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Rick and Morty's Dinner Party

S5:E1 Review

By Mel E. FurnishPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

"Mort Dinner Rick Andre"

Morty accepts death and calls Jessica only to no longer accept their demise and panics to do whatever he can to ensure they survive so he can have a chance with her. Crashing the ship into the ocean, Morty is relieved. However, Rick freaks out over touching the sea on Earth. This dinner party started because Morty accidentally broke Rick's treaty between land and sea with Mr. Nimbus. Rick's nemesis, Mr. Nimbus, appears as we see Rick start to worry.

What a comeback. In my opinion, season four wasn't exactly satisfying; however, this first episode of season five made up for the disappointment.

My fiancé and I were a little iffy at first, in all honesty, with this unique character, Mr. Nimbus. However, the majority of the episode gripped us and, at times, had us cracking up in laughter.

I LOVE THE NARNIA REFERENCE. This take on the concept is so dark and gets so out of hand - I love it.

"Life is a fight." - Rick speaking the cold hard truth to Morty again. XD

The storyline that erupts inside the portal is incredible. The whole concept is well thought through and is executed cleverly. I thought to myself: "Oh no, he is going to be too late getting back and 'mess it up.'"

As soon as he steps back into the portal, the beginning of the tragedy. Time passed so quickly his wife died, and the baby they were about to have had aged to adulthood, only to murder his father when he returned. This wild escalation triggers a series of events occurring over generations within the world. What started as a misunderstanding swiftly grows into mayhem.

Morty must go back to get more wine, and after he returns, he meets the deranged son.

"Why is every old guy super jacked?" We both absolutely lost it at Morty's line bringing back memories of characters and events before.

The references to prior episodes and events catch fans in nostalgia for a moment as we are reminded of it. Mr. Nimbus says he knew it was Rick that ventured to Atlantis. In that adventure, Rick and Morty got some "mermaid p*ss," and Morty hoped it wasn't a "one-off thing." While at the same time, Evil Morty is busy taking over The Citadel of Ricks by getting elected President and executing the secret powerheads of the city.

Rick had said then: "that place (the citadel) will never have any bearing on us again," and they didn't need to worry. We didn't get a peek at their adventure to the fabled underwater city, but rather multiple perspectives of different characters experiencing their own stories. The main plot commences unraveling within the changing society as President (Evil) Morty gives his "cold, calculated speech with sinister overtones."

As this wild first episode of season five takes darker and darker turns, we are drawn into a story with stories inside of it that are brought to life for us within a matter of minutes. As their time moves like "normal," the time within the world moves immensely faster.

Then, of course, Morty leaves behind the technology that will help them advance to the point they can enter a portal to find Morty, who they've obsessed over throughout their history.

Nimbus: "If Diane were alive today, what would she think--?"

Rick: "Don't f****** establish connectional backstory with me, you red lob-!"

What a tease! XD

The ending of the episode that had the writer, director, and creator speaking about the episode was awesome. I'm happy this is a reoccurring theme in this season where they end the episode with the creators discussing the madness just displayed.

Overall in our personal opinions, this episode helped make up for the bad previous season. The last episode of Season Four, Star Mort: Rickturn of the Jerri, was good with some storyline involving a clone version of Beth that is basically a young female Rick.

8/10/2021 Update *SPOILERS*

After watching the latest episode - it's great that we finally get some more of Rick's backstory when he demanded that Nimbus not establish any a few episodes back. The last episode had so many callbacks to previous episodes - we loved it. Summer has shown more and more characteristics that Rick carries, as well as Morty. When Morty's will to survive is triggered, that's when his "Rick genes" really shine. As Summer has joined more and more adventures, we've witnessed her similarities to Rick, her own traits that have developed. Jerry had many great lines; in the past, it was often self-deprecating comments, but he was more of a real part of the group in the episode, Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion.

My favorite Jerry line: "I mean, look at me. I'm easy to make happy, which is why nobody gives a sh*t if I am." A perfect Jerry moment. XD


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> Rick's Suicide Attempt <

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The Legend of Evaleana

~ The Deity Jewels

> Part One: The Prophecy <

> Part Two: Omen of Demise <

> Part Three: The Final Battle <

~ The Prophecy of Elements


> Shadow of Secrets <


> Healing Scars of the Past <

> The Sacrifice of a Guardian Angel <

> TCoE: Calypsia <

> TCoE: Adara's Curse <

> Emerald Flames <

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About the Creator

Mel E. Furnish

I'm a self-published author, raised on a family farm in Indiana.

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