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Research Proven That Women Tend To Like Their Best Friends More Than Their Husbands

Some of us will be friendlier than others. Some of us will be more at ease in personal relationships than others.

By The Secret of 60'sPublished about a year ago 3 min read

According to studies, women prefer their best friends to their husbands.

It makes no difference who you are or what you do with your life. We are, without a doubt, social beings. In some way, we all yearn for human connection. Some of us will be friendlier than others. Some of us will be more at ease in personal relationships than others. The fundamental constant, however, is that all humans will always want social relationships.

And, throughout our lifetimes, we are likely to have that one connection that means far more to us than all the others. And this may be a romantic connection with anyone. It might be with an old childhood pal you grew up with. It might be with a family member, such as a sibling or a parent. But, more often than not, it will be with a love partner with whom you will spend the rest of your life.

However, there was a recent poll undertaken by Champneys, a spa and wellness firm. And the results of this poll may throw new light on the topic of soulmates and intimate partnerships. In fact, it's possible that the facts will surprise you a little.

The reason for this is that Champneys discovered in their research that the great majority of women prefer their best friends above their real spouses. To be more explicit, a little more than half of the 1,517 women who took part in the study stated that they preferred their lady best friends above their spouses in terms of intimacy and comfortability. And while the reasons differ for each woman, the reality that it is shocking and surprising remains.

The most common reason that most women in the poll appeared to agree on was that they felt they could talk to their best friends about more matters than their spouses. These ladies indicated that there were certain topics they could discuss with their girlfriends but not with their spouses. Another common reason why married women felt closer to their closest friends was that they discovered their girlfriends were better listeners than their spouses. They felt as if their dearest friends heard them more than their spouses.

A slew of other comments seemed to imply that women prefer the company of their girlfriends than that of their spouses. At least 39% of these ladies believe that when they're among their best friends, they laugh a lot more. Another 29% stated they are more comfortable being themselves when they are around their girlfriends. They do not believe they are being judged.

Furthermore, at least 40% of those women stated that their best friends prefer more of the same things as they do. Furthermore, 29% believe that their greatest friends provide greater advise than their husbands.

According to the study, women are less bothered with their best friends. This might be related to the fact that they spend more time with their spouses, which increases the likelihood of impatience and displeasure.

Champneys' representative stated the following:

"These study findings coincide up our own sales numbers which reveal that all female group reservations for our spa days and weekend offers have nearly quadrupled over the previous 12 months.

In fact, for parties of six or more, our Girly Getaway and 'Girls Night In' packages are among the most popular at Champneys Spa resorts."

To be sure, the Champneys analysis might be inaccurate because they often sell to women more than males. The findings might simply be the product of focused marketing. However, the reality remains that women prefer to bring their best friends to the spa rather than their boyfriends. And it is a very revealing fact.

A slew of additional studies have found that the vast majority of women throughout the world have revealed at least two secrets to their best friends that their spouses are unaware of.

So, if you chance to be a married man reading this, always make an effort to pay attention to your wife. Ensure that she feels heard and valued. Make an honest attempt to be her best friend.

WorkplaceTeenage yearsTabooSecretsSchoolHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingChildhoodBad habits

About the Creator

The Secret of 60's

I am an ordinary writer who write about emotional writing as well as sharing though related to relationship matter and advice the younger generation to have a better understanding when handling emotion toward relationship.

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