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I feel like I have a mental illness!

Emotional disorders caused by real problems are psychological disorders

By Diane DoraPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
I feel like I have a mental illness!
Photo by Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

Psychology, a seemingly esoteric subject, an inner secret that some people would never come up with in their lives, was pushed to the forefront by the tide of the times, who had ever thought that there was such a concept as mental illness and that psychological problems were worthy of being explored. But as people's level of consciousness continues to develop, people are becoming aware of this discipline, people are becoming aware that there is something wrong with them, and people are becoming aware of how to grow up better, how to educate their children better, how to be happy in their relationships, and how to keep their children from being affected by their families of origin.

The pursuit of a higher quality of life comes more from inner richness.

However, many people do not have a clear line on whether they have a mental illness or not. You can feel something wrong inside you, but is it considered a mental illness?

How can you tell if you are suffering from a mental illness? First, you need to understand what the scope of mental illness is.

Mental illness can be divided into two kinds of mental disorders and diseases. Mental disorders are very common in daily life, such as mood swings and disorders caused by lost love, suffering setbacks, interpersonal conflicts, family conflicts, etc., a period caused by a bad state of mind, a decline in interest, disruption of life patterns, etc. These are emotional disorders caused by real problems and belong to mental disorders.

Most people who take the solution will go to seek the help of friends and family, but when people around you are not able to help you, or you do not want to let others know about you, this time you need to look for help from counselors.

Never assume that all mental illness is mental illness, although there are connected parts there are also differences.

Mental illnesses are mainly due to disorders of brain function, resulting in disorders of cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and volitional mental activities. Most people are unaware of their condition and do not admit that they are ill, and are reluctant to seek medical help.

Psychological disorders include depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, personality disorder, etc. Some of these disorders are also affected by the physiological functions of the brain. Patients are generally self-aware of their symptoms and want to get rid of them and feel pain about it. Psychological disorders also include psychophysiological disorders (psychosomatic disorders), psychological disorders caused by organic diseases of the nervous system, emotional disorders in children, learning disabilities, and various abnormalities in intellectual development.

By understanding and differentiating these types, you can understand what kind of state you are under and then seek different kinds of help afterward.

Often people are distressed by their recent low mood, and through their efforts and the efforts of others around them are not able to get themselves out of trouble, and doubt themselves, worrying whether they have a mental illness, perhaps often read some chicken soup, but the counselor is more to let you see what role they play in the relationship, their thinking patterns, personality traits, emotional state on the relationship The counselor will help you to see what kind of role you play in the relationship, what kind of influence your thinking patterns, personality traits, and emotional state have on the relationship so that you can adjust the bad patterns to improve the relationship. It is a feasible implementation plan and plan. When you see chicken soup, you feel that, well, life goes on afterward, the experience is still unpleasant, the problem is still not solved, and the ego is still not improved. Because some of the unconscious and subconscious content is not easily seen by oneself.

It does not mean that if you feel that you are not right and have a psychological disorder, you can only seek the help of a counselor. Anything that can make you change, that can make you have a pleasant emotional experience, that can reduce your suffering, is the way to go. Some people will choose to counsel to relieve their inner pain; others will become religious and pursue faith to relieve their inner pain, expecting to be blessed by the gods.

Either way, the purpose is to alleviate the pain, to get self-improvement, and to elevate the personality.

Some people have good awareness and are sensitive to catching the changes that arise within them and need to get help, while others may also be aware but don't see what's wrong with it and don't understand what impact it will have on their lives.

When you can realize that there is something different inside you, this is the beginning of self-improvement, and if you are willing to move forward and explore, you will have a more perfect version of yourself.

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About the Creator

Diane Dora

man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink.

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