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How can you improve your body moisture

Now many people have the situation of heavy humidity, especially in summer many people will often bring air conditioning room, often eat cold drinks, these are the common causes of heavy humidity, if not as early as possible conditioning, will cause more serious problems, once the emergence of moisture is important how to improve? A few food can purify moisture inside body, what food to eat is good?

By yong Published 2 years ago 5 min read

How to improve the humidity

1. Intake of moisture-removing food

After you find that you have the symptoms of heavy moisture, you can remove moisture through dietary regulation. Many foods in your life can play a role in removing moisture. You can eat barley, Red adzuki beans and other foods, but you should stick to them when eating this kind of food, otherwise you will not see the effect.

After you find yourself with symptoms of heavy moisture, you can remove moisture through dietary adjustment

In life, often eat food that can remove moisture, can play a good role in improving moisture. If we can remove moisture in the body as soon as possible, it can also improve the viscera function. Good eating habits can normally transport water and humidity, so that our body can return to a healthy state, and prevent heavy moisture.

2. Keep regular bowel movements

If you want to improve the humidity, you should have a good defecation habit in your life. Healthy defecation method can make your body healthier, keep regular defecation habit, discharge feces and some waste out of the body, so that your stomach and intestines can relax.

The moisture overload will be improved only after the waste is discharged for the first time. This is the method to be mastered in the process of alleviating the moisture overload. If you stick to it, you will find that the weight is not only controlled, but also the moisture overload will be improved.

3, appropriate cupping

Cupping is a good way to remove moisture from the body. Many people who will insist on cupping, attaches great importance to preserve one's health in the body weight of moisture occurs thick greasy tongue coating, indigestion, appetite drops, etc., cupping ways to remove the body moisture effect is more significant, such ability can prevent moisture overweight pose a threat to human health, it is need to be aware of the problems in the process of moisture is overweight.

4. Exercise more

Too much moisture does have an effect, and exercise is a good way to get rid of it. A lot of people for a long time excessive moisture is related to the lack of exercise. The lack of exercise consumes less calories, and the function of the viscera is reduced, which may decrease the ability to transport water and humidity, so there will be obesity.

Exercise is a way to remove moisture from the body

By exercising this way to promote the body's metabolism, accelerate the excretion of moisture, naturally can prevent the impact of excessive moisture. Therefore, there is this phenomenon, you can remove the moisture in your body by sticking to exercise, so that you can lose weight easily.

5. Use Traditional Chinese medicine to adjust

Once appear, the moisture is overweight, can make use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to adjust the body, Chinese traditional medicine can play a good curing effect, for the viscera function decline caused by the transport body wet ability reduce performance can be improved, through drug regulate such drugs play a major role, moisture removal in time, to prevent the heavy moisture, This is the problem to be paid attention to when improving the performance of moisture overload.

The cause of heavy moisture

1, carnivorous: people who like eating meat generally have heavier moisture. Eating too much meat will inhibit the absorption and digestion of human intestines and stomach, resulting in moisture in the body in the intestines and stomach, and over time, will produce constipation, diarrhea, bad breath and other adverse reactions.

2, cooling: in summer, people in the air conditioning environment for a long time, wear less, sweat more, it is very easy to lead to the body of the evil can not be discharged smoothly, causing all kinds of adverse reactions of humidity.

In summer, people are exposed to air conditioning for a long time

3, the spleen and stomach transport function is weak: the majority of the cause of moisture is due to the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach transport, "spleen main transport", the spleen and stomach function weak moisture will not be discharged from the body.

4, stay up late: often stay up late will cause the metabolism of the human body to become slow, so that the moisture in the body can not be exhausted, resulting in acne, constipation, spots, dark circles and other wet reaction.

5. Stay in a humid environment: Staying in a humid environment for a long time will aggravate the humidity. Places with heavy moisture are generally airtight, and because of this, moisture has nowhere to escape and remains in the body, further causing various moisture reactions.

What does moisture eat

Yam spareribs soup

Chinese yam is not only a very common food in life, but also a kind of Traditional Chinese medicine. It is especially nutritious to boil ribs soup with Chinese yam. People with heavy moisture drink more, nourishing spleen and stomach, effectively remove moisture in the body. The recipe for yam spareribs soup is not too complicated. Buy a few small ribs, then buy a piece of yam and cut it into small pieces. Clean the ribs into the pot to boil to remove blood, and then put the ribs into the pot to simmer with high heat, 20 minutes after adding yams and salt can be.

Fry gourd

The effect of wax gourd to moisture is very good, especially in winter, the weather is cold, the body moisture is not easy to discharge, the body can not warm late, eat more wax gourd in winter, is very good for moisture discharge. Because winter melon has the effect of clearing heat and benefiting water, promoting the excretion of moisture and urine in the body, so as to achieve the effect of moisture discharge. In addition, eating more wax gourd is good for enhancing immunity. Winter melon is very simple, fried winter melon is very simple, you can also make winter melon soup.

Winter melon dehumidifying effect is very good

Red bean and barley porridge

It is well known that job's tears have a very good effect on moisture. If the human body moisture is heavy, might as well eat a little pearl barley. Eating job's tears can remove human moisture, good to the spleen and stomach, but also can nourish the stomach, diuresis, heat clearing effect. The common porridge is red beans and barley. The two materials are added together to cook porridge, which is rich in nutrition. A bowl every day, and the effect of dampness removal is particularly good.

Bitter melon fried with lean pork

Bitter melon although bitter, but the effect of fire is very powerful, and eat more bitter melon can prevent cancer, eat bitter melon in summer can clear heat and heat, diuresis yiqi, the important thing is that bitter melon can reduce blood sugar, remove moisture in the body. For those with heavy dampness in the body, eating more bitter melon can effectively regulate dampness in the body. Fried lean pork with bitter melon is a common home dish with good taste and unique taste, which is liked by many people.

Conclusion: The above has introduced how to improve the moisture, we should now know how to remove moisture, we should pay attention to their eating habits in life, eat more food can remove moisture in the body, but also adhere to exercise, once the emergence of moisture is important as soon as possible treatment.


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