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Allow yourself to feel what you want....

By MJPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Yet another day passes without me getting up earlier..

This life irks me. I can't be perfect, why?

Shit., What's going on with me? I feel Pointless.

All I want to do is get rid of all of these thoughts.

Working might be helpful.

Perhaps some good music and some ideas would also be helpful.

However, I'll say it again: I'm going to STOP thinking about these many things.


I'm back in this cloudy location.

Music makes no sense.

The body no longer responds; breathing becomes labored and the light I was hoping for crashes down.


I think more and do less…

I am good at thinking of new ways to make things better, and although I have many ideas and detailed plans in my head, I spend far too much time thinking of all the great things I can do… and therefore do not actually act. When it's time to put them into action I spend so much time daydreaming about all the beautiful things I could be doing… I put the work or movement off for some other time - however sooner or later, I understand that I need more time..

I Dissect Everything and Everybody..

Indeed, even the littlest activities or ways of behaving can uncover a ton about an individual - the manner in which they talk or act says a great deal regarding somebody.Overthinkers excel at combining these behaviors.I enjoy getting to know and understand the people around me, not through rumors or gossip but through truly comprehending their actions and the reasons for them. Underneath a person's outward appearance are a lot of secrets, and understanding them well will help you uncover them..

I am Continuously Searching For Buried Messages..

Most people speak their minds, especially when discussing everyday issues.However, if I overthink anything, I could perceive every word as a coded message that must be cracked in order to understand its underlying meaning. The smallest irregularities will be exaggerated; failing to greet me in the morning implies that they are upset with me. Not being invited anywhere suddenly indicates that someone despises me. I stress over every tiny change in tone .. I'll fixate on every little change in tone to explore the true meaning of what the other person is saying, when there isnt one...

I Tend to Flicker..

Fidgeting is frequently the result of thoughts running through your head.I frequently rub my hands over my face and nose, stomp my foot, and twist my hair...

I make every effort to stay away from conflict..

I despise conflict, whether it comes from within myself or others.. Conflict makes me uncomfortable and gives me something to worry about excessively. I have a tendency to shut down whenever it appears as though a conflict is about to break out...

I am Quickly drawn offtrack..

It's difficult to keep fixed on one thing when there are many different things at the forefront of your thoughts. I find it harder to complete any task that calls for sustained concentration. Sometimes, In the middle of a conversation my mind has already wandered somewhere else, within a matter of seconds I have completely lost track of what was being discussed.

I desire that everything should be tidy and organised..

I usually start to panic when something isn't in order. I want everything to be neat and organized. I can't settle down until I'm sure everything around me is where it should be.I want to always have control and awareness so that I can overcome any challenge..

I get worried when I don't get an immediate reply..

As soon as I send on an SMS, I am waiting for a reply and watching the seconds pass. I worry that what I said was wrong, that they were angry, or that they were ignoring me. It's equally stressful to text first since I am unsure if someone really want to chat to you or if receiving a text from me is the last thing they want..

I struggle to let go of things..

I tend to be extremely stubborn and really don't let go of things easily......... I feel that if I give a problem enough thought, I can always come up with a solution. I make an effort to consider options and other viewpoints on the circumstance and look at the situation from different angles..Even while perseverance is a virtue, there are times when it is simply unnecessary..

I worry excessively..

All of the worrying that comes frequently makes me extremely indecisive, no matter how small the decision is, and I have backup plans for my backup plans for any situation.I look at things from all angles and understanding all possible outcomes, even the worst-case scenarios.

I tend to blame myself for everything..

Whether it is my fault or not, I always place the blame on myself. I feel I am solely responsible for my life and I think that I alone am to blame for every misfortune that comes my way. When someone is offended, my first assumption is that I said or did something incorrectly.

I have A Ton Of Disappointments..

Even after giving things a lot of thought, I frequently come to regret both the choices.. I made and those I didn't. I regret even the smallest choices that may not have any lasting effects on my life, and it can be challenging to let go of these regrets and stop daydreaming about what might have been.

Sometimes I want someone else to decide for me..

Even though there are times when I want other people to make a decision for me, this does not mean that I am completely reliant on other people to make my decisions. Even if I can't stop it, I know how difficult it is for me to make any decision.So if there is an opportunity for someone else to take over, I sit back until a decision is made.

I Have Insomnia...

My overactive mind is always "on" which frequently makes it difficult for me to fall asleep. My mind replays everything that happened throughout the day, and you start to consider alternative outcomes. Even the smallest mistake I made during the day will come back to haunt me later. I find myself dwelling on things from the past even if there wasn't much going on that day.

Overthinking is an unhealthy habit that typically causes more stress by focusing on the negative, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future...

I try to make an effort to live in the present....

Keep the ideas that will help you and let rid of the ones that will hold you back!


About the Creator


There is only one plot.. Things are not what they seem....

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