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Mirror Moment

Was it all a dream?

By Chelsie MonetPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Peaceful place to meet face to face. By Chelsie Monet

She opened the door. A woman stood there smiling, and staring in her eyes as if she known her in another life. She entered the room, and from the bedroom behind, he asked “who is it baby?” She answered with large eyes on the woman, “I don’t know, but she’s here now.”

The woman entered the room, with the door closing behind her. Silently looking around with a familiar gaze, and a hint of disgust as the room was full of unfamiliar items. She went back to open the door to ask her to leave, looking down the long, bright hallway. “When is she going to leave?” she thought to herself. “Ma’am who are you, and why are you here?” She asked sternly.

The woman turned, and smiled from the living room. As she was about to speak to explain herself, her eyes turned pure white, rolling up toward the detailed ceiling. Her knees collapsed beneath her, and her hands reached for her heart, as she gasped her last breathe...

“What just happened?” He came out from the bedroom in heat, and confusion of what was taking her so long to come back with chocolate strawberries; to see the woman on the floor, still as hardened old molasses. “Babe what is going on? Who is that? What’s wrong with her?” He questioned.

“I don’t know.” She responded. “But I think she’s dead.”

“What do you mean you think she’s dead? Who is she?” He asked with keen suspicion.

“I don’t know!” She exclaimed with more confusion in her tone.

“How did she get in here!? What did you do to her?” He asked.

“I just opened the door, and she walked in! I didn’t do anything to her she just fell out! I think she’s been here before she looked around like we were not supposed to be here or something.” She explained at the pace of her racing heart.

“Why did you let her in!?” He said angrily.

“I didn’t, she just came in like she belongs here or owns the place!” She replied, still confused as to why the woman smiled at her.

“Okay, we have to call someone right now.” He said pulling out his phone.

“No!” She exclaimed. “We can’t! We are young, and this place is expensive they will blame us, and think we did something to her!” She argued.

“So what? We didn’t do anything!” He replied with reason.

“I know, but they don’t know that!” She rationalized.

“Okay well what do you think we should do then?” He asked if it stating a fact, and came closer to get another angle on the dead body on the floor.

She looked up, and noticed tiles in the ceiling. “There, let’s just put her up there abs get the hell out of here.”

He hesitated, looking at his phone ready to dial for help. “This is a terrible idea, and when it’s all said and done this is on you.”

“Just help me get her up there, my gut is screaming don’t call anyone.”

“Forget your gut! I’m not going back to jail for this crap!” He forcibly whispered at her.

“Neither am I butthole now help me!” she whisper, yelled back at him.

The two find angle to reach the ceiling by way of the ladder in the storage closet near the mantle. Short and thick, the woman’s dense limp body took all of her strength and a surplus of will power to move the corpse into the ceiling.

The two sat side by side on the couch, wondering how they got to this point. Why in Gods name would this woman come here, to their vacation honeymoon suite? How did she just die like that, and why was she happy to see her?

“So now what...” he exhaled with deep annoyance, and disdain for the decision that had just been made.

“Now we get our stuff, leave, and never look back. Those hallways have cameras, and it most likely shows her coming in here. We just act like we don’t know anything,” she said.

“Then if we leave now it will look like we did something to her! I’m not with this crap, I signed up for metaphorical shackles, not real ones. What the hell babe!?” he said, looking at her blown away that this was the result of their honeymoon.

“Okay fine, we can just leave and come back for our stuff.” She protested.

“Yeah? Okay, to go where?” He asked with doubtful sarcasm.

“I don’t know let’s just get out of here!”she exclaimed.

They quickly put on new clothes, and tennis shoes as if they were going to the gym for a late night work out, with intentions to return early in the morning to reclaim the rest of their items.

They went to a nearby park where they enjoyed sitting by the lake watching the full moon dance along the water. They sat hand in hand in silence, as they both muddled on the consequence of never seeing each other again.

As the sun rose, she told him she wanted to shower and retrieve the rest of her belongings. When suddenly, an alert came to his phone about a missing, middle aged woman. He opened the notification, and his eyes widened. “Uhm isn’t this the woman we just put in the ceiling?”

