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The "Buddhist" way of dealing with injustice in the workplace is the highest level!

Several instances of unfair treatment or bullying

By Clemmens CroftonPublished 2 years ago 14 min read
The "Buddhist" way of dealing with injustice in the workplace is the highest level!
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Recently, Dr. Zhang Wenhong, head of the Shanghai Medical Rescue Expert Group, was praised by netizens in an interview, often with golden words, every word true and without clichés. He talked about his life experience in the interview: people in society all kind of feel: "often being bullied", and he also mentioned that he also has this feeling, what to do after being bullied?

He explained that there are two things you can do, one is to bully people as they bully you, that is to say, "return the favor to others"; but if you read more books, you can stop having relations with these people and avoid them, so they can no longer bully you, that is to say, as they usually say, " If you can't afford to mess with them, you can still hide from them". Secondly, if you are used to being bullied, you will know what kind of face these bullies have, and you will have to be kind to those who are less senior and less powerful than you so that society will be harmonious.

If you are lucky to have a good environment around you, you will be able to work well, but if you are unlucky, you will have to study more to improve your skills and leave such an environment. I have experienced unfair treatment, so I can treat others with kindness.

I. In the workplace by people unfair treatment or bullying several situations

The workplace is like a battlefield, if their workplace is not strong enough, especially in the workplace of honest people, often have the consequences of being treated unfairly or bullied.

1, isolated in the workplace, encounter "workplace cold violence"

In the workplace, you raised a question, but no one took the initiative to answer; you ask colleagues to help, he is a face of difficulty or is a direct excuse; colleagues between the party, did not take the initiative to invite you; formerly often interact with you colleagues, but a long time no initiative to chat with you; usually meet and greet colleagues, see you but actually head down or turn your head away; colleagues in the discussion topic are discussing the hot, and you find yourself unable to intervene. If these phenomena occur in the workplace, it means that you have been isolated and are experiencing "workplace violence", and generally speaking, people with a sensitive mind will notice it at once.

Office space

Employees who are not good at interpersonal relationships and who only know how to work with their heads in the sand are easily isolated by the deliberate indifference of others. Colleagues may misunderstand you, be arrogant and proud, and not like dealing with them. The deliberate indifference and incompatibility of work interactions will prevent you from integrating into the group, from doing your job successfully, and may even become the target of their attention. People who look down on you will not respect you no matter how well you do.

2、 Being assigned dangerous, heavy, and tiring work at work

If you are too honest in the workplace, you will often be bullied, others are not willing to do things, and the leadership can not arrange others, can only arrange what you do. Every time you arrange for urgent, difficult, dangerous, heavy, tiring work is arranged for you, others off work, while you have not completed the task, need to work overtime to catch up with the task. And when your work is well done, but the credit is not yours. And once you do not complete the task on time, the responsibility is borne by you, the "pot" naturally to carry.

3, promotion and salary increase is always no opportunity

Honest people in the workplace, often have poor interpersonal relations, easily to be bullied. If you offend the leader, and a leader is a careful-eyed person, then you will have no good fruit to eat, not only work may be difficult everywhere, you do a good job again, and are likely to be the leader of the blame, everywhere to give you shoes. Not to mention the chance of promotion and salary increase.

Why are you treated unfairly or bullied in the workplace?

The reason for being treated unfairly or bullied in the workplace is generally that one's personality is aloof, introverted, and does not fit in; or one's ability is insufficient and one often does the wrong thing and is looked down upon; or one has inadvertently offended the leader or colleagues, resulting in being treated unfairly or bullied by the leader or colleagues, both explicitly and implicitly.

1. Your personality is not in line with the group

People who are withdrawn and introverted in the workplace often like to keep to themselves and do not like to chat, communicate and exchange with their colleagues, which is what we often refer to as not getting along.

Cao is a graduate of an ordinary undergraduate college, the only child of his family, and has a rather strange personality. The job was found by his family through connections, and in his 30s he was earning a salary of 3,000 to 4,000 yuan and never thought of jumping ship.

