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Many times narcissistic is back

By FxtehPublished 7 months ago 5 min read
Narcissistic is back

How many times the narcissist comes back

Can a narcissist come back two, three, five times... of course he can. A narcissist can come back many times. He can come back as many times as you let him. On average, it is about seven times, and there are also extreme cases where there are several dozen returns.

Every time you take a narcissist back, it tells him that your boundaries are weak or non-existent. This tells the narcissist that you are addicted, desperate, lonely, and unhappy. This tells the narcissist that you need him. The more you accept a narcissist, the more you become his property. The narcissist will come back if he senses that you are his entertainment, his audience, that he has someone to play for, someone to use. Your psyche and your brain are a playground for a narcissist, first he will build a sand castle and take you to the highest tower, and then he will throw you down and destroy everything with a shovel.

This is why you should never take a narcissist back, even the first time, because after that, it will no longer be a castle and a tower, but a dungeon and instruments of torture.

Every time you take a narcissist back, your power, strength and energy drop to zero. This is because then the narcissist thinks he can do whatever he wants, both with you and when you can’t see.

The narcissist will try to come back whether, tomorrow, next year, or ten years , sooner or later, you will most likely hear from him again.

You must use no contact, do not entertain the narcissist, do not tell him anything, do not send, do not receive, do not read, you must block and delete him.

Your opinion is important. If you said something, don’t throw your words into the wind. If you said it’s over, then it must be over. Otherwise, the narcissist will consider you weak. If you let the narcissist come back after you have said it’s over, it means that your words mean nothing, it is a message to the narcissist that he can come back and do the same thing over and over again.

How many times do you want to watch the same movie that you don’t like, how many times do you want to go to the same circus with a clown who cannot entertain you and can only bring misfortune to you?

In this circus, it’s not the clown who entertains you. It’s you who entertains the clown. You must use no contact, do not entertain a narcissist, do not feed wild animals, because you may become food yourself.

Narcissistic abuse is an attack on everything that is you, an attempt to totally disasemble and scramble who you are. Any good feelings you have about yourself, your place in the world, and your relationships are simply not allowed and will be severed completely from you, stripped away in the most painful way possible. Your pain is a salve that sooths and cools the narcissist’s inner termoil.
Many people believe that a narcissist always wins and lives a perfect, happy life. This is an illusion that, unfortunately, many people believe in.

Give a narcissist enough time, and he will make plenty of mistakes. A narcissist makes reckless decisions, which sooner or later end with negative consequences for him.

A narcissist leads a double life, he does not lead a life with one person like most people, a narcissist can also lead a triple or multiple life with multiple people, whether it be ex-partners, future partners, work affairs this way the narcissist will get into problems because everyone, even the best liar or manipulator, will eventually make a mistake.

Sometimes, it is a coincidence. Sometimes, it is a human factor.

Why do you think the narcissist got bored with you so often and fell asleep.

This is caused by a lack of energy - the narcissist lacks energy because what he does all day is extremely exhausting.

A narcissist who lies all the time depletes himself of energy and gets himself into problems.

You can’t live at high speed all the time. No one can live like that for a long period of time.

Sooner or later, you will have to pay for it, and this negatively affects the narcissist’s health, whether it is a fast life with multiple sources of supply or pathological lying.

A narcissist has one life, and if he tries to live on several fronts, he will pay the price. A narcissist wears out much faster than a normal person who is able to achieve peace.

The narcissist is unable to achieve peace and must constantly be doing something.

Lack of rest and peace often leads to illness.

Many narcissistic people will get into trouble just by their behaviour. You don’t have to do anything. The narcissist will often finish himself. Sometimes, even you will be able to see it.

I been wanting to but i cant seem to forgive my deceased mother for sticking it to me one last time on her way out.I wish so bad she would of made me feel loved like she did for my 2 brothers. She hated me for not taking sides in her devorice with my dad. I was only 11 years old at the time qnd she put us in the middle. I chose to love qnd respect both my parents equally when both my brothers cut my father out of there lives for mother. They got all of her money ,homes pretty much everything and i was left out..But im the winner because ive had 40 years with my dad at that my friends is something money cant buy
How many times the narcissist comes back
Can a narcissist come back two, three, five times... of course he can. A narcissist can come back many times. He can come back as many times as you let him. On average, it is about seven times, and there are also extreme cases where there are several dozen returns.

Every time you take a narcissist back, it tells him that your boundaries are weak or non-existent. This tells the narcissist that you are addicted, desperate, lonely, and unhappy. This tells the narcissist that you need him. The more you accept a narcissist, the more you become his property. The narcissist will come back if he senses that you are his entertainment, his audience, that he has someone to play for, someone to use. Your psyche and your brain are a playground for a narcissist, first he will build a sand castle and take you to the highest tower, and then he will throw you down and destroy everything with a shovel.

This is why you should never take a narcissist back, even the first time, because after that, it will no longer be a castle and a tower, but a dungeon and instruments of torture.

Every time you take a narcissist back, your power, strength and energy drop to zero. This is because then the narcissist thinks he can do whatever he wants, both with you and when you can’t see.

Please accept this my dear reading friend 


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Comments (1)

  • Test6 months ago

    Very interesting captivating story

FxtehWritten by Fxteh

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