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Ease Out 2023 With These Easy Prompts

No-Stress Creative Prompts for Vocal Writer Creators

By Judey Kalchik Published 5 months ago Updated 4 months ago 4 min read

Fifteen days left of this year (depending on when you are reading this on Saturday 12/16, you could likely squeeze in the .5 bonus prompt, too).

There are two current Vocal Challenges as of today, and once I psyche myself up I'ma gonna have a go at that villainous villanelle... although right now it is Cathy all the way as far as I am concerned.

If a whole story or a new form of poetry has you apprehensive, here are my 15.5 prompts to see you through the end of this year.

If you decide to tackle them, please consider linking back to this post in your content, and PLEASE DO post a link to your work in the comments here to help people find it!

Without further ado: here are the 15.5 final EASY prompts of 2023.

(Let me answer the question now: YES! You can do these in any order you want. YES: you can do one or some or all!)


  1. Read something by someone new to you and leave an encouraging comment. (How easy is that? Just write a short meaningful comment! That's still writing!)
  2. Write a short poem using the letters of your first name. (Christophers have my permission to use 'Chris', and Dharrsheena can use Dharr should she want.) You can use a nickname of you like. Poetry no longer has a 100 word threshold, so just go for it.
  3. Find 1 piece each from at least 3 creators and write a short piece for the Writing Community about why they stand out to you. Be sure to link each of the pieces so your readers can enjoy them, too. Doesn't have to be fancy writing, just be conversational.
  4. Create a piece filled with links to YouTube videos of your favorite Holiday songs or Songs of the Year. Include a little intro for each about why you like them and post it in BEAT Community. You'll be surprised how easy it is to hit 600 words.
  5. Look over your own profile. Make a post (with links to each, of course) of the pieces that stand out to you. Give them the recognition they deserve. Title them, perhaps: 'Should Have Placed', 'What Was I Thinking?', 'Most Proud of Creating', 'Favorite Poem', 'My First Fiction', etc. Put it in Writing if under 600 words, and in Journal or Interview if you achieve the 600 word mark.
  6. Go outside or around your home and take some photos that appeal to you of whatever. Use at least one of the photos to write a piece about what it says about who you are. (Yeah- this might be harder, but don't take it serious and it will go pretty fast. Feel free to be flippant. For instance, that giant dust bunny under my desk says a lot about what is important to me...)
  7. Write a lullaby (doesn't have to rhyme, but could) for one of these: a star, a rhino, a cup of coffee, a candle, your first car, a child, your parent, your job, an ear of corn, your phone, the sea. Stick in the Poetry Community.
  8. Look in a recipe box (ask a neighbor, parent, or grandparent if you don't have one... or go to a thrift shop, library, or online- if you must- ) and pull out a random recipe. Write about it: what did it taste like? what does it remind you of? Would you make it? Is it weird? Include the recipe in the story and you should have 600 words and can post it in Feast.
  9. Cast the people in a film made about YOU. Who plays you? Your parent/friend/boss/neighbor? Why? What would you name the film? What kind of film is it? Post it in Interview if you make the 600 words, and in Chapters if you don't (You can always expand about it in the autobiography you will write... someday)
  10. Have you seen any GRWM? (it stands for Get Ready With Me, and the videos are all over the place, usually made by influencers.) YOU are an influencer! Take us through your getting ready routine: for work, for a date, for a wedding, for a family dinner, for a job interview, for bed. Post it in Blush if you identify feminine, Men if you identify masculine, or interview. Bonus if you can include some of your own photos. Look at you- all being an influencer and everything!
  11. What do you eat in the middle of the night? Tell us about it: when did you first do it? do you allow for substitutions? Do you eat standing in front of the open fridge? Over the sink? Do you clean up? Not enough words? Make it free verse and pop it into Poetry. Fit into your autobiography? Chuck it into Chapters.
  12. What's your go-to anthem? That song that either brings you to tears or PUMPS YOU UP! Which version? Why? Do you sing it in the car? shower? only in your head? Tell us about it and bob it into Beats.
  13. Choose a word for 2024. Only one word. It will be the title of your poem (rhyme or not is up to you) Write about the word, you and the word, why you chose it, what you'll do with it, or just pop it into the poem all willy-nilly. It's all good.
  14. Grab the nearest book (pro tip: must have words, blank book doesn't count). Turn to the page that is numbered '4' and write something about the third noun or verb on that page. It would be cool if you inserted a photo of the page, but not necessary. Story, poem: whatever you want.
  15. Connect with another Vocal creator and swap 5 questions with them. Then you can each write about it and insert it into Interview.

