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our ego is a weird storyteller

Ego’s favourite hobby is to create stories to make us feel inferior and insecure.

By Fahim ChughtaiPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The ego is a concept of who we are based on our past lived experience. Our ego is who we believe ourselves to be. Who we believe ourselves to begin at birth. We unconsciously absorb who we are based on those closest to us' opinions and core beliefs.

We internalize these beliefs. they become "truth."

As we begin to awaken, we become aware of the constant chatter within the mind.

"I am smart."

"I am shy."

"I am always attracting the wrong relationship."

"I am always behind."

The chatter is what the ego does all day long, driving us to engage in the same patterns, habits, and beliefs.

Becoming conscious of this event of who we allow us to begin to make choices beyond our own ego stories. Stories that are not true are practised thoughts we unconsciously believe to be true.

These are some of the most familiar stories of ego. This is an egos way of protecting us. This is how the ego keeps us repeating our past; even the past no longer serves us.

The truth is we are not our ego stories. Healing allows us to see this. Recovery will enable us to find a choice.

Ego's favourite stories

"I am not good enough."

Your ego is continuously telling you that you are not good enough. It compares yourself with others. It always compares. Ask a question to your ego, how much good I should be? Your ego reply, you should be useful than everyone. So, the ego wants to throw you into a fire of useless competition.

"People see doing better than me. "

The ego doesn't fall to sleep; it chatters in our minds. Now it says, people are doing great, but you are doing bad. The framework of ego is based on comparison .ego try to realize that people are doing better. Here we do not see with eyes, but we see to it with ego.

"No one ever stays or truly love me."

Ego makes you feel inferior. Now it is making you feel inadequate. You don't deserve love. It is a tactic of ego to laugh at your weaknesses. It ensures you that you are full of flaws.

Sometimes it forces us to feel insecure for our loved ones. This insecurity converts into control and jealousy.

"Someone is more attractive and desirable to than I am."

It tells you a story that you are not attractive .you are not desirable. You are a piece of trash. You are meaningless. Other people are more attractive. People talk to them, hang out with them. But you are alone. It also develops social anxiety at a certain point.

"I am behind in some way."

Career, relationships, in having children, in some accomplishment.

Ego is venerable to negative self-talk. Negative self-talk leads you to anxiety and depression. It produces stress in the mind. Ego is using comparing techniques to make you feel inferior.

"I can't do what other people can do."

The ego does demotivate you. It makes you feel miserable. You start blaming yourself again, negative chatting starts, it takes your energy .you to lose your motivational powers.

It tries to make you a disabled person. It is creating a comfort zone in your mind, where it starts a blaming game. Stories are made to believe.

It tells, you are a loser, and you are unable to do anything for yourself. You can't achieve anything. all other people are doing great.

This storytelling never ends. But we can heal ourselves. We should pay attention to our unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is a grave of desires and dreams .it is also a favourite place of conflicts. Our conscious mind is trying to engage us with itself.

You are never going to kill storytelling because it's built-in the human plan. We come with it.

Margaret Atwood, author of the handmaid's Tale.

6 important things to know about your ego, 

  1. your ego is the self's identity that lives within your mind.
  2. The ego beliefs about who we are have been practised since childhood. These beliefs are not truths; they are limited perceptions about our past.
  3. The ego begins developing in childhood where we unconsciously internalize the beliefs of our parent figures, teachers, peers, and community. This is called self-image.
  4. Ego is not bad or good; it is the neutral part of our psyche that helps us make sense of who we are. Our ego causes us issues when we have unresolved trauma and become attached to the false, negative self-image we inherited.
  5. A wounded ego is highly reactive and feels a difference of opinion as a threat to the sense of self.
  6. A healthy ego is flexible to different thoughts and opinions, understand the behaviours of others.


About the Creator

Fahim Chughtai

Mental Health, Personal growth, Relationships.

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