After working in the unit for five or six years, he does not have a good relationship with his colleagues in various departments and does not have any friends. She is a loner at work and on her days off. She longed for a companion to play with, but her personality always hurt others and annoyed people.

When she is assigned to lead a new person at work, she says she will do it properly, but then she throws the new person away and lets them learn on their own. If something goes wrong, she immediately dismisses her responsibility. When a colleague asks her for a favor, she not only refuses to help but also dislikes them with her words. When there is an important matter in the department that requires joint participation, she acts as if she is not involved in it, which makes the head of the department want to fire her. When dealing with colleagues in other departments, she is also condescending and speaks in an assertive tone and attitude as if she is superior to others.

The result of this series of events was a collective rejection and unpopularity, with people pointing fingers behind her back everywhere she went. But Cao could care less, and day after day, year after year, I do as I please.

When it comes to promotion, the unit looks at the qualifications of the staff member, with the ability and interpersonal relationships being secondary. Once, when the department selected a deputy director, Xiao Cao was elected, and the other old employees blew up, one by one. The reason given by the HR department was that those with higher education were given priority, while the other colleagues were mostly secondary school or vocational high school graduates, and they could not refute this.

After Cao took up his post, he arranged the work and gave instructions, but no one cooperated. There was a small quarrel in the department every three days and a big one every five days. It was difficult to convince people that she was the deputy head of the department because she was not well-liked and had no management experience.

After a month of bickering, the supervisor was eventually replaced and Cao's position was not retained. Even so, although she recognizes her problems, she still hasn't made any changes. As usual, she keeps to herself, as if the world has nothing to do with her, living in her little world.

2. Being looked down upon for doing the wrong thing or being incompetent

In the workplace, if you are not serious about your work, sloppy, and always do the wrong thing. Or not have enough ability, can't trust their work, often can't complete the work tasks as planned, and will be accused by the leadership, the leadership despises. In this case, even if people are not directly open, but also will lead to the workplace leadership simply do not arrange your work, letting you idle, having nothing to do, isolating you, letting you feel the workplace "cold violence", and hope that you know how to leave.

In the workplace, mistakes are the norm, and difficulties are everywhere. The best people get stronger and stronger with their superb ability to heal themselves, while most people fall back on the "stumble and fall" escape. Your vitality in the workplace depends on your ability to heal yourself, and those that don't defeat you will eventually make you stronger!

There was a time last year when I used to feel very bored, and every day I felt I was experiencing the boredom and torment of work, and the reason for this is that we all experience more or less the same things, such as difficulties in promoting projects, laziness in team building, etc. Every day I faced a lot of trivial matters, and my desk was piled with a large list of things to be dealt with... ... If it's hard, you'll get through it and it'll be over!

3. Offend colleagues or leaders

In the workplace, there are often cases where you have inadvertently offended a leader and received direct or indirect blows from them. After offending the leadership, no matter how you do things, the leadership always picks your fault, accuse you of not, to you wear small shoes, wages not give you an increase, bonus less to you, give you unfair treatment, in short, this is the explicit or implicit bullying you!

Sometimes, you offend some colleagues with bad intentions, but also let () on different occasions maliciously slander you, resulting in your leadership and colleagues in a positive image of the damage.

3. The highest level of dealing with being treated unfairly or bullied in the workplace is to make yourself strong in a "Buddhist" way

If you are treated unfairly or bullied in the workplace, if you solve the problem in a tough way, you may be able to calm the unfairness or bullying of yourself for a while, but also, at the same time, planted the seeds of disconnection with the leadership or colleagues. Perhaps the friendship with the leader or colleague will never exist again, and the leader or colleague will inadvertently see you as an "enemy" in their minds. In the workplace, the strongest person is the one who has the most friends and the least enemies. Therefore, when you are being treated unfairly or bullied, the highest level of dealing with unfair treatment or bullying in the workplace is to make yourself strong in a "Buddhist" way.

