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You'll Be Able To Sense When The Time Is Right

Everybody wishes that the universe would eventually work in their favour and lead them to the one person who is always in the right place at the right moment. We want everything to work in our favour.

By The Lost GirlPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

It's likely that you have heard something similar before. You have probably heard about such things from those who have had successful romantic relationships. It was covered in documents and blogs that you read. In those swoon-worthy motion pictures, you've seen it on your big screen. Therefore, at this point, you have practically become numb to this saying. Give it a chance, though.

As human beings, we will all always yearn for love. We all believe that one day we'll meet the person who will make our lives full of happiness, purpose, and fulfilment.

Everybody wishes that the universe would eventually work in their favour and lead them to the one person who is always in the right place at the right moment. We want everything to work in our favour.

There are some people, though, who haven't ever had the opportunity to feel what it's like to fall in romance the right way. They haven't had the good fortune to experience love in their lives.

They're the people who work extremely hard to position themselves for romantic success but still fall short time and time again.It seems as though the universe is determined to deny them the feelings of love bliss they so desperately want despite their best efforts.

I used to be among those people, which is sad to say. I used to be someone who doubted the proverbial notion that "you will feel it in your heart when the time is right."

It's all because I was living my life as if it were fairly typical. In a world where I had so many opportunities, I wanted to take advantage of them all.

I constantly put myself out there because I was determined to make the most of my time. Every chance I could get, I took it. I always put my own in positions where I could actually get my hands on the things I wanted the most. And by doing so, I also exposed myself to failure. And I had many failures.

I had a lot of relationships with people that turned out to be unsuitable for me. I made an effort to be patient. I remained steadfast in my approach because I believed that things would work out for me in the end.

Love would finally just fall into my lap when the moment was right, and it was going to be the best thing I had ever experienced. I was so confident that I would finally discover the path to enduring happiness through love.

But I never managed to arrive there. I began to think that I would never arrive there. I was really starting to feel the effects of all the disappointment, heartbreak, failure, and disappointed expectations. The way that everything was going, I was pretty upset. I wasn't content with the meagre results I was having.

But eventually, everything did start to make sense.

One day, I just had this incredibly weird emotion that I knew I had never had before in my life. Everything that had before appeared so exotic and foreign to me simply began to make sense.

I realised that the years I spent merely existing in the shadows of hopelessness and suffering were essential for me to gain the lesson that I now memorise.

I came to the realisation that I couldn't just sit around and wait for stuff to happen for me; this is my life. I had to go out and take charge of my own destiny. And that's when everything for me finally made sense. That was the realisation I had been looking for. That was the point of view I had to take away.

I have personally experienced the power of self-belief, and I hope you will as well. I hope that even if you are on the verge of giving up, you decide to persevere.

Even though you're sick and tired of all the heartbreak and disappointment, I hope you maintain your faith. Hold on to the hope that everything will turn out well for you.

You must never lose faith in your ability to make a difference in the universe and in yourself. You must maintain the conviction that you are here to perform a purpose in the world. Most importantly, you should be preparing for love.

so that you won't miss love when it finally enters your life. You won't allow love escape your grip when it eventually knocks on your door. Just keep holding onto your faith.

WorkplaceTeenage yearsTabooSecretsSchoolHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingChildhoodBad habits

About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

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