Showing her the image, her jaw dropped as her brain scrambled for answers. “What!? Someone is looking for her??”

“Hell! Do you think they’re going to come here? Why did I let you talk me into this?”He sighed with exhaustive force.

“Because you love me and I love you and this crap has nothing to do with us; but, yes someone will probably come looking and we won’t be around to find out.” She said determined to make him feel secure, through her own insecurity.

The pair returned to the honeymoon time share rental to retrieve their belongings; only to walk in on a search party for the missing woman in the lobby of the building.

They quickly went to the elevator, looking at one another with the fear of God in their eyes. When they got back inside they quickly started cleaning, and grabbing any and everything that belonged to them. Then suddenly a key was heard jiggling, and entering the locked front door. With only a few more items to grab they quickly threw their duffle bags outside down the backside of the building to retrieve them after retreating from the room.

“We’ll just tell them we checked out last night, and came by because we forgot a couple things...” she told him, as he rolled his eyes for the next dig deeper into the mess they were already in.

A woman came through the door and looked at them with surprise, as if she was expecting no one to be there.

She quickly said, “hello, we were just finishing up some cleaning and we are on our way out.”

“Who are you? Have you seen Sonia?” The woman asked with concern, and hope in her eyes.

“We don’t know who you’re talking about ma’am we are just cleaning and leaving this rental property,” she said reassuringly.

The woman’s face turned sour, and with suspicious eyes she accepted her response and walked toward the freshly cleaned kitchen to look around.

She quickly went to the living room table where her journal, and receipts were the last thing there. She knew that the trash was full of their DNA, but she couldn’t think like that. She grabbed any and everything putting it in the trash can, and removed the bag.

As the woman looking for Sonia made her way toward the living room she noticed white dust on the ground. She looked around in wonder of where it may have come from.

He made his way out of the door silently, and without notice while she intended to quickly follow. When the woman stopped her and asked suspiciously, “you’re sure you didn’t see anyone?”

“No ma’am I’m sorry I hope you find who you’re looking for,” she replied with a friendly, dismissive disposition.

Slightly under her breathe, the woman replied with similar disposition, “strange enough, you look just like her when she was a young woman, take care miss...?” As if to acquire her name.

Replying with a soft sigh, she quickly exited, taking the back stairs down to the back of the waterfront property, garbage in hand.

When she reached the bottom and got outside she started around the back of the building, put the trash in the large bin and grabbed her bag. Her heart dropped as she noticed his bag was already gone.

She made her way down the steep hill past the group of in bloom cherry blossoms. Before reaching the bottom, she noticed Dalmatian sized hounds headed towards her. She started to jog as if in an unbothered rush toward no particular destination, when two of the keen dogs caught up to sniff her.

She happily greeted the dogs with a nervous sweat knowing she still had the woman’s scent all over, as she never got to take her shower. Then a doe eyed blue haired beauty approached her with a smile asking if she could please touch her hand. Her gut instinct spoke to her loud and clear saying, “...she is like us. She will know the truth.”

She didn’t want to seem suspicious so she gave her right hand hoping to distort what the clairvoyant woman might see. Taking her hand in hand, the woman responded “oh...I see.”

“What do you see?” she asked hesitantly trying not to envision what her response should be if she’s truly good at her job.

“I see pink, light pink, it’s a better color on you.” She said as a matter of fact with a soft smile, but lacking physical evidence.

She knew what light pink meant instantly. A familiar color to her, as it was the color of the city jail uniforms for the women fresh into lock up.

Have a great rest of your day the psychic said to her, walking away with confidence that Sonia would soon be found.

As the dogs followed, she went back towards the lake to search for him, with the inner knowing that she may never see him, or her freedom ever again.


About the Creator

Chelsie Monet

Sometimes I just wake up, and write. Its like God turns on my brain faucet and leaves it running just to see what will happen ;)

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    Chelsie MonetWritten by Chelsie Monet

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