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The Purpose of Life

Learn through story

By Faiqa RukhsarPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Root Chakra

A young girl named Maya used to live in a peaceful community at the base of a majestic mountain. Maya has always been interested in the world and had a strong desire to achieve more in life. She had no idea that the activation of her Root Chakra would mark the start of her quest for self-discovery.

Maya spent her days engaging in simple pleasures like playing with her friends, caring to her family's garden, and exploring the lush forests. However, she frequently felt herself wanting for more, as if an unseen force was drawing her down an undiscovered path. One evening, Maya observed an elderly woman sitting next to a huge oak tree as the sun started to set and gave a golden glow over the village. She chose to approach because of something about the woman that caught her attention.

The elderly woman's eyes sparkled with wisdom as she lovingly greeted Maya. "Young one, welcome. She remarked with a tinge of uncertainty in her voice, "I have been expecting you. The woman's statements surprised Maya since they seemed to have a deeper significance. Maya's interest peaked and she asked, "How did you know I would come?"

The elderly woman responded with a knowing smile, "The universe has a way of directing us towards what we seek. It is the right time for you to start a journey of self-discovery, which is why you have been brought here. As she realised that this encounter was not a coincidence, Maya's heart beat with excitement and a little bit of fear.The elderly woman introduced herself as Maia, an acquired sage who had dedicated her life to understanding the mysteries of the human spirit. The notion of chakras, which are the body's energy centres that affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, was explained to Maya by Maia. She mentioned the Root Chakra, which controls one's sense of security, grounding, and connection to the physical world and is situated at the base of the spine.

Maya paid close attention as Maia led her through many exercises to open and align her Root Chakra. She discovered the value of being grounded in the here and now, relating to the energy of the Earth, and nurturing an internal sense of safety and security. Maya came to understand that her need for something larger was a result of a root chakra imbalance, or a lack of stability and foundation.Maya started incorporating these routines into her life under Maia's direction. She walked barefoot on the ground, feeling the energy flowing through her body and the cool soil beneath her feet. She spent some time sitting next to the old oak tree, centering herself in its fortitude and steadiness. Maya also took care of her body, eating wholesome foods and practising calming activities like tai chi and yoga.

Weeks passed into days, and Maya observed a tremendous change in herself. She experienced a sudden sense of comfort and stability, as if she had established strong roots in the ground. Her concerns and anxieties started to fade away, being replaced with a calm confidence in life's unfolding course. Maya learned that by taking care of her Root Chakra, she could completely live in the present and do so with a sense of purpose and groundedness.

Maya stood on the tallest hill in the village one bright morning, taking in the splendour all about her. Nature's beautiful hues appeared to come to life, as a soft breeze whispered menacing information in her ear. Maya understood that her journey had only just begun, that the Root Chakra's awakening had only been the first step on a road of introspection and spiritual development.


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