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I Had The Finest Sex Ever With A Monk

He gave me a deep, passionate kiss on my lips before moving to kiss my neck and my breasts.

By The Lost GirlPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

My five-year boyfriend and I broke up soon after I graduated. I went to China with my parents since I didn't want to spend the summer by myself. Although it was pleasant, I felt really vulnerable. I had to take a solo flight back so that I could have time to get ready for a new job, therefore I was dreading going home.

I was fatigued from waiting in line for immigration for an hour when I spotted this man across from the baggage-collection carousel.

More precisely, I spotted the vivid red harem pants initially. My eyes slid up to his tanned, stubbled face, past his T-shirt, which revealed a well-defined set of abs. I got butterflies from him right away. Although his head was shaved, I could see a small ponytail on him. I became enthralled with this look right away because I knew it was worn by China monks.

"Stare much?" he questioned, waking me from my daze. He smiled cheekily. We quickly exchanged stories about how we were in China, collected our cases, and laughed together. As it turned out, he had actually spent the previous six years as a monk in a Shaolin Monastery close to Shenzhen, City of China, but he had recently made the decision to leave and go home. Since he seemed a little coy about it, I didn't ask him to elaborate more in details.

I did discover that my cab was travelling in the direction of his parents' house, where he was returning. I gave him a ride, and we had a great conversation for the majority of the hour-long drive. Although it seemed like we were flirting, I wasn't sure because he was a monk. I had my doubts. Nevertheless, I welcomed him inside for a nightcap when we arrived at my house, both of us exhausted from lack of sleep. Since he didn't drink alcohol, he declined. His admission that he "did drink tea" made my stomach stop sinking.

We climbed out of the taxi and took a seat on the couch, holding onto our cups. Although we had this unsaid sexual tension, and after about twenty minutes or so, he planted a kiss on me. After that, I showed him to my room upstairs and had him kneel on the bed while he gradually undressed me. I wanted him more because of something about the way he pulled it out—so methodically and firmly.

This was pure tantric sexuality as described in the Kama Sutra.

He gave me a deep, passionate kiss on my lips before moving to kiss my neck and my breasts. He descended and made a motion with his tongue and fingers that I had never seen before, almost pushing me to the brink of exhilaration before halting and restarting the entire thing, which drove me insane.

It was amazing when I arrived, but he wasn't finished yet. After taking off his clothes, he crossed his legs and sat up straight on the bed, then he pulled me up onto him. He rocked me back and forth while guiding me, even though it was awkward at first. This was pure tantric sexuality as described in the Kama Sutra. He was unlike any of my past partners in the way that he moved.

I repeatedly orgasmed, sometimes even simultaneously with him. It has to have taken two hours or more to complete. He later informed me that was the first time he had slept with someone in more than six years as we lay back panting and tired. Soon after, approximately 2 a.m., he departed, but not before expressing his gratitude and giving me a 15-second hug—the length of time he claimed is necessary to determine someone's aura. He mentioned that mine was a strong one. He is really make me an angel for the night.

Teenage yearsWorkplaceStream of ConsciousnessSecretsHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingChildhoodBad habits

About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

You can buy me a coffee HERE😊

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