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Navigating the Post-Pandemic Mental Health Crisis: The Impact of Technology and the Path to Healing

Understanding the Challenges, Empowering Our Youth, and Cultivating Human Connection in a Digital Age

By Trista HarrisonPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Navigating the Post-Pandemic Mental Health Crisis: The Impact of Technology and the Path to Healing
Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

Nowadays, all you hear about online post-pandemic is the mental health crisis surrounding us and our youth.

I’ll be the first to say I struggle with my mental health, and It’s gotten worse post-pandemic for me and those around me.

The reason for this has been a total disruption of our life, which, in turn, causes us to consume more social media with our idle time. With this increase in idle time and mindless consuming of our feeds, we have increasingly started comparing ourselves to those around us and those online. Thoughts like "I’m fat," "I’m not pretty enough," and "my life isn't exciting enough" have become common.

Our youth is especially at risk. They’re willing to do anything for the tiniest bit of internet fame and attention. Even if it’s negative because, hey, even if it's not good, at least people are talking about me. Only to find themselves in a downward spiral that they may never recover from.

Once they’ve hit rock bottom, there’s not even much help for them because there are so many children just like them that our mental health system is in overload so they don’t get the help they need, only to become the future lost and forgotten of society’s reach.

We need to do our best as adults to protect these young and vulnerable minds of our future before it's too late.

This mental health crisis just doesn’t affect children; it's affecting us as adults as well. We've become far too lonely and far too isolated. They say there’s a men’s loneliness epidemic and young men are increasingly looking to outside influences like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson. But in my opinion, this epidemic affects all of us as humans.

Despite our mental health systems and doctors being stretched thin, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t reach out for help if we can, no matter how minor you think your pain or your problems may be. Don’t procrastinate on reaching out.

These minor problems and emotional pain can snowball into something disastrous if we let them. Not only would it affect us, it would affect our loved ones and the people we care about.

We’re increasingly becoming more detached from the real world and the people in it to satisfy our online persona. We’ve got to have this like, we’ve got to have this heart, yet does any of that even matter?

No, it doesn’t.

We can’t control the internet or other people, so what I suppose we do for our children is to spend quality time with them, just don’t put them in front of an iPad or iPhone. Show them that you genuinely care and love them as much as you say you do.

For our friends, check on them and be there for them. Talk to them about these hard topics like mental health and loneliness.

We’re all crazy in some shape or form but if we can take steps to love and care for one another, we can create a better tomorrow.

Do your part and reach out to a loved one or friend. We have lost far too many good people due to the concurring opiate epidemic that’s going on, which has become worse with this pandemic. Our vulnerable adults and children are turning to drugs to escape this pain and numb themselves from this world.

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About the Creator

Trista Harrison

I hope you discover, within my writing, something that ignites a flame within you.

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