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How to make a guy want you more( Become his Secret obsession today)

Almost everyone longs for love that is true and genuine. Unfortunately, that isn't always easy to find. We often feel uncertain about whether someone truly loves us or not, and this can lead to confusion and frustration. So, how can you tell if someone really loves you?

By Daniel OlayiwolaPublished about a year ago 5 min read
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In this article, we'll explore signs that indicate whether someone genuinely loves you.

These signs can help you assess your relationship and determine whether your partner's feelings are authentic. We hope that this article will provide you with some clarity and help you achieve the love connection you need and deserve.

  • Their actions match their words.

One of the most significant signs that someone loves you is that their actions match their words. When someone truly loves you, they will do what they promise to do, follow through on commitments, and ensure that their words and actions align. Here's why this is essential:

- Consistency is key: Someone who loves you will treat you with kindness, respect, and consideration consistently.

- They try to prioritize you: If someone loves you, they will prioritize your needs, even if it's inconvenient for them.

  • Consistency is key.

Consistency is one of the most critical factors in a healthy relationship,

Consistent, confident in the relationship because you know what to expect. Consistency fosters reliability, and that becomes particularly important in long-term relationships.

  • They try to prioritize you.

When someone loves you, they will try to prioritize you in their life. What that looks like in practice depends on the specifics of your relationship, but here are some general indicators that your partner is prioritizing you:

- They take the time to listen to you and communicate respectfully.

- They try to plan things that interest you, and they remember the details you've shared with them.

- They make time for you, even when they are busy or preoccupied.

- They support your goals and dreams.

Your partner should prioritize what's significant to you and try to be there for you when you need them.

  • They listen and remember.

Did you ever tell someone something essential, only to find that they have forgotten it the next day?

perhaps you've had conversations where the other person seems more interested in talking about their life and doesn't show much interest in yours. These situations are frustrating and dissatisfying because you don't feel heard or valued.

However, when someone loves you, they will listen closely to what you say and remember the details.

Here are some indications that your partner is listening and remembering:

They actively engage in conversation with you.

When you're talking to your partner, you should feel like they are actively engaged in the conversation. They should be asking questions, showing interest in what you're saying, and seeking to understand your perspective. They should also be willing to share their thoughts and feelings so that you feel like the conversation is a two-way street.

Furthermore, they show empathy and understanding towards you.

Empathy is important in any relationship, but especially a romantic one. When your partner has empathy for you, they can put them in your shoes and understand your feelings and experience better. This understanding can lead to a deeper connection and a more satisfying relationship.

  • They support your goals and dreams.

When someone loves you, they will support your goals and dreams, even if they don't always understand them. They'll try to help you achieve what you want, whether that means pursuing an education, traveling the world, or starting a new business.

Here are some indicators that your partner supports your goals and dreams:

They encourage you to pursue your passions.

A supporting partner is interested in your passions and encourages you to pursue them. For instance, if you have a love for painting, they'll encourage you to take classes, attend workshops or provide you with art supplies. With such encouragement, you'll feel empowered to pursue your dreams without any hesitation.

They help you achieve your goals.

Your partner should be your biggest cheerleader when it comes to achieving your goals. They should offer support when you need it and be willing to lend a hand when needed. Whether it's helping you with a project, offering feedback on a business plan, or simply giving you space to focus and concentrate, they should play an active role in your efforts to achieve your goals.

  • They respect your boundaries.

In healthy relationships, partners respect each other's boundaries. Your partner should respect your values, preferences, and needs, even if they don't always align with theirs. They should never pressure you into doing something you don't want or make you feel uncomfortable.

They respect your physical boundaries.

Physical boundaries include personal space, intimacy, and sexual preferences. Your partner should never cross these boundaries without your consent or make you feel uncomfortable in any way. They should respect your preferences, whether they're about kissing or making love.

They respect your emotional boundaries.

Emotional boundaries are about respect for your emotions, sentiments, and personal stories. A good partner acknowledges that people have different emotional thresholds and some stories or topics might be triggering or uncomfortable. They should never press you to open up about anything. Instead, they should create a safe space where you can share as much or as little as you want.

  • They don't hold grudges.

No one is perfect, and both partners will inevitably do things that irritate or upset each other. But when someone loves you, they won't hold grudges or use past wrongs as a weapon. Instead, they'll forgive or forget the issue and move on genuinely so that it doesn't end up affecting the relationship or damaging the bond over time.

They communicate openly.

Whenever something bothers your partner, they communicate with you openly so that the issue doesn't fester into resentment or become an obstacle in the future. Communicating openly on both parts helps couples avoid misunderstandings and view disagreements as opportunities to grow closer instead of ways to drive each other away.

  • They take responsibility for their actions.

Taking responsibility for one's actions means acknowledging when one has been wrong and actively working towards making amends and rectifying the situation. A partner who loves you won't hold grudges; instead, they'll appreciate an apology in situations where mistakes have been made and work to rectify the relationship.

  • They compromise.

Compromise is the art of negotiation, finding middle ground in a situation that serves both parties while offering minimal disappointments. In any relationship, there will always be opportunities for compromise, and when done constructively, it can build a stronger, long-lasting bond.

  • They listen to your needs.

Compromise begins with listening to what your partner requires. True love requires putting your partner's needs before your own, regardless of motives or desires. When your partner listens to your needs, they are more likely to meet you halfway in a compromise.

  • They find solutions that meet both your needs.

Finding a middle ground is not always an easy task, but it's essential to do so to create a healthy, long-lasting bond. Your partner should listen carefully and offer solutions that meet both your needs, even if it requires finding common ground.

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  • Conclusion

Looking for signs of true love can be important for your well-being and your relationship's longevity. If your partner's actions and words consistently align with your relationship requires, and they show support, empathy, respect, and understanding towards you, then it's a clear indication that they love you. But remember, do not focus solely on these signs when determining the authenticity of your partner's love, a relationship takes work, time, and energy to be sustainable.

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Daniel Olayiwola

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    Daniel OlayiwolaWritten by Daniel Olayiwola

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