the help of the original blueprints

and restored to its original state

in photos of the eerie tunnels the

markings on the walls are clearly

visible pak for example stands for

anti-tank gun and k for coast the

complex was part of fortress europe and

was first discovered in its full size

after the end of the war the bunker was

built for arthur seismart who was in

command of holland during nazi rule he

was tried at nuremberg after the war and

hanged after his conviction


england's coastal defenses

weather triggered erosion reveals

england's coastal defenses along about

five kilometres of the south coast these

were important coastal fortifications at

the time of the second world war the

british military feared a nazi invasion

and vastly expanded the defenses between

the towns of barton on sea and milford

on sea these are metal bars with

concrete posts interwoven with barbed

wire after the war everything was left

behind and washed over by the water

researchers and archaeologists hoped

that the discovery of the coastal

defenses will help them draw conclusions

about the strategy used to defend


air ride shelters air raid shelters

provide protection from aerial attack

for civilians and military personnel

alike in england preparations for the

construction of air raid shelters did

not progress before the second world war

little progress was made between 1924

and 1937 as there was little data and

recommendations on the construction of

such bunkers

during the second world war basements

tunnels and even london underground

stations were converted into air raid


millions of people use the london

underground every day but how many

passengers today are still aware of

their function during the war

concrete remains of the nazis

not far from the beaches of bay du diane

are the concrete remains of an old rock

crushing plant this nazi legacy with its

adjacent bunkers stands out in the

natural beauty of brittany's landscape

during the occupation the germans built

the plant as part of their atlantic wall

along the atlantic coast to prevent the

allied invasion the crushing plant is

located on the beach at tragonac it

supplied the stones for the production

of concrete and played an important role

in the construction of the

fortifications of fortress europe a rail

system was used to transport the stone

to the site where it was needed the area

around tragonek is known for its rock

quality many of the structures survived

the wall including a 2 meter wide and

150 meter long wall and a device for the

rock several stories high

it's not known why the structures were

not destroyed speculation is that this

would have been difficult to accomplish

another theory is that the structures

were preserved as a historical memorial

after the war it was used to help

rebuild the destroyed structures in the


among other things the city of brest was

built with stones from this crushing


untouched flat

a young woman fled paris for the south

of france in 1942 to escape the nazis

leaving behind her luxurious furnished

flat to which she was never to return

seventy years later numerous art

treasures were found in the flat after

the owner's death at the age of 91. the

beautifully preserved flat contained

antiques and oil paintings among other

things one find in particular stood out

it was a painting by giovanni baldini a

famous 19th century painter and shows

his muse math deflorean wearing a dreamy

pink dress

the picture was painted in 1888 and its

value is estimated at around 3.4 million


as it turned out the flapped along to

the granddaughter of marth de florian

who had kept love letters between her

relative and the painter baldini this

enabled her to be identified as the

woman in the painting

post consent during the second world war

have you ever been annoyed by long

letter delivery times after more than 70

years a postcard reached the former home

of its addressee in elmira new york the

postcard was mailed on 4th of july 1943

in rockford illinois an address to

sisters pauline and teresa lyson ring in


the sender was their brother george

liesenring who was stationed at camp

grant his parents melded after a visit

a post spokesman believes it was found

and posted by a third person

tanks underground

the garrosh and at the batu force

airfields began to expand the defenses

to the adjacent fort pyrnasan in 1953.

to this end the stritzvogans tanks were

buried in the fort's grounds the area

was a former air force bunker built

during the second world war and expanded

by the norwegians to be able to defend

the airfield the tanks were dug in

strategic points in order to resist

attacks on all flanks they were

positioned over ramps about three meters

long in pits four meters wide and one

and a half meters deep only the gun

turrets from the tanks protruded from

the ground and the engine transmission

and other components were completely

removed from the inside the turrets had

to be moved manually to ensure safe

access of the crews to their tanks and

munition supplies poles were cut in the

armor connected tunnels led to the fort

and in 1953 most of the tanks were

decommissioned and some were used as

targets on firing ranges

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About the Creator

Elibarick Mdee

My name is Elibarick Mdee, I am a writer of exciting stories that convey a message to the community to educate and learn the good things that exist and exist.

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    Elibarick MdeeWritten by Elibarick Mdee

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