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When your ex-lover knocks on the door

When your ex-lover knocks on the door

By HK DecorPublished 26 days ago 4 min read

We only need one reason to love each other, which is love. But we need many reasons to break up!

1. Why break up with love?

- My mother doesn't like you.

- You are so troublesome and jealous.

- I'm too busy, let's break up for a while.

- We live too far apart, we can't take care of each other regularly.

- We are not compatible...

Couples who break up love often politely come up with excuses that sound the lightest and most reasonable, and seem to hurt the other person the least. Very few people say directly that the most important reason is that we no longer love each other like we did when we first met. And even fewer people dare to say frankly, I'm tired of (tired of criticizing) you. Or I'm bored (bored) of you!

I once heard the confession of a girlfriend. She said that her ex-lover came to her without needing a confession. Two people work together, are close to each other, get close, and then fall in love. After that, without any nervous anticipation, we naturally held each other's hands and gave each other a first kiss. And we implicitly understand that if we love each other, there is no need to confess our love or give flowers according to any complicated rituals.

Then he naturally and quietly got into bed and conferred. Then when it was time to break up, the other guy just walked away without any need to declare anything! What a man of consistency and character!

Every woman knows that there are important reasons why the man we love dearly, one day becomes... my ex! When cracks in love grow to an irreparable level, they will force us to choose a different way of life that is easier for both of us. However, after breaking up, movies often show love scenes, when one rainy night, the boy knocks on the girl's door and says, honey, I still love you dearly!

Many girls have the illusion that their ex will come back to find them in that situation. Or when he was sad and disappointed because his new lover was too cold and pragmatic. Or at the time he failed in his career. Or at the time he was so regretful about breaking up with his love. And the girl became a trusted confidant, only she could understand him.

They forgot why they broke up!

2. When your ex-lover comes to your ex-lover's house

One time my friend ran away from his first lover's house just because he saw him hugging and kissing... his first love! Of course this guy later clarified, it was just an emotional moment, when the girl from before came back crying and begging!

My friend forgave me, and they even got married later. But men's nature is difficult to change. After searching and breaking up, even though that man had remarried, he still came back from time to time and wanted to sleep with my friend. Is sleeping with your ex-wife prohibited by law? And how many people dare to take their ex-husband to court just for daring to ask to return to the stamp vault?

It turns out that there are men who consider their ex-lover to be the most suitable partner. While women always have illusions about the love that remains after the moment of separation!

Many girls, after breaking up with their lover, still accept each time the other guy asks for intimacy. She still hopes that every time she is intimate, she will hold on. As for the other guy, it's just a couple of times a month, he gets used to it!

I know a beautiful young girl, she said, her tragedy is that the man she still loves, only when he is drunk does he come knock on her door, hug her, love her. . And when he woke up, he returned to his current lover! And she still hopes that one time, that man will come back not because he's drunk, because he's familiar with the way, because she once belonged to him, so one more time, no one will refuse!

And many women have also forgiven when their lover sometimes has a soft spot for his ex-girlfriend, even sleeping with his ex-wife. Because after all, he had done it before, so it could be explained. As long as I'm still your "present tense"!

3. But once love is just an excuse!

There was a woman who had been betrayed and said bitterly that love is just an excuse for scumbags to not waste money! As for me, I think that a decent man will definitely never take advantage of this girl while saying he loves another girl!

Even when drunk, even when your ex-lover runs to you crying and begging, even when the wandering night rain drives them to your door, or when life cruelly pushes They are at a wall, or they are disappointed with their new love, and you are their last peaceful refuge in this world.

Because for whatever reason they come back to knock on their old love's door, the first thing they have to do is conquer you from the beginning! Must rebuild the relationship from scratch with you! Because, we broke up, love stayed in the past. No, because we've kissed before, any time you come back and knock on the door, you can kiss again! Or because we used to be so close to each other, you just offered to come back so you could climb into my bed!

Remember why we broke up. Don't remember how deeply we once loved each other. Has the past not taught us women any valuable lessons?

And sometimes, I don't know why, many girls open the door, right when their ex-lover knocks!

Because you are not a doormat that is left at the door, where the man can come back whenever he wants?

Teenage yearsStream of ConsciousnessFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingChildhood

About the Creator

HK Decor

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (3)

  • HK Decor (Author)26 days ago

    Everything is so interesting, thank you for sharing

  • Hoàn Trần26 days ago

    Everything is so interesting, thank you for sharing

  • Ken aquariums26 days ago

    Everything is so interesting, thank you for sharing

HK DecorWritten by HK Decor

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