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The Reason Behind Everything We Don’t Do

Why I feel what I don't want to feel with what I want?

By Carlos VelascoPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Una Laurencic from Pexels

A couple of days ago, I was having a pretty deep conversation with one of my friends and I thought it would be a great idea to share what we were talking about here.

So let me get straight into it.

Fear is the reason behind everything we don’t do or we do wrong.

And when I say everything I mean literally anything you can think of.

Once you start digging into the thought of that thing you don’t want to do, you’ll find eventually that is all rooted and based on a fear you have.

We don’t achieve the things we want because we aren’t capable of reaching them, we don’t achieve them because we let our fears take over our whole being.

And notice that I didn’t say “we don’t achieve the things we want because we are afraid”. Am I expecting to don’t feel fear at all? No, the answer is no. We are human beings. It’s completely natural for us to have fear towards many things. Now not feeling fear at all, that would definitely be something to worry about. One of my favorite quotes comes from Tim Box in his TED Talk “How to stop feeling anxious about anxiety”:

“Because there are those who don’t feel anxiety. There are two very distinct groups. The first group: dead people… The second group would be those we might refer to psychopaths”.

The point I’m trying to make is that you shouldn’t feel ashamed for being afraid even for the smallest of things. Each one of us has different tactics to tackle fear, and one of those tactics that probably everyone in the world has used once in their life is perhaps the easiest yet the most self-destructive one, and that is running away from the situation that is in front of you.

I know that feeling. I know how overwhelmed you can get with the problem that all you want to do is to leave running even from your own self. I know that because I have done that countless times in my life. And I know how full of peace and joy can your environment can become when you understand that the only thing stopping you is your mind.

On a small or big scale, your mind has given the situation so much importance that now is far away from reality. And that disconnection from your own mind in moments of tension and anxiety is the thing that is going to break free from your fears. And when you break free from your fears, you’ll start to be your most authentic self.

That part of you that is capable of doing the unthinkable. That part of you that is willing to do anything in their power to achieve what they’ve always dreamed of.

And you’ll be happy and thankful for the fear that you felt at the start because that was the little push that you needed.

And what not letting your fear take over you really gives you is the opportunity to do the things you pursue or want to do with love.

And I know love is kind of a weird word to use because society has categorized it as “Oh love is unique and so special that only a few people deserve MY love”. And it shouldn’t be that way.

Almost everyone in this world deserves the love that you have because they are not bad people, they are just acting in consequence that they’ve allowed fear to take control over them, but in essence, they are just as pure as you. That understanding will give you a brighter insight towards meeting people, because if they treat you bad it doesn’t mean there’s a problem with you, it’s a problem of them, and that problem is that they are acting out of fear, because of past experiences, trauma or whatever they went through in their past that they aren’t capable of letting it go.

So, do you feel scared about something? Good. That means you are alive. That means that thing is worth paying attention to. Don’t think it too much tho, that would only make your mind take control over you and fear will take your place. Act with love instead. Ask yourself how can you act with pure love in that situation. I know you will make the best move for yourself. Trust yourself and trust your decisions.

I hope you learned something new today or just helped you to see a different perspective on life.

Thank you for reading this, I appreciate you a lot and I would love to read your thoughts on this in the comments.

Make sure you read my other stories in my profile and share them with others, it might help them too:)

We’ll see each other in the next post! Until then, thanks for reading.


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