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What type of personality are you..?

What type of personality are you..?

By sara khairyPublished about a year ago 4 min read
What type of personality are you..?
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

you should know your personality to know more about your strength and weaknesses points that will help you be more professional in your life, help you tolerate people, and improve yourself in the perfect way

scientists divide people into many categories but the most common category consists of four groups and each group divide into four types of personality :


they are Intuitive (N) and Thinking (T)

they include:

*The Architects (INTJ)

* Logicians (INTP)

* Commanders (ENTJ)

*Debaters (ENTP)

these personality types prefer to use their reasoned judgment while making decisions. Their intuitive personality feature energizes their imaginations, inspiring them to develop original plans and become deeply curious about everything.

These personalities have a strong desire to comprehend and create. These people frequently choose theories and conjecture about the reality that will undoubtedly come. Analyst types could overlook the necessity of testing their hypotheses in the real world.

Driven by Curiosity Analysts have a natural desire to learn. By doing this, they may make sure that their concepts are practical rather than just creative.

These personality types have a great desire to study and prefer to acquire knowledge on their own rather than relying on conventional wisdom.

Analysts constantly strive to better themselves. Once they’ve identified a problem, they put all of their reason, creativity, and desire for outcomes toward fixing it.


they are Intuitive (N) and Feeling (F)

Diplomat personality is

*Advocates (INFJ)

* Mediators (INFP)

* Protagonists (ENFJ)

*Campaigners (ENFP)

They value relationships with others and doing good deeds. They put kindness and generosity first. These individuals seek to comprehend both themselves and others. They frequently have insightful knowledge of human nature. They are perceptive to the emotions of others.

Rather than being practical, principles drive diplomats. This enables them to remain faithful to their ambitious goals and innovative ideas. Sadly, when others are careless, they may be exposed due to their open hearts. Many Diplomats are drawn to creative expression because of this quality. These people can be fervently motivated by theatre, music, writing, food, or a variety of other artistic endeavors.

These personalities may also worry more about loneliness than other types. they often feel a strong need to belong. Being fake can feel painful to these types, who long to be loved and accepted for who they are, not for their ability to fit in.

they’d be upset if they never became successful. Fortunately, Diplomats tend to have a deep intuitive sense of what is right for them.


they are Observant (S) and Judging (J)

they include:

*Logisticians (ISTJ)

*Defenders (ISFJ)

*Executives (ESTJ)

*Consuls (ESFJ)

They work well together and are sensible. They are proud of their intelligence and morality. These personality types look for stability, security, and order. They drive themselves. Sentinel personalities perform best in settings with established hierarchies and regulations. They value leading by example and find considerable satisfaction in managing a productive group.

Without drama, these personality types are the happiest.

When faced with challenging issues, they don’t give up easily. The personality role least likely to claim they are easily in love is the sentinel. Sentinels frequently demonstrate their affection by doing something useful, like fixing their partner’s car.

They work well together and are sensible. They are proud of their intelligence and morality. These personality types look for stability, security, and order. They drive themselves. Sentinel personalities perform best in settings with established hierarchies and regulations. They value leading by example and find considerable satisfaction in managing a productive group.

Without drama, these personality types are the happiest.

When faced with challenging issues, they don’t give up easily. The personality role least likely to claim they are easily in love is the sentinel. Sentinels frequently demonstrate their affection by doing something useful, like inspecting their partner’s car tires.


they are: Observant (S) and Prospecting (P)

they include:

*Explorers (ISTP)

* Adventurers (ISFP),

*Entrepreneurs (ESTP)

*Entertainers (ESFP)

They frequently exhibit independence and quick thinking. These personality types enjoy addressing unknown situations on the spot since they thrive in them. Even when they don’t feel particularly prepared, explorers can adjust to the situation thanks to their adaptability.

These people are not typically overly detail-oriented. Whether it’s rotary saws, sheet music, or emergency response procedures, explorer types like learning new skills.

Explorers are capable of changing their ideas without feeling regret or guilt. People that fit this role despise routine and may deviate from their responsibilities to attempt new things. These people appreciate having no duties so they can indulge their passions or themselves whenever they want. They enjoy exploring something fascinating.

Social dynamics are present in explorer personalities as well. They are drawn by their spontaneity to fascinating encounters and attractive strangers. The upcoming event is what adventurers desire to witness!

They typically look for relationships where there is commitment.

Exploratory has a very impulsive nature and interact with their surroundings with a sense of wonder and pure enjoyment that is almost infantile. But when kids have to work on something challenging or boring, that might be difficult.

These personality types are powerful while working on a project they are passionate about. And they frequently discover solutions to deal with the necessary evils over time.

Explorers look for methods to strike a balance between work and play. Before they allow themselves to unwind, they don’t complete all of their chores.

The capacity of explorers to strike a balance between work and play can prevent burnout. According to explorers, they accept risks purely for enjoyment. One of the Explorers’ greatest assets can be risk energize. It can energize individuals to pursue new academic and professional prospects as well as inspire them to be more forthcoming in their interpersonal interactions.

I am a diplomatic personality

what type of personality are you..?

tell me in the comments

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About the Creator

sara khairy

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