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The Zombie Phenomenon

The Effects of Stimulants

By Dianna HoilandPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The Zombie Phenomenon

Dianna Robertson

Grand Canyon University

ENG-105-0504 English Composition 1

Professor Bob Staples

January 12,2022,

The Zombie Phenomenon

ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is defined as a behavioral condition that makes it difficult to focus, follow routines, trouble staying organized, and an inability to think before acting (American Psychological Association, 2021). The most common treatment of ADHD is cognitive behavioral therapy paired with stimulants. There are many side effects of stimulant medications, including what is referred to as the “zombie phenomenon”. Some parents opt to use non-stimulant medications to avoid these worrisome side effects, but non-stimulants have their own side effects to consider. It is important to understand all the options available to treat ADHD and the side effects of each option. Stimulant medications are effective and safe, when used to treat ADHD when the user, or parents understand the side effects of stimulants, consider the effects of non-stimulant alternatives, and address all possible solutions when the zombie phenomenon does occur.

Side Effects of Stimulants

The zombie phenomenon is a result of a combination of negative side effects and inappropriate dosage when taking stimulant medications. The zombie phenomenon can be debilitating the user’s ability to focus and place a huge obstacle in their day. There are many stimulants used to treat ADHD. One such stimulant used for the treatment of ADHD is Adderall. Adderall is the stimulant medication most frequently used to treat symptoms of ADHD, which include trouble focusing, impulsiveness, or fidgeting (Hersh, 2019). The most common side effects of Adderall are nervousness, dry mouth, insomnia, digestive issues leading to weight loss, headache, and mood swings (Hersh, 2019). Adderall also has addictive properties and can cause what is called an Adderall crash. Stopping suddenly leads to withdrawal symptoms such as extreme fatigue, a craving for Adderall, irritability, depression, and other mood changes (Silver, M.D., 2021). With so many negative side effects it is easy to see why many parents are unenthusiastic about medicating their ADHD children.


If stimulant medications are causing to many negative side effects, an alternative is non-stimulant medications such as atomoxetine (Strattera). However, non- stimulants tend to work slower than stimulants. Potential side effects of atomoxetine include, fatigue or sleepiness, sexual side effects, dizziness, as well as nausea and other digestive issues leading to decreased appetite (Hersh, 2019). When looking at of side effects of stimulants versus non-stimulants, the lists of symptoms are comparable. As with any medication, both have their negative effects and positive ones. If stimulants cause significant side effects such as the zombie phenomenon, then non-stimulants are the next best choice, but come with their own list of side effects and it is important to understand these effects as well. The treatment of ADHD, or any mental disorder requires a thorough understanding of all the options and choosing the best fit for the patient. There is also the option to treat ADHD with cognitive behavioral therapy alone, but this can be hard to implement in children as they lack the self-control that adults have. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps to identify harmful, ineffective behavior patterns to replace them with functional behaviors by teaching a person to focus on current problems and how to solve them in the real world (American Psychological Association, 2021). CBD is an important and effective treatment for ADHD, but is most effective in conjunction with stimulants, or non-stimulants.


With all these side effects it can seem like the best idea is to avoid medication for ADHD. However, medication, along with cognitive behavioral therapy, is the most effective way to control the symptoms of ADHD in children. Learning self-control is not an easy task for young children and it is even harder for those with ADHD. Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches the skills necessary to learn this self-control but is often an ineffective treatment option in young children without the medication. Silver, M.D, (2021) states that the incorrect dosage of stimulants can cause children to appear zombie like, spacy, or to be irritable, and the best way to counteract these side effects is to lower the dosage. By lowering the dosage many side effects are removed, and the effects of the medication can be better an article about the treatment of ADHD, Willams, (2016), states that most individuals with ADHD do well on one medication or the other, but never both, concluding that if a child has negative side effects on one medication, try something from the other class is usually effective. Loss of appetite is a common side effect while taking a stimulant medication but switching to a different stimulant often solves the problem. (Silver, M.D., 2021). When experiencing negative side effects of any medications it is important to seek the guidance of the Doctor who has been treating the patient, as they better understand the effects and how to adjust or change the treatments. Copper, (n.d), states that if the patient is feeling in a “zombie” like trance this is often a sign of being overly medicated.


The zombie phenomenon is a worrisome effect caused by the stimulant medications used to treat ADHD, but it can be combated by understanding the side effects of stimulant medications, seeking non-stimulant alternatives when necessary, and understanding how to counteract this zombie like effect. The main symptoms of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness, but there are many other symptoms that are seldom talked about. The side effects of stimulant medications can be worrisome, and some families opt to avoid them when seeking treatment for ADHD. There are non-stimulant alternatives for the treatment of ADHD, but they often take longer to be effective. The key to ensuring that the side effects of stimulant medication are minimal and non-invasive to the user’s daily lives is to ensure the right medication is used and the correct dosage is followed.


American Psychological Association, (2021). ADHD

Erica Hersh. (2019). Why Does Adderall Make Me Sleepy When It Makes Others More Alert?

Jeff Copper. (n.d). ADHD Zombie -- Stimulant Medications

Larry Silver, M.D. (2021). ADHD Medication Side Effects No One Should Tolerate

Penny Williams. (2016). All the other stuff they don’t tell you about ADHD: Medication

Stuff they don't tell you about ADHD: medication rules, medication secrets


About the Creator

Dianna Hoiland

My name is Dianna Robertson but I publish in my maiden name Hoiland. I am a 29 year old mother of 4 beautiful kids. 2 girls and 2 boys. Currently studying communications.

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