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The 17 Signs That Your Soulmate Has Been Sleeping With You

The "friends with benefits" arrangement is extremely genuine, and many couples appear to be engaged in it nowadays.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 3 min read
friends with benefits"

The "friends with benefits" arrangement is extremely genuine, and many couples appear to be engaged in it nowadays. That's not to imply there's anything wrong with it. Of course, people should be allowed to explore their sexuality at any time. We are all sexual beings who deserve to know our own bodies via sex with others. However, many individuals must occasionally resort to being in relationships before they can get physically intimate with someone.

This can be an issue. Not everyone is ready to put up with the expected drama and problems that come with love relationships. Some folks are just interested in the sexual perks. And here is where the concept of "friends with benefits" comes into play. It's two people who agree to have sexual interactions with each other without any romantic overtones. And, in most cases, such a configuration should not pose an issue.

But what if emotions become involved?

That's when things get tough. What if you've been sleeping with someone because you have such strong sexual chemistry, only to realise that you're actually soulmates? You would never want to pass up an opportunity to spend time with your love in a close and personal setting. As a result, if you observe that many of the indicators listed above apply to you and your partner, you are most likely having sex with your soulmate.

The 17 Signs are as below:

If either of you says "I love you" by mistake during sex, the other is likely to feel the same way.

You each have your own section of the bed. When you're through having sex, you don't always get up and go. You proceed to your designated spot.

Even the most insignificant things they do turn you on. They aren't even have to be sexual in nature. It might be as simple as simply humming along to a tune.

You never have any problems just exposing your complete body to them. You're so at ease just stripping naked in front of them.

Instead of merely staring at one other's body the entire time you're making love, you actually make an effort to look each other in the eyes. You've developed a degree of trust and familiarity with one another.

You don't pay much attention to the minor anxieties that you have to cope with on a daily basis. You don't care if your hair is done or if you smell nice or not.

You have a very dynamic sexual energy that may range from almost savage and animal-like to tender and loving.

By staring into each other's eyes, you can sense when the other is turned on. You both know one other so well at this stage.

You're both fine with having awkward times with one another. Even while you're having sex, you've learned to chuckle at all the discomfort rather than taking it seriously. You don't let the discomfort ruin the occasion.

When your attempts to initiate sex are thwarted, you don't truly feel like your ego is bruised. You are quite certain that your spouse still finds you sexy even though they are not always in the mood for some activity.

All of your pre- and post-sex actions provide you so much delight and satisfaction. Things like foreplay and post-sex snuggling are just as appealing to you as the actual intercourse.

You believe that their nude body is one of the most gorgeous things you have ever seen.

You have discovered that porn just doesn't work for you right now. Whenever you try to get off, you find yourself drawn to ideas of your spouse.

You no longer need to offer them any verbally or physically indications in the bedroom about what you want from them. They are already aware of your desires. You already understand how to make each other happy.

You don't regard sex as if it were a chore or something to cross off your to-do list. It's something that you both strive to respect and value as much as possible. You both don't take anything for granted.

You both contribute to each other's happiness. When you guys have, it's not only about self-gratification. You are always giving and considerate to your partner's sexual demands.

You can't imagine yourself having sex with anybody else anymore.

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About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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