1. Work hard to change yourself and make yourself strong through your struggle

The United States is the most powerful country in the world, ask which country dares to treat the United States unfairly. Which country dares to bully the United States?! We in China were respected by all countries in the world during the heyday of the Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties in history, and no country dared to bully. But at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the country went into decline and was therefore bullied by the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and the Qing government had to sell out and suffer humiliation! If this is true for the country, it is even more so for the workplace. Therefore, the only way to solve the problem of unfairness or bullying is to make yourself strong, and this is the highest level of "Buddhist" way to solve the problem of unfairness or bullying in the workplace.

If you are not satisfied with the leadership arrangements and feel unfairly treated or bullied, then you should make yourself strong from the bottom of your heart, and strive to learn professional knowledge, accumulate customer resources, and improve your ability to deal with problems, so that you can become a strong person in the workplace. Only when you become a strong person in the workplace, become an indispensable employee in the company, the leadership and the company will recognize you, and pay attention to you so that colleagues respect you from the heart, you will naturally be able to get what you think "fair", and no one will dare to bully you!

Heaven's way to reward hard work, as long as their efforts to pay, will certainly get a due return, even if there is no return in the short term, but not unrewarded, just not the time. The only thing you can do is to try, try, try again! To show their ability and strength, let their own gold" shine.

2、More understanding, less a point of calculation

There is no absolute fairness in the world, the so-called unfairness is relative. The so-called bullying may also be the misunderstanding caused by the deviation of their understanding. There is never absolute fairness in the workplace, but the phenomenon of unfairness is long-standing, and a large factor is a kind of workplace unspoken rules, these unspoken rules in some of the old stuff there is already default fixed community of interest, want to break it is a very difficult thing. So, the workplace "veterans" know this, they first study thoroughly those unspoken rules, and then follow the trend and do. The unfairness is only a subjective feeling after comparison, as long as you change the object of comparison and the standard, it is possible to psychologically eliminate the sense of unfairness. For example, if one does not get an advanced rating this time, one feels that it is very unfair. But if you think about it from a different perspective, think about the limited number of places available for the selection of advanced, everyone can't be evaluated, and many people with the same conditions or even better than themselves are not evaluated, so maybe it will be psychologically balanced. In the workplace, big things are serious, small things are confusing, and sometimes a little "Q" spirit is not necessarily a bad thing.

3, take the initiative to ease the confrontational situation, become passive to active

As the saying goes: "endure a moment of peace, a step back to the sea and the sky!" Sometimes, the workplace retreats, often a step back but indeed have unexpected results. The workplace is never the survival of those who go along, and those who go against it, when you do not have the strength to fight for fairness, such as the same system, the leadership may violate nothing, but you have to be punished for violating. This is indeed unfair, but this is the reality in the workplace, which only shows that your current strength is not strong enough. So, when you are not strong enough, you can only acknowledge this unfairness in the workplace.

If you have to fight for a fair, make a scene to ask the leader also together with the punishment, the leader will take the initiative to accept the punishment, but AF afterward punishment money and through other ways to make up for it, you also offended the leader, such a fair you want what is the meaning of it?

Therefore, when the strength is not good, do not fight hard for fairness, but learn to endure first. If you are not satisfied with the arrangement of the leadership, then you can talk to the leadership and inform them of your ideas. For example, what aspects of work you prefer to do or which project you would like to work on. It is best to come up with a set of options or some feasible ideas when communicating with the leader. Taking the initiative to ease a passive situation and turning it into an active one is also the best way to solve unfairness in a "Buddhist" way.

To sum up: if you want to be treated "fairly", you need to do the most important thing, and that is to work hard, hard again! Let yourself become strong so that the leaders and the company can see your irreplaceable shining point, get fair and fair treatment, and get the respect of colleagues and leaders, naturally, no one will dare to treat people unfairly, and no one will dare to bully you. There is no absolute fairness in the world, the so-called unfairness is relative. In the workplace, big things are serious, small things are confusing, and sometimes a little "Q" spirit is not necessarily a bad thing. When the strength is not good, don't fight hard for fairness, but learn to endure first. Sometimes, taking a step back can have unexpected results.

The only way to solve the problem of unfairness or bullying is to make yourself strong, and this is the best way to solve the problem of unfairness or bullying in the workplace in a "Buddhist" way.

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About the Creator

Clemmens Crofton

An eye for an eye thought for an obsession.

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