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Hypnosis and Metaphysics are real!

How Hypnosis and Metaphysics Helped Me Achieve Success

By Mahi DasguptaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Hypnosis and Metaphysics are real!
Photo by Tbel Abuseridze on Unsplash

Like many people, I was initially skeptical about hypnosis and metaphysics. I had heard about them before, but I wasn't sure if they were really effective or just another New Age fad.

However, I was willing to give them a chance because I was desperate to overcome my anxiety and self-doubt. And to my surprise, they worked. It wasn't an overnight transformation, but over time, I noticed a significant improvement in my mindset and overall sense of well-being.

It was a bit of a shock to realize that I had been holding myself back with my own negative thoughts and beliefs. But once I was able to break through those barriers, I was able to tap into my full potential and achieve greater success than I ever thought possible.

So if you're skeptical about hypnosis and metaphysics, I understand. I was in the same boat. But I encourage you to keep an open mind and give them a chance. You might be surprised at how effective they can be in helping you overcome your own obstacles and achieve your goals.

Hypnosis and metaphysics are two powerful tools that can help us unlock our full potential and achieve greater success in life. While they may seem like unrelated concepts at first, they both share a common goal of tapping into our subconscious mind and harnessing its power.

Hypnosis, for example, is a state of deep relaxation and concentration that allows us to access our subconscious mind and make positive changes to our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Through hypnosis, we can overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve our overall sense of well-being.

Metaphysics, on the other hand, is a branch of philosophy that explores the nature of reality and the relationship between mind and matter. It teaches us that we are not simply passive observers of the world around us, but active participants who have the power to shape our own reality through our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions.

When combined, hypnosis and metaphysics can be a powerful force for personal transformation and success. By using hypnosis to access our subconscious mind and metaphysics to harness the power of our thoughts and beliefs, we can break through barriers and achieve our goals.

I personally have experienced the benefits of hypnosis and metaphysics firsthand. A few years ago, I was struggling with anxiety and self-doubt, which were holding me back from pursuing my goals and dreams. I had a lot of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that were preventing me from taking action and making progress in my career and personal life.

That's when I decided to try hypnosis and metaphysics to see if they could help me overcome my obstacles. I worked with a hypnotherapist who helped me identify my limiting beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations and visualizations. I also started studying metaphysics and learned how to use the power of my thoughts and beliefs to manifest my goals and dreams.

Over time, I noticed a significant improvement in my mindset and overall sense of well-being. I felt more confident, motivated, and optimistic about my future. I also started seeing tangible results in my career and personal life, such as getting a promotion at work and meeting the love of my life.

Here is the online course which helped me achive my goals- The mental time travel system

One of the most significant benefits of hypnosis and metaphysics was that they helped me break through the "fourth wall" of my own limiting beliefs and perceptions. I realized that I had been holding myself back with my own negative self-talk and beliefs about what was possible for me. Once I was able to break through those barriers, I was able to tap into my full potential and achieve greater success than I ever thought possible.

In conclusion, hypnosis and metaphysics are powerful tools that can help us unlock our full potential and achieve greater success in life. By using these tools to access our subconscious mind and harness the power of our thoughts and beliefs, we can break through barriers and achieve our goals. If you're struggling with self-doubt, anxiety, or limiting beliefs, consider giving hypnosis and metaphysics a try. You might be surprised at how much they can help you transform your life.

Although I pride myself for unlocking my potential I feel this would have been impossible without the 5 decades of experience and expertise on metaphysics and hypnosis that The Mental Time Travel System supported me with. So, I have them to thank the most in all my endeavours (Especially for the "Big 3").

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About the Creator

Mahi Dasgupta

Born into poverty, I worked hard in school and earned a scholarship to a prestigious university. Despite challenges, I graduated with honors and landed a top-tier job. Through determination I overcame my circumstances and achieved success.

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