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The Power of Positive Affirmations in Achieving Your Goals

Unleash the transformative potential of positive affirmations to conquer your goals and manifest success.

By The Enlightenment JourneyPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
The Power of Positive Affirmations in Achieving Your Goals
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Are you familiar with the tale of Aladdin and his enchanted lamp? It is apparent that you have deduced that the tale is a work of fiction involving a genie emerging from a lamp and fulfilling the desires of the lamp's possessor.

Suppose the narrative is grounded in a factual genie's existence.

Have you ever observed the resemblance between the terms "genie" and "genius"? The reason for this is that both of them have their origins in the Latin term for "genius."

Many individuals believe that geniuses are a rare occurrence that can only be found in a select few individuals, such as exceptional scientists or musical prodigies.

Every individual is born with an innate genius that can unleash inner potential, allowing us to achieve beyond what we typically perceive as possible. Unlocking your inner genius from your subconscious mind is crucial.

Typically, the conscious mind filters the information that enters the subconscious. The input is checked and modified to ensure its consistency with the existing data. Let's say you receive the comment, "You possess a high level of intelligence."

The response of your conscious mind is, "Are you joking?" Me–smart? I disagree. My academic performance in school was not limited to straight A's. Your subconscious mind may reject the idea that you are intelligent if you receive responses like this.

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Discovering Your Inner Control Center

Assuming that the conscious mind acts as a filter for the information that enters the subconscious mind's control center, what methods can be used to reprogram the subconscious with desired beliefs and instructions?

Combining positive affirmations with relaxation is a significant factor. Attaining a state of physical relaxation can aid in achieving mental relaxation, which can then allow access to the subconscious mind.

By letting go of distractions and allowing your conscious mind to relax, you can access the root of any beliefs that may be hindering your personal fulfillment and achievements. The subconscious mind is highly receptive when you are in a state of deep relaxation.

This provides an opportunity to eliminate negative mental patterns and adopt new positive beliefs that can bring about permanent changes in various aspects of your life that are influenced by your beliefs.

Naturally and automatically, this phenomenon occurs twice a day: when you are falling asleep and when you are waking up. It is likely that you have observed how your mind becomes still when you wake up from a peaceful sleep and lie in bed with your eyes shut.

As you lie in bed, you are conscious and alert, but your brain activity hasn't fully kicked in yet. The subconscious mind is most accessible during moments of calmness in the morning or at night when the conscious mind is at rest.

Replace the Outdated New Beginnings!

Positive affirmations are a highly effective method for inducing changes in the subconscious mind. Positive statements in the present tense that focus on a particular aspect of your life that you want to improve are known as affirmations.

For optimal results with your positive affirmations, it is recommended to recite them aloud or in a low voice. It involves articulating words using your mouth and tongue, even if there is no one around to hear you. It resembles a hushed tone.

Expressing your intentions and desires through precise wording can enhance your concentration and help you effectively communicate with your subconscious mind. Repeating statements multiple times can lead to the subconscious mind accepting the new programming.

It is important to keep in mind that the subconscious patterns and beliefs that have been ingrained in your mind for years will require a significant amount of time, possibly weeks or even months, to be reprogrammed.

If you continue with determination, you will eventually achieve your goal. Affirmation is a process that serves as the foundation for developing new beliefs, qualities, behaviors, or experiences that one desires to bring into their life.

Daily Affirmations: A Pathway to Achieving Success

Utilizing positive affirmations repeatedly is an effective method to access the subconscious mind.

To assist you with this, I will provide you with four affirmations that you can start using when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night.

Say each of these sentences seven times. It's okay if your mind disagrees with any of these statements or if you hear an internal commentary from your mind.

With the daily repetition of positive affirmations, your mind will gradually internalize them and start reflecting them in your actions.

The following are the four statements:

  • I have a great deal of love and respect for myself.
  • My potential for success is boundless in any endeavor I undertake.
  • I have confidence in my capability to emerge victorious.
  • Positive things come into my life due to my optimistic outlook.

It's also possible to recite the affirmations during your morning routine or when you have some alone time. The key is to fill your subconscious mind with the desired outcomes you wish to achieve.

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The Enlightenment Journey

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