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Survival Uses For Condoms

By M.L. LewisPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Today is National Sex Day. Our sex lives play a big role in not only our love life but our overall health by lowering blood pressure and improving the immune system. Unfortunately, every year 20 million people are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease or STD. This costs the healthcare system sixteen billion dollars. They have scientifically proven that wearing a condom makes you 10,000 times safer during sex by protecting you from STDS. They are the cheapest known form of birth control on the market today. Condoms also have many doomsday uses outside of “the dirty deed”.

Water-Proofing and Storage

A condom being used as a water bag

Condoms are super stretchy and designed to not leak, making them perfect for anything to do with water. You can store up to a gallon of water for traveling in one. Slide your water-sensitive equipment into a condom to protect them from flooding conditions. Protect your matches and lighter from the element inside of one. Also, they make great tinder to start a fire. Use them as shoes or boot covers while cleaning up in the aftermath of a disaster. While it’s filled with water, poke some holes in it, to make a shower head.


Please tell me I'm not the only weirdo who has done this?

Condoms have always been a source of amusement for adults. They often like to see how far you can stretch them out. Fill them with sand or rice, then tie up the end to make a stress ball. Children in Mozambique stuff them with rags to make a football (or soccer ball depending on your country of origin). They can be blown up and used as beach balls or shaped like balloon animals. As funny as you think it is, DO NOT put one over your face. This can lead to suffocation and death.

First Aid

Interesting fact of the day, taxi drivers in Delhi are legally required to have them in their first aid kits.

Even though the oil in condoms can’t fix pimples, they serve many other medical uses. Fill them with ice to make an ice pack. They can protect your POP (Plaster of Paris) cast or a bandage from infection caused by dirty water. Same thing when you cut a piece off and place it over a cotton ball before taping it over a wound. Use in place of medical gloves when administering first aid. If someone sustains an injury resulting in heavy blood loss, you can use one to make a tourniquet. Just make sure you rotate them as well, along with your medication. Store your loose medication in them. Pills are not a fan of water, and getting them wet will ruin it.


Unlubercated condoms could be beneficial to your food storage. You can use them to collect plants during foraging. Stuff it with a bit of cotton to make a fishing bobber. When inflated, it can deter wild animals as a makeshift scarecrow. They can replace plastic baggies when storing food in a cool, dry place, or hang it in a tree with ease to keep out animals. When finished eating, cleanup is a breeze as they make good trash bags. If gardening, you can turn one into a compost bin. You can use them in place of baggies when dividing up powders and grains for bartering.


this method gives new meaning to its nickname protection.

Unusual as it sounds, it has potential in this category. You can inflate one and turn it into a flotation device (at your own risk) when stuffed inside your shirt. Put over your rifle barrel to keep the powder dry inside. Also, why you should store your ammo in it. Most militaries, including the U.S., have condoms on their top priority list for this reason. The oil on it can be rubbed off and applied to the moving parts to lubricate them.


About the Creator

M.L. Lewis

Welcome to my little slice of pie. This blog will primarily focus on prepping and homesteading skills with a sprinkle of fiction every now and then.

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  • Carol Townend2 years ago

    Good ideas! Though I have to add, I actually fell pregnant using a condom, and some brands do occasionally split.

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