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'Stress can kill you ' a fear tactic

Common stress vs. chronic stress

By Fahim ChughtaiPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Vera Arsic from Pexels


Life is full of stressful situations whether worrying about your work, future, or relationships. No matter how common or severe the stressor, your body responds in the same way. 

This response doesn't directly result in death, but it can have serious health consequences over a length of time. 

After reading this article, you will able to recognize stress and manage it in your daily life. 

Types of stress

There are two types of stress, the good kind, and the bad kind. 

Both result in a fight or flight response that sends hormonal signals around your body, causing an increase in cortisol and adrenaline.

This leads to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and in turn, changes to almost every bodily system. this includes the immune system, digestive system, and brain.

Cortisol "can be beneficial in some situations, such as when it motivates your work on time.


A 2013 animal study found, a short term, moderate level of stress improved memory and increased alertness and performance in rats.

But log term- also known as chronic stress doesn't have the same motivational effects.

"Cortisol gets toxic in high doses over a chronic period," celan explains, adding that this is what leads to serious health issues.

If not stress, then what?

Stress itself can't kill you. But," over time, it can cause damage that leads to premature death," celan says. "that's why taking control over your stress is important."

How to recognize it?

Stress can affect your mental and physical can show up in different ways ;

Physical signs:


Muscle aches

Chest pain 

You can also face stomach issues, digestion issues, discomfort, and diarrhea.

People with stress can feel issues in their sexual life, for example, a tendency to get distracted at the moment.

Behavioral changes are common too. you may find it hard to concentrate or make your decisions in routine life.

You may become irritable with those around you and find yourself constantly worrying and feeling depressed.

Stress can affect your sleep, which can mean struggling to sleep at night, or finding that you are sleeping too much. 

What should you do?

Sometimes it's impossible to change the situation that's causing you to feel stressed. but you can learn to manage the effects stress has.

There are two methods, immediately calm your mind or a more long-term program.

You can try the following coping strategies:

Immediately relaxation 

Deep breathing

One of the easiest ways to manage stress, no matter where you are and what time it is.

Listen to mind fullness routine 

There are many apps and videos to guide you, try a calm or mindfulness app to start.


Try mediation or breathing techniques 

Set an achievable goal. daily 4 to 5 minutes breathing exercise in the morning and night. you can also meditate 2 times a day.


Thirty minutes of exercise a day is good for mood and overall health. if you can't manage exercise right now, go on the walk for at least 30 minutes. 


Breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth, holding each inward and outward breath for 5 seconds. repeat for 4 to 5 minutes.

Some more alternate ways 

Get into positive journaling 

Every day in the evening, write down a minimum of 5 positive things that happened over the day.

Use your support

Communicating with friends, family, and partners can help you.

What if the cause of stress is strong and hard to alter 

It is not easy to alter the cause of stress, sometimes causes could be strong. we also have certain mechanisms :

Accept that you can't change everything 

Instead of focusing on what you can't change, focus on the things that you can would give you motivation. 


Don't take the pressure of works and's ok if you can't complete them in one day you can carry on tomorrow.

Make time for yourself

Making time for yourself means a good walk, good exercise, a good book, good music, good communication, good interaction with (friends, family, pets) .make time for yourself. 

Change plans 

If you feel this plan is not working for anything, change your plans, don't force yourself into a plan which is not working.

How these strategies can make a difference?

When the mind becomes focused on a creative task, worrisome thoughts tend to fade away.

Dr.Carla Marie 

"Feel-good neurochemicals, such as serotonin and dopamine, activate positive feelings of wellness and Serenity," she says.

Exercise and meditation have a similar effect.

Not pushing yourself is also important. 

"A reduction in adrenaline and cortisol occurs when an individual isn't trying to please everyone and accomplish too much."


Whether you step out from your home or work out in the comfort of your home, you'll produce a boost in feel-good neurochemical and may improve your sleeping patterns

What can happen iou don't caref y about your stress?

The long term stress is harmful to the brain and can destroy your health badly. if you manage it with helping strategies or tools then it's ok, otherwise, contact a psychologist immediately.

Tell him what do you think about why you are feeling stress, point out your body symptoms.

Psychologists may recommend a form of therapy or prescribe medication (by discussing with a psychiatrist) to help relieve some of the symptoms you have described.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a common recommendation.

It helps you understand exactly what causes you to feel stressed and work to reduce those feelings with new coping mechanisms.

All references 

All 5 things you should know about stress. (n.d.).

Celan P. (2020). Personal interview.

How to manage stress. (2017).

Kirby ED, et al. (2013). Acute stress enhances adult rat hippocampal neurogenesis and activation of newborn neurons via secreted astrocytic FGF2. DOI:


Manly C. (2020). Personal interview.

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019). Chronic stress puts your health at risk.

Physical activity reduces stress. (n.d.).

Salleh MR, et al. (2008). Life event, stress and illness.

Stress. (2019).

Stress and heart health. (2014).


About the Creator

Fahim Chughtai

Mental Health, Personal growth, Relationships.

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