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Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken (Easy Recipe)

Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken

By T4TastyPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken

Are you looking for a quick and delicious snack or appetizer? Your search is over, Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken is here. You don't need to gather a lot of ingredients and equipment for this recipe. Just an air fryer and your favorite brand of frozen popcorn chicken, and you are done.

You can cook frozen popcorn chicken in air fryer in just a few minutes. Whether you're hosting a party, enjoying a movie night, or simply want a tasty meal, this crispy and flavorful dish will satisfy your cravings.

In this article, we will explore how to cook frozen popcorn chicken in air fryer, tips for best results, how to serve, and much more. Let's move forward and discover the wonders of Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken!

What Is Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken?

Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken is a convenient and time-saving dish. It is made from bite-sized chicken pieces coated in a seasoned breading. Frozen Popcorn Chicken is specifically designed to be cooked in an air fryer.

Air fryer is a kitchen appliance that uses hot air circulation to fry food with little to no oil. The result is crispy and golden chicken with a tender and juicy interior.

Why Choose Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken?

  • Quick and Easy: Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken can be ready in just a few minutes. It is very easy to cook, which makes it a perfect option for busy individuals or quick gatherings.
  • Crispy and Flavorful: The air fryer's hot circulating air provides you a crispy exterior with a juicy and tender interior.
  • Versatile: Air Fryer Popcorn Chicken is very versatile. You can enjoy it as a snack, add it to salads, sandwiches, or even tacos for a delightful twist.
  • Healthy Option: Air-frying requires significantly less oil as compared to traditional deep-fried chicken. So you can enjoy a lighter and healthier snack without compromising on taste.


  • Frozen Popcorn Chicken - 1 pound
  • Your Favorite Dipping Sauce (optional)


  • Air Fryer
  • Meat Thermometer

How To Make Frozen Popcorn Chicken In Air Fryer

  • Preheat your Air Fryer: Set the air fryer temperature to 400°F (200°C) and allow it to preheat for a few minutes.
  • Arrange the Chicken: Take out the frozen popcorn chicken from the packaging and arrange the desired amount in a single layer in the air fryer basket.
  • Cooking Time: Now cook the chicken for approximately 10-12 minutes until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) and turns golden brown.
  • Flip the Chicken: Flip the chicken after half-time to get even color and crispness on both sides.
  • Serve and Enjoy: When it is done, remove the Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken from the air fryer basket. Let it cool for a minute, and serve with your favorite dipping sauce or side dish.

Recipe Tips & Tricks

  1. Always preheat your air fryer to ensure even cooking and a crispy texture.
  2. Arrange the chicken pieces in a single layer without overcrowding the air fryer basket to allow proper air circulation.
  3. While the chicken is already coated in a breading, lightly spraying or brushing the pieces with oil can enhance crispiness.
  4. For even browning, shake the basket or flip the chicken after half-time during cooking.
  5. There is no need to defrost the chicken. Leave it on your air fryer and watch its magic.

What To Serve With Air Fryer Frozen Popcorn Chicken

  • Serve the popcorn chicken with your favorite dipping sauces like barbecue sauce, honey mustard, or ranch dressing for a classic taste and flavor.
  • Add the crispy chicken pieces to a bed of fresh greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a drizzle of lime juice, and serve.
  • Prepare and serve a mouthwatering sandwich with a fluffy bun, shredded air fryer popcorn chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo.
  • Fill warm tortillas with air fryer frozen popcorn chicken, shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, and a sprinkle of cheese, and serve as a flavorful twist.
  • Toss the cooked popcorn chicken in buffalo sauce for a spicy kick, and serve it with blue cheese dip.

If you want more information about this recipe, then click here.


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