15.5: What was your favorite thing about 2023? What are you most looking forward to about 2024? Write a story or poem, and let us know.


You made it!

Please don't forget to paste a link to your work in the comments. Which one will you do first?

Writing ExerciseWriter's BlockVocalShoutoutPromptsInspirationGuidesChallengeAdviceAchievements

About the Creator

Judey Kalchik

It's my time to find and use my voice.

Poetry, short stories, memories, and a lot of things I think and wish I'd known a long time ago.

You can also find me on Medium

And please follow me on Threads, too!

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  • Shirley Belk4 months ago

    So, Judey, I thought I'd give this a go since you have inspired me to do so: https://vocal.media/interview/come-play-along

  • Maureen Y. Palmer4 months ago

    Thanks for this list! I especially like #5 and #14.

  • Whilst this isn't directly in response to your actual prompts, this story 'happened' after becoming 'brave enough' to venture into other Communities! https://vocal.media/criminal/bullet-holes-and-babushka-dolls

  • Happy New Year Judey... I'm still having fun working my way through your writing prompts... They have encouraged me to 'dip my toe' into other Communities! Thanks so much for inspiring me to try new things!

  • I finally got around to trying out another of your 'easy' writing prompts... Of course nothing is easy for me! https://vocal.media/feast/look-out-sauerkraut

  • Paul Stewart5 months ago

    I thought I commented already. I shall definitely look at some of these. Thanks for some much-needed inspiration (I have a Nano thing I'm not touching until the dust settles a bit that needs to be edited to pieces lol, a horror anthology of short stories, acrostics and poems) and a horror anthology that all revolves around a door, as well as another horror story and my psychopath story. But...I needed some inspiration beyond all the darkness in my mind, lol. Thanks for these and as I work my way through some of them, I shall offer links in this comment section.

  • Leslie Writes5 months ago

    Thank you for this list, Judey. I’ll have to choose a few and get to work 😁

  • This could mean a lot of extra reading for you, Judey. Will you still think it's fun when it's done, lol?

  • Test5 months ago

    Think I'm going to make these my new year's resolution, one a month for a year, so I guess I'm a quarter way to 15.5. Thank you so much for the ideas!

  • Here's my lullaby for my first car. https://vocal.media/poets/little-pyg

  • Hannah Moore5 months ago

    Ah, these are fun, but I fear the prompt I'm most likely to follow at this point in the year is "write nothing for three weeks, including Christmas cards, but make sure you feel bad about it".

  • Oooo, I was most intrigued by number 9, the film about You. Should the cast consist of only actual actors? If yes, are they limited to the ones from Hollywood? Also, hehehe so excited to see my name used as an example 🥰🥰🥰

  • Thanks Judey, for so many great writing prompts/ stimuli... would like to attempt some of these, as I'm a reader rather than a writer... words do not pour onto the page for me!

  • Rene Peters5 months ago

    I need to try some of these. Had trouble writing recently so maybe this will help. 15.5 should be pretty easy for me. 😊

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    You got some pretty good prompts here, girl. Now excuse me while I go take pictures of dust bunnies and the cat. And thank for the shout out. You are too kind.

  • Kendall Defoe 5 months ago

    A few of these speak to me: 9 and 11, especially. More work for the weekend... :)

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