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By Kelvin IgeriaPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

19 psychological tricks that are going to blow your mind

There are all kinds of fancy books on neuro-linguistic programming and psychology that can help professionals get what they want from others, but there are also simpler yet just as effective methods that anyone can use on a daily basis. Here are 19 psychological tricks that actually work.

Never begin your request with the words 'Could you please.' This can cause the other person to subconsciously assume that this is a theoretical question. For example, avoid questions like 'Could you call the neighbors?' Sure could is polite, but it's better to rephrase your request to please call the neighbors if you want to be sure that it'll be fulfilled.

You can use a silent and attentive approach to get someone to answer your question if they are dodging it. This can create discomfort and pressure them to talk more. They might share extra details or even confess the truth if they were dishonest before. They might assume that your calm and observant look shows that you are aware of the actual facts.

A strategic pause and eye contact can help you get more information from someone who is avoiding your question. This can make them feel uneasy and want to fill the silence. They might reveal more than they intended, or even admit the truth if they were lying before. They might think that your quiet and focused look means that you know the real facts.

A good way to connect with your coworkers or fellow students when you are new to a job or school is to ask them to teach you something, even if you already know it. This will make them like you more and also impress them.

A gentle nod can help you get a yes from someone when you ask them something. This is a common trick used by restaurant staff to make customers buy more food, and it works well.

You can take something from someone’s hand without them realizing it if they are very busy with something else, like a phone call. This can be useful when you want to tidy up or relocate without being seen.

You can get someone to do something for you by saying that they probably can’t do it. Most people will want to show you that you are wrong when you question their skills. You can also make a bond by asking for a small or weird favor before the main one, making it more difficult for them to say no.

A slight nod while talking can make the other person listen more carefully to you without knowing why.

If you like the offer but want better terms, show some disappointment. This can help you get lower prices or higher salaries.

When you wake up to your alarm, sit up and make two fists like you just scored a goal. This can make you feel more energized and ready for the day.

To avoid worrying about locking the door or turning off appliances, say a weird phrase out loud while doing them. In the future, remembering the odd phrase will ease your fears.

Stop arguments by being kind or quiet and calm. Putting yourself in the other person’s position can also help you see their point of view better.

When working with a lazy team member, give them a task by saying, “Start with this.” This makes the work seem easier, and they are more likely to do the rest of the tasks that come after.

If you have to speak in public, have a bottle of water with you to moisten your mouth and give yourself short breaks. If you’re nervous, telling the audience can help make the atmosphere lighter.

If someone is looking at you in public, look at their shoes, which may bother them.

Acting worried every time you see someone can make them feel nervous around you too.

When pointing out someone’s mistake, say it in a less blaming way, focusing on the thing rather than the person. For example, say, “The window was open all night” instead of “You left the window open when you left.”

Think that you slept well, even if you didn’t, as it can boost your brain function, according to a study.

During job interviews, try to arrange them at the start or end of the workday. People tend to recall things better when they happen at these times, increasing your chances of being remembered among other candidates

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    KIWritten by Kelvin Igeria

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