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What kind of woman is a quality woman?

Pure, the intellectual woman that has certain life experience

By yeliangPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

1. Pure, intellectual woman with certain life experience.

Like all mature women, she also had the pure, naive, confused, confused, dream experience and the process of emergence in her teenage years. Laugh, also cry; Happy, also pain; Loved, also lost.

It is because of such experience and experience that she has more connotation, pure, gentle, intellectual, inclusive, intelligent, confident and steady than that kind of superficial, hypocritical, shallow, ignorant, flower-like woman. Such woman is well-informed, field of vision is more open, can "all-inclusive", "all rivers run into the sea", preference and faithful to the true feeling of his heart, won't be lost easily in fete, dissipation.

She knew the art of careful selection, and knew how to find, select, identify, and appreciate a perfect confidant among other people. Therefore, she knows how to discard the false and retain the true.

Steady, tasteful woman.

Spiritual pursuit is higher than material pursuit, not necessarily read thousands of volumes, but have thoughts, have taste, away from vulgar, shallow, frivolous nature, very pay attention to the inner communication and feelings, and have different from ordinary people's aesthetic personality and principles of life.

She was not so noble that she did not understand that love also requires food and clothing. The difference is that she knows more about "little girls love money in the right way." The man in her eyes may not be successful, but must have potential.

Even if you don't succeed, she can still appreciate your effort and perseverance in the struggle, because she knows it's not easy for a man to fight alone in this world. Therefore, she can be tolerant of your efforts and efforts.

It is true that the soldier who does not want to be a marshal is not a good soldier, but not all soldiers can be Napoleon; Naturally, a man who can't make money can't be a successful man, but not all men can become Li Ka-shing and Bill Gates. She knows this way, this reason, on your way to forge ahead, she will love you with the eyes of appreciation, attention you, together with her own efforts, support, support and trust to you, regardless of success or failure, she will not be too demanding of you, nor unreasonable censure you. Her taste is to understand you, appreciate you, can share with you through thick and thin, understand and deeply understand that only two people together struggle is the beginning of a happy life.

She has such tolerance and taste, because she loves you. Love, can salvage warmth, also can contain your good and bad, because love is satisfied in love. Of course, everything changes, and so do emotions and love. She is good is to know that even if one day to leave you, it is not to hurt you, she will leave your dignity. With such a confidant in the side, do man's glorious though defeat.

A peaceful, not greedy woman.

It is a blessing for men to meet such a woman. A woman who is not greedy is more peaceful and content. She knows that a soft heart is more important than heavy things. Today, this is a rare and valuable quality.

Because of indifferent and enlightened, not mercenary, she can deal with all kinds of challenges and temptations in life, she will not easily forget justice, see wealth forget, more will not be in trouble to the lover push a thousand miles, "kick a man when he is down". With you, brilliant, she will be proud of your brilliant; When down and out, she will cheer you up.

Love you, is to accept you; To choose to be with you is to choose happiness, joy and contentment along with poverty, suffering and hardship. But remember, she does not choose to be disappointed. If you are a real man, do not let her down, because disappointment is the easiest thing to bring down a woman, especially a good one. You can be ugly, you can be poor, but you can not let her down, because, hope for a peaceful, not greedy woman means everything!

Sincere, open-minded woman.

In constant enlightenment life, experience, clip, perfect their own while, also constantly clip, appreciate, perfect you. At the same time, but also can pass on the truth, open-minded and happy to you.

She is not harsh, sensible, humane, not picky. In the face of you, although she has nagging time, it is also because you do not make her dissatisfaction with a "love you hard to say" blame. She can give you self-confidence, courage, courage, strong, do not expect you to indomitable, but to do, do not do.

Most of the time, she wants you to live a happy, happy, frank, honest and dignified life, because her eyes can hold your mediocrity, frustration and abjure.

A virtuous and considerate woman.

With her together you will have a kind of bright and pleasant as spring breeze and pleasure, in front of her you are relaxed, happy, true, is childish, you do not have to deliberately pretend to be a heroic, arrogant look.

Your exhaustion, heaviness, annoyance, frustration, regret, impetuosity, pressure, and hard work are all collected into her virtuous package by her understanding. She is water, can melt you; It is fire, can burn you, her glamour index depends on: it is that one bow gentleness most!


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