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My hook-up revealed that his job is: Male Sex Worker


By Athena Published 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
My hook-up revealed that his job is: Male Sex Worker
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Some of us live our life by identifying the magnitude of our ENERGY. We try to meet people on the same FREQUENCY as us. But often enough we LEARN best from people who have a different energy than us - but closely matched to our own in terms of intensity and transparency. But THEY live their life on a different ELEVATION with different RISKS. Those of us who have managed on create a distinct barrier and understanding of our sexual identity and boundaries - will simply have SEX with the people who just flat out asks us for it. No hidden games. No hidden expectations. Just MUTUAL fun. Just helping each other CUM.

I basically met X. on Tinder. We are both 1991 BABES and from extremely different BACKGROUNDS (both ethnicity wise and culturally). Our written conversation on Tinder amounted to less than 5 minutes of real time. We were both on the same page of looking for a GOOD TIME. He definitely didn't seem to mind my openness about sex or minded that it was all that I was looking for.

So when did he drop the BOMB? That he was a SEX WORKER? Of-course during the middle of his Deep Tissue Full Body Massage on me. Using some weird-ass Ginger Chili Massage Oil (that he brought). But not - like I was gunna say NO to a really attractive guy - putting his hands all over me. And knowing that it would FEEL good. 5 Minutes after he revealed that little bit about himself - his head was between my legs - and yeah. I could see why SOME people would pay him for his skills. And UH definitely felt lucky that I was getting it for FREE.

He was extremely self- aware. And acknowledge that his path in life in his opinion - was predominantly because of his parents splitting up (never having any consistent exposure to love or what healthy relationships looked like) - and dealing with an alcoholic father. We had a good heart to heart before, during and after sex. He said that he provides a variety of "experiences" for both male and female clients with respect to his own personal boundaries as he considers himself a straight-male.

To my knowledge this is the first time I have had sex with someone who has admitted to accepting money for "sex work". And while he does normally stick to Bachelorette Parties his experiences includes having sex in-front of an audience that paid for it to simply having dinner and a conversation with someone because they were lonely.

And while I do consider myself an everyday person - I do also consider myself one with nature and one with the world and those who will treat me GOOD as a WORTH-WHILE experience going outside of the NORMS to fall into and get lost IN. Looking past someone's occupation, sexual history, or in-general many of the "DEAL" breakers to simply EXPERIENCE someone - because it will bring you PLEASURE - is a learned behaviour. A complete re-wiring of your brain to accept - people as people. The very OUTCOME of their parents. The outcome of their genetic lottery. The outcome of the environment they were raised in. And their own ability and display of resilience to acknowledge that their parents are just people too. Being able to grasp out of the DARKNESS requires you to SHINE completely on your own.

Being able to have a conversation with someone during sex - often indicates that you chose someone that your soul understands - and is a good CHOICE to have sex with. It doesn't need to mean forever. It doesn't need to even be more than once. The experience is simply to have TOUCHED someone in the closest way possible physically and perhaps even mentally or emotionally and knowing that in this time and moment the TWO of you existed.

Will I see him again? Definitely. If he wants to see ME again. After-all he had a great time too!


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